0 - The Fool?

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

0 - The Fool? is an unlockable card added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.


  • Drops all hearts, trinkets, and pickups Isaac currently possesses on the ground near him, leaving Isaac at half a heart.
  • Pickups will be dropped grouped in their highest possible value:
    • Every 25 cents will first be dropped as the A QuarterA Quarter, then Dime.pngDimes for every remaining 10 cents, Nickel.pngNickels for every 5 cents, Double Penny.pngDouble Pennies for every 2 cents, then finally a Penny.pngPenny if Isaac has 1 remaining cent.
    • If Isaac has exactly 99 bombs, they will be dropped as PyroPyro. If less than 99, then Boom!Boom! for every 10 bombs, Double Bomb.pngDouble Bombs for every 2 bombs, then finally a Bomb.pngBomb if Isaac has 1 remaining.
    • If Isaac has exactly 99 keys, they will be dropped as Skeleton KeySkeleton Key. If less than 99, then Key Ring.pngKey Rings for every 2 Keys, then finally a Key.pngKey if Isaac has 1 remaining.
    • Every 2 full red hearts will first be dropped as Double Heart.pngDouble Hearts, then Red Heart.pngRed Hearts for every remaining red heart, then finally a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart if Isaac has one red heart remaining.
    • Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts, Half Soul Heart.pngHalf Soul Hearts, and Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts will be dropped as usual. If half a Black Heart needs to be dropped, it will drop as a Half Soul Heart. If Isaac only has Soul Hearts, then he will be left at half a Soul Heart. However, if Isaac has only Black Hearts or a mix of Black and Soul Hearts, then he will always be left at half a Black Heart.
    • Gold Heart.pngGold Hearts will be dropped as usual.
    • Bone Heart.pngBone Hearts will also be dropped. If Isaac only has Bone Hearts, then he can go down to one empty Bone Heart.
    • A single Rotten Heart.pngRotten Heart will not be dropped, and always stay in the container as the last remaining heart. Any additional Rotten Hearts will be dropped as usual.


  • The pickups Isaac drops are set and are not affected by replacement effects, i.e. Daemon's TailDaemon's Tail.
  • If the amount of pickups dropped exceeds the room's allowed space, then extra pickups will be stacked near Isaac's position when he used the item. The player can still move out of the way while using the card to avoid picking them up.




  • Greed's GulletGreed's Gullet: If Isaac only has heart containers granted by Greed's Gullet, then using 0 - The Fool? will kill him. The only exception is if all heart containers are empty and Isaac also has temporary health, in which case the card will leave him at half a Soul/Black Heart
  • Little BaggyLittle Baggy / Starter DeckStarter Deck / PolydactylyPolydactyly: The second held consumable will also be dropped.
  • Mother's KissMother's Kiss: If Isaac uses 0 - The Fool? while having only one heart container, he will die since dropping the trinket will remove his last health. Similarly, using the card as one of the characters that can't have red health while holding this trinket will kill the player instantly, as it drops the trinket, removing the last half soul heart the character normally would remain with.
  • TickTick: Cannot remove the Tick.
  • Character Bethany icon.pngBethany / Character Tainted Bethany icon.pngTainted Bethany: Drops Soul Heart and Red Heart charges.
  • Character Tainted ??? icon.pngTainted ???: Cannot drop his poop pickups.

In-game Footage

  • TBA