A Strange Door

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

A Strange Door locked.png

A Strange Door is a special exit that is unlocked by beating Boss Mother secondphase ingame.pngMother for the first time. It leads to a special version of MausoleumMausoleum/GehennaGehenna II, which contains Collectible Dad's Note icon.pngDad's Note, which starts the Ascent, and eventually HomeHome and the fight against Boss Dogma ingame.pngDogma and Boss The Beast ingame.pngThe Beast.

The door spawns in the starting room of DepthsDepths/NecropolisNecropolis/Dank DepthsDank Depths II. It can be opened by giving it Collectible The Polaroid icon.pngThe Polaroid or Collectible The Negative icon.pngThe Negative. This can be done through methods such as using a teleportation card, a Telepills, a teleport activated item, Collectible Ventricle Razor icon.pngVentricle Razor, or Collectible Forget Me Now icon.pngForget Me Now after defeating Boss Mom ingame.pngMom, escaping the boss room. The door can also be opened with Broken PadlockBroken Padlock, Collectible Cracked Orb icon.pngCracked Orb, Faded PolaroidFaded Polaroid, Soul of CainSoul of Cain, or Collectible Sharp Key icon.pngSharp Key, but not Collectible Mr. ME! icon.pngMr. ME!, Collectible Dad's Key icon.pngDad's Key,Mysterious PaperMysterious Paper, or a Get out of Jail Free CardGet out of Jail Free Card.

Having more than one of Collectible The Polaroid icon.pngThe Polaroid or Collectible The Negative icon.pngThe Negative, (such as through Collectible Diplopia icon.pngDiplopia or Collectible R Key icon.pngR Key) will only remove one to open the door. Faded PolaroidFaded Polaroid is always taken first if held, then The Negative and then The Polaroid.

A Marked Skull always spawns somewhere in the second floor of the chapter. Destroying it will drop a guaranteed 0 - The Fool0 - The Fool (or a Telepills if holding Collectible Little Baggy icon.pngLittle Baggy), giving a reliable way to open the door. It is recommended to visit the Boss RushBoss Rush room for a free item before teleporting out if possible. The Telepills will become a ??? if Isaac has Collectible Little Baggy icon.pngLittle Baggy and Collectible False PHD icon.pngFalse PHD, rendering it more difficult to exit the boss room.