Harbingers (Bosses)

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The Harbingers are a group of hobbyhorse riding bosses that are unlocked by defeating Boss Mom ingame.pngMom for the first time.

Harbingers Needs to be unlocked

Boss Famine portrait.png
Boss Pestilence portrait.png
Boss War portrait.png
Boss Death portrait.png
Famine Needs to be unlocked Pestilence Needs to be unlocked War Needs to be unlocked Death Needs to be unlocked
Boss Conquest portrait.png
Boss Headless Horseman portrait.png
Conquest Needs to be unlocked Headless Horseman Needs to be unlocked

(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Ultra Harbingers Needs to be unlocked

The Ultra Harbingers are a team of stronger forms of The Harbingers. The team comprises of the main four harbingers without the alternatives of Conquest, or Headless Horseman. They are fought one at a time prior to fighting Boss The Beast ingame.pngThe Beast.

Boss Ultra Famine ingame.png
Boss Ultra Pestilence ingame.png
Boss Ultra War ingame.png
Boss Ultra Death ingame.png
Ultra Famine Needs to be unlocked Ultra Pestilence Needs to be unlocked Ultra War Needs to be unlocked Ultra Death Needs to be unlocked