The Lamb

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Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders...

The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. [...]

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!” [...]

I watched as the Lamb opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

—Revelation 5:6, 5:13, and 6:12-17

The Lamb is the boss of the Dark RoomDark Room, and the final boss of Ending 15.


Phase 1

The Lamb floats towards Isaac and performs the following attacks:

  • Fires 2-4 lines of homing projectiles in a spread that rotate to follow Isaac's movements.
  • Unleashes a burst of many small Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac-like projectiles in random directions.
  • Fires 6 rings of 10 projectiles outwards with one projectile always aimed in Isaac's direction. The Lamb continues to move towards Isaac but at a very slow pace while performing this attack.
  • Shoots rotating waves of 3 projectiles around himself in all directions that split apart once they make contact with any surface, similar to Collectible The Parasite icon.pngThe Parasite.
  • Fires 5 rotating lines of projectiles.
    • The Lamb occasionally spawns 0-3 Attack Fly.pngAttack Flies during any of the 4 attacks above.

Phase 2

Once The Lamb reaches 50% HP, his body detaches from his head and falls to the ground. This phase has each part of The Lamb attacking independently of each other.

The head of The Lamb continues to chase Isaac and can still perform most of the attacks from Phase 1. He loses the explosive shot attack and no longer spawns Attack Flies but gains 3 additional attacks:

  • Charges extremely quickly directly towards Isaac, stopping at the edge of the room.
  • Stops in place and fires four Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone beams in the cardinal directions. The beams can rotate 90 degrees either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Fires a large burst of homing projectiles towards Isaac, similar to the combination of Collectible Monstro's Lung icon.pngMonstro's Lung and Collectible Spoon Bender icon.pngSpoon Bender.
  • Defeating the body first has no effect on the head's behavior.

The body of the Lamb remains stationary at the position the Lamb was at the end of Phase 1. The body has one attack which it performs at random intervals but while the head is attacking:

  • Fires a large burst of disorganized projectiles in all directions and spawns up to 5 Attack Flies.
    • If the head is defeated first, the body can spawn up to 25 Attack Flies.
  • When the body is killed, a Curse of Darkness.pngCurse of Darkness effect is applied for a long period of time.


Unlockable Achievements



  • Despite Jesus Christ often being referred to as the "Lamb of God" in the Bible in the books of John and Revelation, The Lamb in this scenario most likely refers instead to the ram that was sacrificed in Isaac's place in the story of Abraham and Isaac, which this game is based upon.
  • Upon defeating The Lamb, the song that plays in the credits changes to Hush (Jesus loves uke)
  • The music that plays during this battle is titled The Fallen Angel.[1]
  • The Lamb is likely a reference to the name of the original Binding of Isaac's DLC expansion, The Wrath of the Lamb. Due to the absence of any mention of a Lamb in the original game, this may be the character eponymous with The Wrath of the Lamb expansion pack.
  • The Lamb's battle portrait depicts him with dark grey bones, but in-game the Lamb has white bones.
  • The Lamb shares its name with a level from Edmund's previous game Super Meat Boy.
  • The Lamb is one of the three bosses that can dim the room (making a temporary Curse of Darkness.pngCurse of Darkness effect). The other bosses are Boss Dark One ingame.pngDark One and Boss The Adversary ingame.pngThe Adversary.
  • During an AMA stream, Edmund McMillen confirmed that The Lamb is "Isaac, dead, as a demon," and that it represents "his evil side". [2]
  • The Lamb is male.



Bug Bug! If The Lamb is shooting projectiles and you damage it over half of its health, it will continue to fire until dead or it has finished its attack.
Bug Bug! Killing the body in around 5 seconds will make the body stand inside of the chest, making you unable to reach it (and end the game). You can fix this by going in and out of the room.
Bug Bug! With the special seed BASEMENT and coming with the last sacrifice room reward, opening The Lamb's chest makes the game crash.
Bug Bug! If the body is hit with (in Repentance)Collectible Little Horn icon.pngLittle Horn effect after it is killed, it will be crushed by the (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Boss Big Horn ingame.pngBig Horn's hand and "die" again, causing Curse of Darkness.pngCurse of Darkness effect to be applied a second time. The body is not destroyed by the hand, so this can be repeated indefinitely. Regular tears cannot hit the body after it is defeated, a beam attack such as Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone or Collectible Technology icon.pngTechnology is needed to cause the bug.