Guppy's Eye

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Guppy's Eye is an unlockable passive item added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.



  • Guppy's Eye does not show the contents of tinted rocks, Poop.pngPoops, and other obstacles.
  • Guppy's Eye does display enemies that can be contained within chests.
  • Chest.pngChests and Grab Bag.pngGrab Bags can only display up to four pickups at a time. If there are more than four, higher-value pickups like Bomb.pngBombs, Key.pngKeys, and Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts will have priority on the display.
  • If a Red Chest.pngRed Chest looks like it doesn't have anything in it, it will teleport Isaac to the floor's Devil RoomDevil Room / Angel RoomAngel Room.
  • Due to how Trinkets generate, if a Chest displays a trinket, all future Chests will also display/give that trinket until it spawns in some way, at which point all Chests will display a new trinket.
  • Mimic chest Repentance.pngMimic Chests will change their contents whenever their spikes pop out. The unchanged drops can still be obtained by:
  • This effect works on all non-ending chests, including Mom's Chest.pngMom's Chest.
  • This item is substantially less useful in Greed Mode, due to the scarcity of chests.
  • The contents of Sacks or Chests that haven't spawned yet will still be revealed (for example, in rooms that spawn such Chests or Sacks when Isaac pressed a hidden switch, etc.).


  • Collectible D1 icon.pngD1: When duplicating a chest with D1, the original's contents will be changed. Guppy's Eye will not immediately show the new contents, but leaving the room and returning will reveal the changes. This essentially allows rerolling the rewards within them, especially useful in ChestChest and Dark RoomDark Room.
  • Poker ChipPoker Chip: Guppy's Eye will show which chests contain an Attack Fly.pngAttack Fly. This allows Isaac to drop the Trinket, leave the room, and return to reset the chest's contents.
  • Collectible Sack Head icon.pngSack Head: Sack Head rerolls pickups into Grab Bag.pngGrab Bags after they are spawned, making Guppy's Eye less effective on non-Grab Bag contents.
  • Collectible Guppy's Eye icon.pngGuppy's Eye: Picking up a second copy of the item gives Isaac a unique costume with both eyes replaced. This is purely cosmetic, and it will otherwise have no effect.

In-game Footage

Unlockable Achievements


  • Guppy's Eye is one of the few items that will give Isaac a unique costume when two copies are acquired, along with Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone and Collectible Glass Eye icon.pngGlass Eye.
  • This item was suggested on a Reddit post[1] on the Binding of Isaac Subreddit.
  • This item originates from the card game The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls. In it, Guppy's Eye forces all other players to play with their hands face-up on the table.
  • Its pickup text is possibly a reference to the description of the Rasmus mask from Hotline Miami.
