Dark Bum

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Dark Bum is a passive item.


(in Repentance and Repentance+) Loot Table
Pickup Chance
Black Heart.pngBlack Heart 40%
Card or Rune 20%
Pill 20%
Blue Spider 10%
Spider.pngSpider 10%
  • (except in Rebirth) This item belongs to the Super BumSuper Bum set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac's bums into Super Bum.


  • If Dark Bum enters one of a set of Super Secret RoomSuper Secret Rooms which allow only certain types of Hearts to generate in them, he will drop that type of heart instead of what he normally would.
    • The one which only allows Red Hearts will cause Dark Bum to consume the Red Hearts on the floor only to generate yet more Red Hearts. Leading Dark Bum around the room to consume the Red Hearts and then leaving the room before he's able to generate anything will avoid this.
  • (except in Rebirth) Dark Bum will not pick up Gold Heart.pngGold Hearts, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Blended Heart.pngBlended Hearts, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Bone Heart.pngBone Hearts, or (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Heart.pngRotten Hearts.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Temporary hearts (such as from Character Tainted Magdalene icon.pngTainted Magdalene, Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve with Collectible Birthright icon.pngBirthright, etc.) can be collected by Dark Bum, which situationally may prove useful or dangerous.
  • This item is very beneficial for characters that can't have heart containers ( Character ??? (Character) icon.png???, Character Tainted ??? icon.pngTainted ???, Character Dark Judas icon.pngDark Judas, Character Tainted Judas icon.pngTainted Judas, Character Tainted Forgotten icon.pngTainted Forgotten), since they have no use for Red Hearts.
    • Alternatively, Character The Forgotten icon.pngThe Forgotten or characters with low health may suffer from Dark Bum, as it will make it harder for The Forgotten to maintain Bone Hearts.
  • Character Keeper icon.pngKeeper / Character Tainted Keeper icon.pngTainted Keeper generally has no use for the Dark Bum since all Hearts are converted to Blue Flies.
    • This is averted if Keeper is in a co-op party with other characters that can utilize Hearts.
    • Dark Bum may also be picked up by Keeper for the potential transformation.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Red Heart.pngScared Hearts will run away from Dark Bum. Pinching them between Dark Bum and Isaac or walls/corners will make them easier for the Bum to collect.
  • (in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) From a scoring perspective, Hearts that Dark Bum picks up count towards your Schwag bonus on daily runs.
  • Dark Bum does not join the line of familiars that follow behind Isaac.


  • Collectible Humbleing Bundle icon.pngHumbleing Bundle / (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Equality!Equality!: Most Red Heart drops will become Double Red Heart drops. This counts as two full Red Hearts for Dark Bum, essentially doubling the value of it.


  • Collectible BFFS! icon.pngBFFS!: No effect, but familiar is bigger.
  • Collectible Dark Bum icon.pngDark Bum / (except in Rebirth)Collectible Cambion Conception icon.pngCambion Conception: Each Dark Bum tracks the collected hearts separately.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible Options? icon.pngOptions?: If one of the options is a Red Heart variant, Dark Bum may collect it, making the other option disappear.

In-game Footage



Bug Bug! Activating Glowing Hourglass twice after Dark Bum picked up Red Hearts and before he finishes his animation will save his Red Heart pick up progress while the Red Hearts will stay untouched in the room.