Emergency Contact

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(except in Rebirth)

Emergency Contact is a consumable item added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth.


  • Spawns up to two of Mom's Hand.pngMom's Hands that fall down onto two random enemies in the room, dealing 40 damage.
    • Enemies with more than 40 HP and bosses will be pinned to the ground for some time, unable to do anything until the hand releases them.


  • When used on Boss Hush ingame.pngHush, damage resistance is briefly lowered. This can be used to deal additional damage to it.
  • Grabs mom's parts when they're out of the doors when used on Boss Mom ingame.pngMom. Does nothing if no part and monsters are visible.
  • Boss Isaac ingame.pngIsaac, Boss ??? ingame.png???, and first phase of Boss Hush ingame.pngHush will not retaliate with tears while grabbed.
  • The card will have no effect if used in a room without enemies.
  • (in Repentance) This card cannot be mimicked by Collectible Blank Card icon.pngBlank Card, and Collectible Tarot Cloth icon.pngTarot Cloth has no effect on it.