Knife Piece 1

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Knife Piece 1 is a passive item added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.


  • Spawns a knife handle familiar that follows Isaac.
  • Generates a room in MinesMines / AshpitAshpit II for Collectible Knife Piece 2 icon.pngKnife Piece 2 to spawn in.
  • Combines with Collectible Knife Piece 2 icon.pngKnife Piece 2 to form a knife familiar that launches itself in the direction Isaac shoots, dealing 25 damage to and piercing enemies it hits.
  • Launching it at the red door at the end of MausoleumMausoleum/GehennaGehenna II will open the door, destroying the knife in the process.

How to Acquire

  • A white fire place will be present in DownpourDownpour / DrossDross II. Touching the white fire place temporarily transforms Isaac into Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost. Another room on the floor has a mirror, which Isaac can enter while a ghost. Walking through the mirror will teleport Isaac to the Mirrored World. The Knife Piece is in the Mirrored World's Treasure RoomTreasure Room. After acquiring it, Isaac can return to the normal floor by walking through the mirror again.
    • The mirror floor is technically a separate area to the normal floor with an identical layout, meaning all rooms will not be cleared, and that destroying obstacles in one area has no effect on the other.
    • No other items or pickups naturally spawn in the mirror floor, although they can still be generated or awarded for clearing a room.
    • If the character is Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost, Character Tainted Lost icon.pngTainted Lost, Character Tainted Jacob icon.pngTainted Jacob in his Lost form, Character Tainted Forgotten icon.pngTainted Forgotten's Soul, or any character upon using Soul of the LostSoul of the Lost, the mirror can be entered without interacting with the white campfire.
      • Since Tainted Forgotten does not need to interact with the white fire to enter the mirror, their normal health remains intact.
      • Despite the Soul of the Lost only lasting for one room in most circumstances, when used to enter the mirror, the Lost form will be kept until Isaac leaves the mirror world, meaning Isaac cannot keep his health on his way to obtain the Knife Piece.
    • Should the player use a Collectible Forget Me Now icon.pngForget Me Now on this floor, it's possible (though useless) to acquire two separate Knife Piece 1s.
      • However, the spare Knife Piece can be rerolled just like any other pedestal item.


  • Isaac will remain as The Lost until after he has cleared a room of enemies; it does not matter whether this room is in the mirror world. His normal form will be restored upon entering any room outside the mirror world. This effect can extend to the next floor.
  • If you don't have Collectible Holy Mantle icon.pngHoly Mantle unlocked on Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost, you don't get Holy Mantle while in ghost form.
  • The red door can alternatively be opened using Collectible Cracked Orb icon.pngCracked Orb, Collectible Sharp Key icon.pngSharp Key, or Soul of CainSoul of Cain.
  • The knife piece can be rerolled, in the event that Boss Mother secondphase ingame.pngMother is not the desired completion mark.
  • Knife Piece 1 takes 6th priority on the line of following familiars while the knife familiar created from both knife pieces takes 5th priority.
  • It's possible to see the Knife Piece 1 multiple times by using Collectible Forget Me Now icon.pngForget Me Now or Collectible R Key icon.pngR Key, allowing you to use the Collectible The D6 icon.pngThe D6 or Collectible Void icon.pngVoid on one of the duplicates while still collecting the other.


In-game Footage


  • Knife Piece 1 is from the Antibirth mod. In Antibirth, Isaac would acquire Knife Piece 1 by bombing open a hidden stone chest instead of entering the Mirrored World. Once bombed, the stone chest would remain open on subsequent runs.
    • Knife Piece 1 was also one of 3 knife pieces which needed to be combined to make the knife familiar instead of 2.