Ultra Secret Room (Item Pool)

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(in Repentance)

Items in this pool can be found in the Ultra Secret RoomUltra Secret Room. All these items have a red color scheme, matching the method to find the corresponding room. Prior to Patch 1.7.5, Ultra Secret Rooms contained Angel Room items.

Activated Collectibles

Name ID Icon Weight Description
Abyss 5.100.706
4 rooms
Destroys all items in the room and gives Isaac a unique locust familiar for each item destroyed. Some items generate locusts with special effects.
Berserk! 5.100.704
With damage dealt
Isaac goes berserk for 5 seconds, greatly increasing his speed, tears, and damage, but restricting him to using a melee weapon instead of his tears. This item charges by dealing damage to enemies instead of clearing rooms.
The D6 5.100.105
The D6
6 rooms
Re-rolls all items in the current room into other items, depending on the current room's Item Pool.
D20 5.100.166
6 rooms
Rerolls all pickups in the current room.
Dark Arts 5.100.705
Dark Arts
6 seconds
Briefly grants +1 speed and makes Isaac invulnerable and intangible. When the effect ends, destroys all projectiles and damages all enemies Isaac ran through.
Dataminer 5.100.481
4 rooms
Displaces enemy sprites for the current room, randomly increases one stat and decreases another.
Esau Jr. 5.100.703
Esau Jr.
1 room
Swaps between the current character and Esau Jr., who has +2 flat damage and flight. Characters have independent items and health. Dying as either character ends the run.
Flip 5.100.711
6 rooms
Item pedestals have a second uninteractable "ghostly" item behind them. Activating will flip the real and ghostly items around. If playing as Character Tainted Lazarus icon.pngTainted Lazarus, also flips between them and Character Dead Tainted Lazarus icon.pngDead Tainted Lazarus.
Gello 5.100.728
2 rooms
Spawns a demon familiar for the current room that's attached to Isaac and moves and fires in the direction Isaac shoots, using Isaac's damage, tears, range, shot speed, and special tear effects.
IV Bag 5.100.135
IV Bag
Damages Isaac and spawns a random amount of coins, similar to a Blood Donation Machine.pngBlood Donation Machine.
Kamikaze! 5.100.40
Creates an explosion around Isaac, damaging him and nearby enemies as well as destroying obstacles.
Kidney Bean 5.100.421
Kidney Bean
1 room
Isaac farts, charming all nearby enemies.
Plan C 5.100.475
Plan C
One time use
Kills all enemies in the room, then kills Isaac three seconds later.
Plum Flute 5.100.650
Plum Flute
4 rooms
Summons the boss Boss Baby Plum ingame.pngBaby Plum to fight for Isaac in the current room.
Portable Slot 5.100.177
Portable Slot
Consumes 1 Penny.pngPenny and has a chance to drop a random pickup, like a Slot Machine.pngSlot Machine.
Red Candle 5.100.289
Red Candle
4 seconds
Throws out a flame that damages everything in its path, diminishing in size as it hits enemies or blocks shots.
Red Key 5.100.580
Red Key
4 rooms
Creates a Red RoomRed Room adjacent to a viable wall, indicated by the outline of a door. These rooms have a 10% chance to be a special room.
Remote Detonator 5.100.137
Remote Detonator
Bomb.pngBombs placed by Isaac only explode when Remote Detonator is used. Gives 5 bombs.
Shoop da Whoop! 5.100.49
Shoop da Whoop!
2 rooms
Fires a laser from Isaac's mouth that deals twice Isaac's tear damage.
Sulfur 5.100.556
3 rooms
Grants Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone for the current room.
Yum Heart 5.100.45
Yum Heart
4 rooms
Restores one full Red Heart.pngRed Heart.

Passive Collectibles

Name ID Icon Weight Description
<3 5.100.15 <3
Grants Isaac one Red Heart container and fully restores Isaac's health.
2Spooky 5.100.554 2Spooky
Enemies near Isaac are afflicted with fear.
Abaddon 5.100.230 Abaddon
(except in Repentance) +1.5 damage, +0.2 speed. Removes all Red Heart containers, grants six Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, and adds a chance to shoot fear tears.
(in Repentance) +1.5 damage, +0.2 speed. Grants two Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, converts all Red Heart Containers into Black Hearts, and adds a chance to shoot fear tears.
Anemic 5.100.214 Anemic
After Isaac is damaged, a trail of red creep will be left behind him until he leaves the current room. (except in Repentance) +5 range. (in Repentance) +1.5 range.
Angry Fly 5.100.511 Angry Fly
Spawns a fly familiar that orbits around a random enemy and deals 30 damage per second to enemies it comes in contact with.
Apple! 5.100.443 Apple!
+0.3 tears. Adds a chance to fire a razor blade that deals 4× Isaac's damage.
Backstabber 5.100.506 Backstabber
Isaac's tears deal double damage and inflict bleeding on enemies if they're facing away from Isaac.
BFFS! 5.100.247 BFFS!
Increases the size and effectiveness of most familiars.
Bird's Eye 5.100.616 Bird's Eye
Gives a chance to shoot fires alongside tears that block enemy shots and deal damage to enemies that touch them.
Blood Bag 5.100.119 Blood Bag
Grants one filled Red Heart container, restores 4 Red Heart.pngRed Hearts, and increases speed by 0.3.
Blood Bombs 5.100.614 Blood Bombs
Grants a Red Heart container and restores 5 hearts. Bombs leave behind damaging red creep. Isaac can place Bomb.pngBombs at the cost of half a heart if he doesn't have any.
Blood Clot 5.100.254 Blood Clot
(except in Repentance)Tears fired from the left eye have +1 flat damage, +5 range, and +0.5 tear falling speed.
(in Repentance)Tears fired from the left eye have +1 flat damage and +2.75 range.
Blood Puppy 5.100.565 Blood Puppy
Spawns a familiar that chases enemies. After killing enough enemies, it becomes more powerful but will also try to hurt Isaac, it will also generate Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Hearts on enemy kills. It can increase in power one more stage after killing even more enemies. Dealing enough damage to it returns it to normal.
Bloody Gust 5.100.695 Bloody Gust
The first 6 times Isaac takes damage on a given floor, he gains Speed and Fire Rate for the rest of the floor, up to a maximum of +1.02 and +3.00, respectively.
Bloody Lust 5.100.157 Bloody Lust
Increases Isaac's damage whenever he takes damage, up to six times. The bonus resets when entering a new floor.
The Body 5.100.334 The Body
Adds 3 Red Heart Containers.
Boiled Baby 5.100.607 Boiled Baby
Gives Isaac a familiar that fires chaotic bursts of tears in all directions.
Brimstone 5.100.118 Brimstone
Tears are replaced with a blood laser beam that pierces through all enemies and obstacles in its path and deals high damage. Can only be fired after a short charge-up period.
Cambion Conception 5.100.412 Cambion Conception
After taking damage a certain amount of times, a permanent demonic familiar spawns.
Candy Heart 5.100.671 Candy Heart
Gives Isaac a permanent stat boost whenever he heals with Red Heart.pngRed Heart pickups.
Champion Belt 5.100.208 Champion Belt
+1 damage. Increases the chance of champion enemies appearing by 15%.
Contagion 5.100.466 Contagion
The first enemy killed in a room releases a gas cloud that poisons nearby enemies. Affected enemies will also release gas upon death, spreading the effect.
C Section 5.100.678 C Section
Replaces tears with fetuses that chase down enemies and deal contact damage. Each shot requires a brief charge up.
Cube of Meat 5.100.73 Cube of Meat
Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage.
Dead Eye 5.100.373 Dead Eye
Isaac's damage increases each time an enemy is hit. Damage is reset upon missing a shot.
Echo Chamber 5.100.700 Echo Chamber
When Isaac uses a Card, Pill, or Rune, he also uses a copy of the previous three Cards/Pills/Runes he used after picking up Echo Chamber.
Eye of Belial 5.100.462 Eye of Belial
Grants piercing tears. After piercing one enemy, tears start homing and deal double damage.
Eye of the Occult 5.100.572 Eye of the Occult
+1 damage, +2 range, -0.16 shot speed. Isaac's tears can be controlled mid-flight with tear controls.
False PHD 5.100.654 False PHD
Converts good pills into bad pills and identifies all pills. Bad pills now have secondary positive effects. Grants one Black Heart.pngBlack Heart.
Haemolacria 5.100.531 Haemolacria
Tears are now fired in an arc. Upon hitting the floor, an obstacle, or an enemy, they burst into many smaller tears in all directions. Increases tear delay.
Harlequin Baby 5.100.167 Harlequin Baby
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires two tears at once in a V-pattern.
Heartbreak 5.100.694 Heartbreak
Grants 3 broken hearts and +0.25 damage for every broken heart Isaac has. Every otherwise fatal hit will add 2 more until Isaac has nothing but broken hearts.
Hemoptysis 5.100.726 Hemoptysis
Double-tapping a fire button causes Isaac to sneeze blood, dealing damage to enemies in front of him. Affected enemies are cursed and take more damage from Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone-like attacks.
Hungry Soul 5.100.684 Hungry Soul
Enemies have a chance to spawn ghosts on death, which chase and deal contact damage to enemies and explode after a short time.
Hypercoagulation 5.100.724 Hypercoagulation
After Isaac takes damage from an enemy or donates health, launches Red Heart.pngRed Hearts from Isaac that despawn after 1.5 seconds.
Immaculate Heart 5.100.573 Immaculate Heart
Adds one Red Heart Container and fully restores health. x1.2 damage multiplier. Isaac will occasionally fire extra tears that orbit around him.
Isaac's Heart 5.100.276 Isaac's Heart
Isaac himself is now immune to all damage, and a heart familiar follows him. If the heart is hurt, Isaac is hurt. (in Repentance) The heart charges up as Isaac shoots, firing 8 blood shots, knocking back enemies, and leaving a puddle of creep when released.
Knockout Drops 5.100.637 Knockout Drops
Adds a chance to shoot a fist tear that has extremely high knockback and confuses enemies.
Lil Loki 5.100.435 Lil Loki
Spawns a Loki familiar that follows Isaac and fires 4 tears in a cross pattern.
Little C.H.A.D. 5.100.96 Little C.H.A.D.
Spawns a familiar who drops a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart every 3 rooms.
Lord of the Pit 5.100.82 Lord of the Pit
Grants flight and +0.3 speed.
Lusty Blood 5.100.411 Lusty Blood
Isaac's damage increases for the current room each time he kills an enemy.
Magic Mushroom 5.100.12 Magic Mushroom
(except in Repentance) Makes Isaac bigger. Adds one Red Heart Container, +0.3 Damage, x1.5 damage multiplier, +5.25 Range, +0.3 Speed, and restores all Health.
(in Repentance) Makes Isaac bigger. Adds one Red Heart Container, +0.3 Damage, x1.5 damage multiplier, +2.5 Range, +0.3 Speed, and restores all Health.
Magic Scab 5.100.253 Magic Scab
Grants one full Red Heart container, +1 luck. (in Repentance) Heals 1 additional Red Heart.pngRed Heart.
Magneto 5.100.53 Magneto
Pulls pickups towards Isaac.
The Mark 5.100.79 The Mark
(except in Repentance) Grants one Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart, +1 damage, and +0.2 speed.
(in Repentance) Grants one Black Heart.pngBlack Heart, +1 damage, and +0.2 speed.
Marked 5.100.394 Marked
Isaac will automatically fire tears directed at a red target on the ground. The target can be moved with tear controls. +0.7 tears, increases range.
Marrow 5.100.541 Marrow
Grants one Bone Heart.pngBone Heart and spawns three Red Heart.pngRed Hearts.
Maw Of The Void 5.100.399 Maw Of The Void
Charged by firing for 2.5 seconds and when released, creates a black ring around Isaac that rapidly deals damage. (except in Repentance) +1 damage, the ring can cause enemies to drop Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts.
MEAT! 5.100.193 MEAT!
Grants one full Red Heart container, +0.3 damage. (in Repentance) Heals 1 additional Red Heart.pngRed Heart
Mom's Contacts 5.100.110 Mom's Contacts
Adds a chance to shoot petrifying tears, which stop enemies in place and prevent them from moving or attacking. (except in Repentance) +0.25 range. (in Repentance) +1.5 range.
Mom's Heels 5.100.30 Mom's Heels
(except in Repentance) +5.25 range, +0.5 tear falling speed.
(in Repentance) +2.5 range, enemies that touch Isaac take 12 damage.
Mom's Lipstick 5.100.31 Mom's Lipstick
(except in Repentance)+5.25 range, +0.5 tear falling speed.
(in Repentance) +3.75 range. Spawns a Red Heart.pngHeart on pickup.
Money = Power 5.100.109 Money = Power
Increases damage by 0.04 for every Penny.pngcoin Isaac has, up to +3.96 damage at 99 coins.
Ocular Rift 5.100.606 Ocular Rift
Adds a chance to fire tears that create rifts where they land, which suck enemies, pickups, and shots towards them and damage enemies in the area.
The Pact 5.100.80 The Pact
(except in Repentance) Grants two Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts, +0.5 damage, and +0.7 tears.
(in Repentance) Grants two Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, +0.5 damage, and +0.7 tears.
Pentagram 5.100.51 Pentagram
+1 damage, increases Devil RoomDevil Room / Angel RoomAngel Room chance by 10%.
Proptosis 5.100.261 Proptosis
Tears start out massive with high damage, and then shrink down and become weaker over a short range.
Red Stew 5.100.621 Red Stew
Refills all heart containers. Grants an enormous damage boost that wears off over time.
Rosary 5.100.72 Rosary
Grants 3 Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts. Causes Collectible The Bible icon.pngThe Bible to appear in any item pool. (in Repentance) +0.5 tears.
Rotten Tomato 5.100.618 Rotten Tomato
Adds a chance to fire tears that mark enemies with the Bait status effect. Enemies marked as bait are attacked by other enemies.
Sacred Heart 5.100.182 Sacred Heart
(except in Repentance) Adds a Red Heart Container. Grants homing tears, a x2.3 Damage multiplier, +1 flat Damage, -0.4 Tears, -0.25 Shot Speed, and +4.125 Range.
(in Repentance) Adds a Red Heart Container. Grants homing tears, a x2.3 Damage multiplier, +1 flat Damage, -0.4 Tears, and -0.25 Shot Speed.
Sanguine Bond 5.100.692 Sanguine Bond
Spawns a special set of spikes in the Devil RoomDevil Room. Taking damage from the spikes has a chance to grant a reward.
Sister Maggy 5.100.67 Sister Maggy
(except in Repentance) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting tears that deal 3.5 damage.
(in Repentance) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting tears that deal 6 damage.
Spirit of the Night 5.100.159 Spirit of the Night
Grants spectral tears and flight.
Stem Cells 5.100.176 Stem Cells
Grants one full Red Heart container and +0.16 shot speed. (in Repentance) Heals 1 additional Red Heart.pngRed Heart
Varicose Veins 5.100.452 Varicose Veins
Taking damage releases a ring of 10 high damage tears.
Vasculitis 5.100.657 Vasculitis
Enemies explode into tears upon death, which inherit the effects of Isaac's tears.
Vengeful Spirit 5.100.702 Vengeful Spirit
After taking damage, spawns an orbital wisp that lasts for the entire floor, up to a maximum of six. They fire tears but do not block shots.
The Virus 5.100.13 The Virus
Isaac poisons enemies on contact. (except in Repentance) -0.1 speed. (in Repentance) +0.2 speed. (in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) Poisoned enemies have a chance to drop a black heart when killed.
Whore of Babylon 5.100.122 Whore of Babylon
Grants +1.5 Damage and +0.3 Speed whenever Isaac has a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart or less.
Worm Friend 5.100.682 Worm Friend
Gives Isaac a Nerve Ending.pngNerve Ending familiar that burrows out of the ground to grab and deal damage to enemies over time.