Compound Fracture

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(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)
This article is about Compound Fracture, similar in appearance to Brittle Bones.

Compound Fracture is an unlockable passive item added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth †.


  • Tears turn into bones, which shatter into 1-3 shards upon hitting an obstacle or enemy, which each deal 50% of Isaac's Damage.
    • Unlike Collectible The Parasite icon.pngThe Parasite, there is no damage minimum on splitting, but the tears can also split only once.
    • The shards have a fixed size, about the same as a 3.5 damage tear, regardless of their Damage.
  • +1.5 Range.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) +1.0 Tear Falling Speed.


  • Collectible Bob's Rotten Head icon.pngBob's Rotten Head: The bomb will break into 1-3 more bombs which are launched in random directions from the point of impact.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible C Section icon.pngC Section: Fetuses are skeletons that shoot splitting bone fragments when in contact with an enemy.
  • Collectible Cricket's Body icon.pngCricket's Body/Collectible The Parasite icon.pngThe Parasite: Each tear splits into more tears, which will all shatter.
  • Collectible Haemolacria icon.pngHaemolacria: Tears will sometimes burst into smaller tears when hitting obstacles or enemies. These smaller tears are miniature versions of Haemolacria tears, which will burst when hitting the ground.
  • Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac: If the bone tear hits a wall or an obstacle, it will split into explosive half-damage shards. Hits on enemies and the floor behave as normal Ipecac.
  • Collectible The Ludovico Technique icon.pngThe Ludovico Technique: Tear turns into a spinning bone that rapidly spews out smaller bone shots on contact with enemies.
  • Collectible Kidney Stone icon.pngKidney Stone: First bullet shatters into smaller kidney stone bullets
  • Spectral tears: Bones pass through obstacles and generate shards for each obstacle they pass through, which can result in many shards being generated from a single bone.
  • Collectible Technology Zero icon.pngTechnology Zero: The bone fragments will be connected by the electric current.


  • Collectible Anti-Gravity icon.pngAnti-Gravity: Bone tears will hover until released but bone shards will travel normally.
  • Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone: Overrides Compound Fracture.
  • Collectible Dr. Fetus icon.pngDr. Fetus: Overrides Compound Fracture.
  • Collectible Epic Fetus icon.pngEpic Fetus: Overrides Compound Fracture.
  • Collectible Flat Stone icon.pngFlat Stone: Bone tears will bounce when they are fired, however, bone shards will not bounce when they travel.
  • Character The Forgotten icon.pngThe Forgotten: Smaller bone shots appear whenever an enemy is hit with the melee attack. (except in Repentance and Repentance+) The bone toss is unaffected.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Bone toss attack also creates bone tears.
  • Collectible Lachryphagy icon.pngLachryphagy: Bone tears can be fed and will burst into split tears. Bone tears will burst into bone shards when hitting obstacles or enemies which can also be fed and burst into split tears and bone shards yet again. When bone shards are fed, they turn back into bone tears which can repeat this process again and again.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible Mom's Knife icon.pngMom's Knife: Overrides Compound Fracture.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Knife will occasionally spawn bone fragments.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible Rubber Cement icon.pngRubber Cement: Tears turn to bones, but bones do not shatter.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Tears hitting enemies will both shatter and bounce simultaneously.
  • Collectible Technology icon.pngTechnology/Collectible Tech X icon.pngTech X: Overrides Compound Fracture.
  • Collectible Technology 2 icon.pngTechnology 2: The laser is not affected, but bone tears still shoot from Isaac's left eye.
  • Collectible Tractor Beam icon.pngTractor Beam: Bone tears will not burst into bone shards when fired at obstacles, however, bone tears will burst into bone shards when fired at enemies.
  • Collectible Trisagion icon.pngTrisagion: Beams will only burst when hitting obstacles.

In-game Footage


  • The item is a reference to a compound fracture, a medical condition where a bone breaks and is exposed through the skin.
  • Unlike Collectible The Parasite icon.pngThe Parasite and Collectible Cricket's Body icon.pngCricket's Body, Compound Fracture is overriden by most tear replacing items instead of having a synergy, making the item less versatile than those.