Status Effects

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This article is about effects which can be inflicted on monsters. For the different kinds of effects which Isaac's primary weapon can have, see Tear Effects.

Status effects are special effects that can be inflicted on an enemy from a variety of sources, such as tears, bombs, and items. Each status effect has a color and/or symbol/effect associated with them for easy identification. These colorations are not to be confused with champions.


Effect Appearance Description
Burn Burn Effect.png (in Rebirth)Afflicted enemies take 4 to 6 fire damage over time. Afflicted enemies will be tinted orange for the duration and have a fire symbol above them.
(except in Rebirth)Afflicted enemies will sustain double Isaac's tear damage over time. Afflicted enemies will be tinted orange for the duration and have a fire symbol above them.
Charm Charm Effect.png Afflicted enemies will temporarily fight on Isaac's side, running toward and/or shooting at other enemies and damaging them for 25% of their maximum HP per touch, 5 damage with half-heart-dealing projectiles, and 10 with full-heart-dealing projectiles. If no other enemies are in the room, a charmed enemy will instead run towards Isaac. (Charmed enemies can still hurt Isaac.) Afflicted enemies will be tinted pink for the duration and have a heart symbol above them. Most enemies with ranged attacks will not fire them (but can damage other enemies with them if they do — see the above "monster infighting" damage description).
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Charmed enemies will prioritize non-charmed enemies and won't target invincible enemies. Charmed Portals will also spawn friendly enemies.
Confusion/Concussion[Details 1] Confusion Effect.png Afflicted enemies are slowed and walk around randomly. While confused, most non-boss enemies will be unable to attack. Bosses will have randomized movement, but will still be able to fire projectiles at Isaac. Afflicted enemies will be tinted pale gray and have stars above them.
Fear Fear Effect.png Afflicted enemies are scared of Isaac and will run away from him. While scared, most non-boss enemies will be unable to attack or charge towards Isaac. Bosses will run away from Isaac, but will still be able to shoot projectiles at him. Afflicted enemies will be tinted purple and have a skull symbol above them.
Petrified Petrified Effect.png Afflicted enemies are stopped in place. They cannot move or attack. Afflicted enemies will be shaded brown-gray as if turned to stone (unless petrified by Collectible Midas' Touch icon.pngMidas' Touch, in which case they will be shaded gold).[Details 2]
Poison Poison Effect.png (in Rebirth)Afflicted enemies sustain 4 to 6 damage over time. Afflicted enemies will be tinted green and have a bubbly effect surrounding them.
(except in Rebirth)Afflicted enemies will sustain double Isaac's tear damage over time. Afflicted enemies will be tinted green and have a bubbly effect surrounding them.
Slow Slow Effect.png Afflicted enemies are slowed down to approximately 51.3% of their original speed. Any projectiles they shoot will also be slowed down to the same amount. Attacks that end when the enemy runs out of momentum, such as the charging attacks of Gurdy Jr. and Dingle, will be vastly shortened in duration. Depending on the item that triggers the slow effect, afflicted enemies will be tinted black or white with a snail icon above them.
(except in Repentance)Slowed projectiles will lose momentum much more quickly, greatly reducing their total range.
(except in Rebirth)
Friendly Effect.png Afflicted enemies are permanently charmed[Details 3] and will fight on Isaac's side until they die.[Details 4] Most enemies under this effect will follow Isaac across rooms, like a familiar.[Details 5] Friendly enemies cannot hurt Isaac, but many of them will still chase and "attack" Isaac in a room with no enemies. Friendly enemies are not tinted, but have heart symbols above their head.
(except in Rebirth)
Gaper.png Afflicted enemies are shrunken and will run away from Isaac. Isaac can walk over shrunken enemies to kill them.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance)
Bleed Effect.png (except in Repentance)Afflicted enemies take damage equal to 10% of their maximum health every 5 seconds.
(in Repentance)Afflicted enemies take damage based on how quickly they move; the faster the enemy, the more damage they take. While moving, a bleeding enemy leaves behind red creep that can damage other enemies.
(in Repentance)
Mark Effect.png Afflicted enemies will be attacked by other enemies, functioning like a reverse charm effect. Afflicted enemies are tinted red.
(in Repentance)
Chained Effect.png Afflicted enemies are chained in place, preventing them from taking any action.
(in Repentance)
Frozen Effect.png Enemies that are killed by items that can inflict Frozen become ice statues on death that block both Isaac's tears and enemy shots. Ice statues can also be pushed by Isaac, causing them to slide, leaving damaging blue creep (which deals 22 damage per second), until they hit an obstacle or enemy, dealing 35 damage to enemies they collide with. After an ice statue blocks 10 shots or collides with something while sliding, it shatters into a ring of 10 icicles which slow and deal 8 + (floor − 1) damage to enemies they hit. Enemies that are killed by these icicles also become ice statues. Frozen enemies will not trigger any of their on-death effects, such as exploding or splitting, making this effect useful for enemies with multiple forms.


  1. "Confusion" is the proper name of this status effect, but it is sometimes referred to as "Concussion" in certain item and effect descriptions (such as Collectible Iron Bar icon.pngIron Bar).
  2. Enemies that are petrified by Midas' Touch or an analogous effect (e.g. (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Eye of Greed icon.pngEye of Greed and Gold Heart) will drop coins on death. This does not happen with other petrification effects, even if Isaac is able to inflict both kinds in the same build, which is why Midas' Touch applies different shading.
  3. While most friendly enemies are spawned with the condition, it is possible for a non-friendly enemy to become friendly without being killed. In this scenario, the enemy in question will still be treated as though it was dead for purposes such as whether or not a room counts as cleared.
  4. Friendly enemies can take damage, including contact and projectile damage, from non-friendly enemies (blocking most enemy projectiles in the process), which works like how charmed enemies deal damage to other enemies. (Friendly and non-friendly enemies making contact with each other generally damage each other more-or-less at the same time if both enemies can cause contact damage.) Some charmed or friendly enemies can also take damage in different ways (such as (in Repentance) Bishop.pngBishops taking damage when they prevent damage being dealt to Isaac).
  5. Some friendly-inducing effects cause affected enemies to despawn when Isaac leaves the room.
  • Host-type enemies will take burn and poison damage even if their skull is down, and all status effects can be applied by tears even if their skulls are down.
    • If a Host-type enemy is petrified, they will take damage regardless of if they are vulnerable or not.
  • After a boss or mini-boss has had a status effect applied on them, they will receive immunity against all status effects for 8 seconds. This means that no other status effect can be applied to that enemy during this period.
    • The slow effect is an exception to this rule.


Passive items that cause burning

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Fire Mind 5.100.257 Fire Mind Flaming tears Grants flaming tears that deal burning damage over time. Tears have a chance to explode on impact with an enemy, which creates a fire at the location of the explosion. 2

Trinkets that cause burning

Name ID Icon Quote Description
(in Repentance) A Lighter 5.350.135 A Lighter Watch the world burn Adds a chance for enemies to burn upon entering a room.

Other sources that burn enemies

  • (in Repentance) Character Judas icon.pngJudas' Collectible Birthright icon.pngBirthright effect will inflict Burn on nearby enemies when using an active item.
  • (in Repentance) When playing as Character Tainted Jacob icon.pngTainted Jacob, Dark Esau inflicts Burn on enemies he passes through whilst dashing.


Activated items that cause charming

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
(except in Rebirth) Kidney Bean 5.100.421
Kidney Bean
1 room
Love toots! Isaac farts, charming all nearby enemies. 1

Passive items that cause charming

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Ball of Bandages 5.100.207 Ball of Bandages Gotta lick 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot Charm tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. 2
Mom's Eyeshadow 5.100.200 Mom's Eyeshadow Charm tears Tears have a chance to charm enemies. 1
(except in Rebirth) Farting Baby 5.100.404 Farting Baby He farts! Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and blocks enemy shots. If a shot hits Farting Baby, it has a chance to fart, which charms, poisons, or knocks back nearby enemies. 1
(except in Rebirth) Glitter Bombs 5.100.432 Glitter Bombs Prize bombs! +5 Bomb.pngBombs. Bombs have a chance to drop random pickups or charm enemies when they explode. 2
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Bozo 5.100.513 Bozo Party time! +0.1 flat damage, grants a Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart. Enemies can randomly become briefly charmed or feared. Taking damage has a chance to spawn a Rainbow Poop.pngRainbow Poop. 2
(in Repentance) Venus 5.100.591 Venus HP up + you feel pretty Adds one red Heart container. Heals 1 additional Red Heart.pngRed Heart. Enemies near Isaac become charmed. 2
(in Repentance) Sissy Longlegs 5.100.280 Sissy Longlegs She loves you Spawns a familiar that wanders randomly, occasionally spawning Blue Spiders. (in Repentance) Briefly charms enemies on contact. 1
(in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) Betrayal 5.100.391 Betrayal Turn your enemy (except in Repentance) Charms all enemies in the room when Isaac takes damage.
(in Repentance) Enemies are able to damage each other. If an enemy is damaged by another enemy, they will attack that enemy instead of Isaac.

Pills that cause charming

Pill Effect
Pheromones Charms all enemies in the room for a short period of time.


  • First stage of Ball of Bandages cannot charm enemies. See Collectible Ball of Bandages icon.pngBall of Bandages for details.
  • Charmed enemies will still target Isaac if they are the only enemy in the room.


Passive items that cause confusion

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Butt Bombs 5.100.209 Butt Bombs Toxic blast +5 bombs +5 Bomb.pngBombs. Bombs now cloud up the screen, briefly damaging and confusing all enemies. 2
Iron Bar 5.100.201 Iron Bar DMG up + concussive tears +0.3 damage. Adds a chance to shoot concussive tears, causing enemies to walk around randomly. 2
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Camo Undies 5.100.497 Camo Undies Camo kid Isaac becomes camouflaged at the beginning of each room. Until he shoots, all non-boss enemies will be confused. (in Repentance) Isaac gains +0.5 Speed while camouflaged, and gains Tears and Damage upon breaking it. 3
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Glaucoma 5.100.460 Glaucoma Blind tears! Adds a chance to shoot tears that confuse enemies for an extremely long time. 1
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Metal Plate 5.100.449 Metal Plate It itches... Grants one Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart. Enemy shots have a chance to be reflected at the shooter as confusing tears. 1
(in Repentance) Knockout Drops 5.100.637 Knockout Drops They pack a punch! Adds a chance to shoot a fist tear that has extremely high knockback and confuses enemies. 3

Trinkets that cause confusion

Name ID Icon Quote Description
(except in Rebirth) Faded Polaroid 5.350.69 Faded Polaroid You feel faded Occasionally causes Isaac to blend into the ground, which briefly confuses all enemies in the room. (in Repentance) Can be used to open the Strange Door in The Depths.


Activated items that cause fear

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Mom's Pad 5.100.41
Mom's Pad
2 rooms
Mass fear Inflicts fear to all enemies in the room for 4 seconds. (in Repentance) Spawns a blue fly. 0
The Gamekid 5.100.93
The Gamekid
4 rooms
Temporary Man-Pac Turns Isaac into a Pac-Man-like creature for 6.5 seconds, granting invulnerability, inflicting fear on all enemies, and has a chance of replenishing a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart every time an enemy is killed. 1

Passive Items that cause fear

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Abaddon 5.100.230 Abaddon Evil + DMG up + fear shot (except in Repentance) +1.5 damage, +0.2 speed. Removes all Red Heart containers, grants six Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, and adds a chance to shoot fear tears.
(in Repentance) +1.5 damage, +0.2 speed. Grants two Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, converts all Red Heart Containers into Black Hearts, and adds a chance to shoot fear tears.
Dark Matter 5.100.259 Dark Matter DMG up + fear shot +1 damage, adds a chance to shoot fear tears. 3
Mom's Perfume 5.100.228 Mom's Perfume Fear shot + tears up Adds a chance to shoot fear tears. (except in Repentance) Decreases tear delay by 1. (in Repentance) +0.5 fire rate. 2
(except in Rebirth) Spear Of Destiny 5.100.400 Spear Of Destiny Your destiny In addition to tears, Isaac holds a spear in front of him which deals contact damage equal to 2× his tear damage, and occasionally inflicts fear. 2
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Bozo 5.100.513 Bozo Party time! +0.1 flat damage, grants a Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart. Enemies can randomly become briefly charmed or feared. Taking damage has a chance to spawn a Rainbow Poop.pngRainbow Poop. 2
(in Repentance) 2Spooky 5.100.554 2Spooky 4me Enemies near Isaac are afflicted with fear. 1
(in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) My Shadow 5.100.433 My Shadow Me! And my shaaaadow! (except in Repentance) Inflicts fear on all enemies in the room upon taking damage and spawns black friendly Charger.pngChargers that attack enemies.
(in Repentance)Spawns a shadow familiar that closely follows behind Isaac. It spawns a black friendly Charger.pngCharger whenever an enemy touches it.

Pills that cause fear

Pill Effect
(except in Rebirth) Power Pill! Temporarily grants invulnerability, inflicts fear on enemies in the room, and lets Isaac deal contact damage, similar to Collectible The Gamekid icon.pngThe Gamekid.


Activated items that petrify enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Mom's Bra 5.100.39
Mom's Bra
3 rooms
Mass paralysis Petrifies all enemies in the current room for 4 seconds. 1
The Boomerang 5.100.338
The Boomerang
2 seconds
It will never leave you Throws a boomerang which retrieves pickups, as well as damages and petrifies enemies hit for 2 seconds. 1
(except in Rebirth) Mega Bean 5.100.351
Mega Bean
3 rooms
Giga fart! Petrifies all enemies in the current room for about 1.5 seconds, poisons any enemies near Isaac, and sends a rock wave across the room in the direction Isaac is facing. 1

Passive items that petrify enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Midas' Touch 5.100.202 Midas' Touch Golden touch Enemies that touch Isaac are temporarily petrified and turn to gold. Any enemy killed while in this state will drop Penny.pngPennies. 2
Mom's Contacts 5.100.110 Mom's Contacts Freeze effect Adds a chance to shoot petrifying tears, which stop enemies in place and prevent them from moving or attacking. (except in Repentance) +0.25 range. (in Repentance) +1.5 range. 3
(except in Rebirth) Charged Baby 5.100.372 Charged Baby Bbbzzzzzt! Spawns a familiar that occasionally drops a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery, gives an active item charge, or petrifies all enemies in the room. 3
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Dad's Ring 5.100.546 Dad's Ring Father's blessing Creates a ring of light around Isaac that petrifies enemies in contact. 3
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Eye of Greed 5.100.450 Eye of Greed Gold tears! Every 20 tears, Isaac loses 1 Penny.pngPenny and shoots an additional gold tear that petrifies enemies and turns them into gold. Any enemy killed while in this state will drop coins. 2
(in Repentance) Freezer Baby 5.100.608 Freezer Baby Iced iced baby Spawns a shooting familiar that has a chance to petrify enemies, and freezes monsters upon killing them. 2
(in Repentance) Holy Water 5.100.178 Holy Water Splash! (except in Repentance) Spawns a bottle familiar that breaks when Isaac takes damage, leaving a puddle of blue creep.
(in Repentance) A bottle familiar that flies forward when Isaac shoots. It breaks upon hitting an enemy, leaving a puddle of blue creep that petrifies enemies.

Trinkets that petrify enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description
(in Repentance) Ice Cube 5.350.188 Ice Cube Stay frosty Adds a chance to petrify enemies when entering the room. Killing the petrified enemy freezes it.

Other sources that petrify enemies

  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Losing a Gold Heart briefly turns all nearby enemies into gold.


Activated items that poison enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Bob's Rotten Head 5.100.42
Bob's Rotten Head
2 rooms
Reusable ranged bomb Isaac holds a poison Bomb.pngBomb which can be thrown in the cardinal directions and explodes on impact. 1
The Bean 5.100.111
The Bean
1 room
Toot on command Isaac farts, poisoning any enemy in close range. 0
(except in Rebirth) Mega Bean 5.100.351
Mega Bean
3 rooms
Giga fart! Petrifies all enemies in the current room for about 1.5 seconds, poisons any enemies near Isaac, and sends a rock wave across the room in the direction Isaac is facing. 1

Passive items that poison enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Bob's Brain 5.100.273 Bob's Brain Explosive thoughts Spawns a familiar that charges forward when shooting tears and explodes upon contact with an enemy, damaging and poisoning them. The familiar respawns after a few seconds. 1
Bob's Curse 5.100.140 Bob's Curse +5 poison bombs +5 Bomb.pngBombs. Grants Isaac's bombs a poison effect. (in Repentance) They also leave a lingering poison cloud, and Isaac becomes immune to poison. 1
Ipecac 5.100.149 Ipecac Explosive shots Replaces tears with explosive and poisoning projectiles fired in an arc from the mouth. 4
Scorpio 5.100.305 Scorpio Poison tears Grants poison tears, which deal damage over time when inflicted. 3
The Black Bean 5.100.180 The Black Bean Toot on touch (except in Repentance) When taking damage, Isaac farts, poisoning enemies in range.
(in Repentance) When taking damage, Isaac farts five times, poisoning and knocking back nearby enemies and leaving lingering poison clouds.
The Common Cold 5.100.103 The Common Cold Poison damage Adds a chance to shoot poison tears, dealing damage over time when inflicted. 1
The Virus 5.100.13 The Virus Poison touch + speed up Isaac poisons enemies on contact. (except in Repentance) -0.1 speed. (in Repentance) +0.2 speed. (in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) Poisoned enemies have a chance to drop a black heart when killed. 2
(except in Rebirth) Farting Baby 5.100.404 Farting Baby He farts! Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and blocks enemy shots. If a shot hits Farting Baby, it has a chance to fart, which charms, poisons, or knocks back nearby enemies. 1
(except in Rebirth) Serpent's Kiss 5.100.393 Serpent's Kiss The kiss of death Tears have a chance to apply a poison effect to enemies. Isaac poisons enemies on contact. Poisoned enemies have a chance to drop a Black Heart.pngBlack Heart when killed. 2
(except in Rebirth) Toxic Shock 5.100.350 Toxic Shock Mass poison Upon entering a room, poisons all enemies, dealing double Isaac's tear damage. Killing enemies leaves a small, short-lasting pool of green creep on the ground. 3
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Acid Baby 5.100.491 Acid Baby Pills pills pills! Spawns a familiar that drops a random pill every 3 rooms. Upon using a pill, all enemies in the room are poisoned. 2
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Contagion 5.100.466 Contagion Outbreak! The first enemy killed in a room releases a gas cloud that poisons nearby enemies. Affected enemies will also release gas upon death, spreading the effect. 2
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Dead Tooth 5.100.446 Dead Tooth Toxic breath While firing, Isaac gains a green aura that poisons nearby enemies. 1
(in Repentance) Jupiter 5.100.594 Jupiter You're a gas giant! +2 red Heart containers, -0.3 speed. Isaac builds speed while standing still, and releases poison gas clouds when he moves afterwards. 2
(in Repentance) Mucormycosis 5.100.553 Mucormycosis Spore shot Gives Isaac the chance to fire spore tears that stick to enemies and blow up after a few seconds, dealing damage and poisoning nearby enemies and releasing more spores. 3

Trinkets that poison enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description
Pinky Eye 5.350.30 Pinky Eye Poison shots Adds a 10% chance to shoot a poison tear, dealing damage over time when inflicted.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Black Tooth 5.350.95 Black Tooth It looks dead Adds a chance to fire a black tooth that deals double damage and poisons enemies.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Locust of Pestilence 5.350.114 Locust of Pestilence I bring Pestilence Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Green Locust which damages and poisons enemies.
(in Repentance) Torn Card 5.350.157 Torn Card Death awaits Every 15 shots, Isaac shoots an Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac + Collectible My Reflection icon.pngMy Reflection tear.

Pills that poison enemies

Pill Effect
Bad Gas Isaac farts, poisoning enemies around him.


Activated items that slow enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Spider Butt 5.100.171
Spider Butt
2 rooms
Mass enemy slowdown + damage Deals 10 damage to all enemies in the room and slows them for 4 seconds. (in Repentance) Enemies killed by Spider Butt spawn Blue Spiders. 1
The Hourglass 5.100.66
The Hourglass
2 rooms
Temporary enemy slowdown All enemies in the room are slowed for 8 seconds. 1

Passive items that slow enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Ball of Tar 5.100.231 Ball of Tar Sticky feet... Adds a chance to shoot slowing tears. Isaac leaves a trail of slowing creep behind as he moves, impeding enemies' speed. 2
Broken Watch 5.100.337 Broken Watch I think it's broken Slows all enemies in every fourth newly-discovered room, with a small chance to speed them up instead. 1
Juicy Sack 5.100.266 Juicy Sack Sticky babies Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and drips a trail of slow creep, spawning 1-2 Blue Spiders after each room. 2
Little Gish 5.100.99 Little Gish Sticky friend Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires slowing tears, impeding enemies' speed. 2
Spider Bite 5.100.89 Spider Bite Slow effect Adds a chance to shoot slowing tears, reducing speed of enemy movement and any projectile fired by them. 2
(except in Rebirth) Censer 5.100.387 Censer Peace be with you Spawns a familiar which creates a circular aura that slows down enemies and enemy shots inside. 3
(except in Rebirth) Night Light 5.100.425 Night Light Scared of the dark? A cone of light shines in the direction Isaac is moving that slows enemies and enemy shots. 1
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Large Zit 5.100.502 Large Zit Creep shots Adds a chance to fire a creep shot that deals double damage and leaves a trail of slowing white creep. 1
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Parasitoid 5.100.461 Parasitoid Egg tears! Adds a chance to fire an egg sack which creates slowing creep and spawns a Blue Fly or Blue Spider upon hitting an enemy. 3
(in Repentance) Cube Baby 5.100.652 Cube Baby Kick it! Spawns an ice cube familiar that slides around when walked into. It slows and deals contact damage, freezing monsters it kills. 1
(in Repentance) The Intruder 5.100.575 The Intruder Invasive friend A familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room. 3
(in Repentance) Uranus 5.100.596 Uranus Ice tears Isaac shoots ice tears, which slow enemies and freeze monsters they kill. Frozen enemies slide away and explode into ice shards when touched. 3
(except in Repentance) Stop Watch 5.100.232 Stop Watch Let's slow this down a bit... (in Rebirth)+0.3 speed. Automatically inflicts slow to all enemies in every room.
(in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †)+0.3 speed. Upon taking damage, inflicts slow to all enemies for the current room.
(in Repentance)+0.3 speed. Slows all enemies in every room to 80% speed.

Trinkets that slow enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Locust of Famine 5.350.115 Locust of Famine I bring Famine Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Yellow Locust that damages and slows enemies.
(in Repentance) Chewed Pen 5.350.130 Chewed Pen It's leaking Adds a chance to fire tears that slow enemies.

Cards that slow enemies

Name ID Icon Message Description
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Era Walk 5.300.54 Era Walk Savor the moment For the current room, enemies are slowed, Isaac's speed is increased by 0.50, and his shot speed is decreased by 1.00.

Pills that slow enemies

Pill Effect
I'm Drowsy... (except in Repentance) Slows all enemies for the duration of the room.

(in Repentance) Slows all enemies, Isaac, and the background music for the duration of the room.


  • The creep from items like Collectible Ball of Tar icon.pngBall of Tar and Collectible Juicy Sack icon.pngJuicy Sack only slow enemies for as long as they remain in the creep.
  • The Mask + Heart enemy is not affected by the slow effect.
  • (in Repentance) Stop Watch's slowdown effect is classified as a separate effect from the slow status and fully stacks with the status. See Collectible Stop Watch icon.pngStop Watch for more details.

Friendly (except in Rebirth)

Activated items that create friendly enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Friendly Ball 5.100.382
Friendly Ball
2 rooms
Gotta fetch 'em all! Throwing the ball at a monster instantly kills and captures it. The captured enemy can later be released and will be friendly, fighting for Isaac and persisting between rooms. 1
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Book of the Dead 5.100.545
Book of the Dead
6 rooms
Rise from the grave (except in Repentance) Creates a friendly Bony.pngBony, Black Bony.pngBlack Bony, or an orbital bone for each enemy killed in the current room.
(in Repentance)Creates a friendly Bony.pngBony, Black Bony.pngBlack Bony, Bone Fly.pngBone Fly, Revenant.pngRevenant, or an orbital bone for each enemy killed in the current room.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Delirious 5.100.510
12 rooms
Unleash the power! Spawns Boss Delirium ingame.pngDelirium as a random friendly boss that fights for Isaac. 1
(in Repentance) Friend Finder 5.100.687
Friend Finder
4 rooms
Best friends forever! Spawns a random friendly monster that mimics Isaac's movements and attacks. 3

Passive items that create friendly enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
My Shadow 5.100.433 My Shadow Me! And my shaaaadow! (except in Repentance) Inflicts fear on all enemies in the room upon taking damage and spawns black friendly Charger.pngChargers that attack enemies.
(in Repentance)Spawns a shadow familiar that closely follows behind Isaac. It spawns a black friendly Charger.pngCharger whenever an enemy touches it.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Mystery Egg 5.100.539 Mystery Egg Sacrificial insemination Spawns an egg familiar, which hatches a random friendly monster when Isaac is hurt once per room. The power of the monster improves for each consecutive room cleared without taking damage. 1
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Poke Go 5.100.505 Poke Go Gotta catch em... Upon entering a room with enemies in it, has a chance to spawn a random friendly enemy that persists across rooms. 2
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Shade 5.100.468 Shade It follows Spawns a shadow familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 1 second delay and deals contact damage to enemies. After dealing enough damage, it is absorbed by Isaac and spawns friendly My Shadow.pngChargers. 0

Trinkets that create friendly enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description
(in Repentance) Polished Bone 5.350.167 Polished Bone Friends from beyond After clearing a room, adds a chance to spawn a friendly Bony.pngBony.

Other sources to create friendly enemies:

  • (in Repentance) BeelzebubBeelzebub makes large fly enemies become friendly.

Shrink (except in Rebirth)

Passive items that grant shrinking tears

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
God's Flesh 5.100.398 God's Flesh Shrink shot! Tears have a chance to shrink enemies, making them run away from Isaac. Shrunk enemies can be crushed and killed by walking over them. 1

Bleed (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)

Passive items that inflict bleed

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
Backstabber 5.100.506 Backstabber Watch your back! Isaac's tears deal double damage and inflict bleeding on enemies if they're facing away from Isaac. 3
Mom's Razor 5.100.508 Mom's Razor It's sharp! Spawns an orbiting razor that deals contact damage and inflicts bleeding on enemies, causing them to slowly take damage over time. 2

Bait (in Repentance)

Passive items that inflict bait

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Rotten Tomato 5.100.618 Rotten Tomato Delicious! Adds a chance to fire tears that mark enemies with the Bait status effect. Enemies marked as bait are attacked by other enemies. 2

Chained (in Repentance)

Activated items that inflict chained

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Anima Sola 5.100.722
Anima Sola
15 seconds
Repent Chains down the nearest enemy for 5 seconds, preventing them from acting. 3

Frozen (in Repentance)

Passive items that freeze enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Cube Baby 5.100.652 Cube Baby Kick it! Spawns an ice cube familiar that slides around when walked into. It slows and deals contact damage, freezing monsters it kills. 1
Freezer Baby 5.100.608 Freezer Baby Iced iced baby Spawns a shooting familiar that has a chance to petrify enemies, and freezes monsters upon killing them. 2
Uranus 5.100.596 Uranus Ice tears Isaac shoots ice tears, which slow enemies and freeze monsters they kill. Frozen enemies slide away and explode into ice shards when touched. 3

Trinkets that freeze enemies

Name ID Icon Quote Description
Ice Cube 5.350.188 Ice Cube Stay frosty Adds a chance to petrify enemies when entering the room. Killing the petrified enemy freezes it.


These items inflict random status effects on enemies.

Passive items that inflict random effects

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance) Quality
3 Dollar Bill 5.100.191 3 Dollar Bill Rainbow tears (in Rebirth) Gives Isaac a random tear effect every room.
(except in Rebirth) Gives Isaac a random tear effect every few seconds.
(except in Rebirth) Fruit Cake 5.100.418 Fruit Cake Rainbow effects! Isaac's tears gain a random effect that changes every shot. 2
(except in Rebirth) Spider Mod 5.100.403 Spider Mod Mod buddy! Displays Isaac's tear damage and enemy health bars. Spawns a familiar that wanders around and inflicts random status effects on enemies it touches. Can spawn a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery/Blue spider upon clearing a room. 1
(in Repentance) Playdough Cookie 5.100.570 Playdough Cookie Tasty rainbow Grants multicolored tears. Each color comes with a different status or tear effect. 2
(in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) GB Bug 5.100.405 GB Bug Double tap glitch (except in Repentance) Spawns a familiar that bounces diagonally around the room, applying a random status effect to enemies it hits and has a chance to re-roll pickups it passes over.
(in Repentance) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac. Double tapping the fire button launches it forward, causing it to reroll the first monster or pickup it hits.

Other sources that inflict random effects

  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Spider BabySpider Baby creates a spider familiar that applies random status effects to enemies that come in contact with it.