The Harbingers

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The Harbingers is the achievement that unlocks Boss Famine ingame.pngFamine, Boss War ingame.pngWar, Boss Pestilence ingame.pngPestilence, and Boss Death ingame.pngDeath as four additional bosses. The Harbingers are referenced in the Bible as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. These bosses are only unlocked once Boss Mom ingame.pngMom has been defeated for the first time. These bosses, with the exception of Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest and Boss Headless Horseman ingame.pngHeadless Horseman, are guaranteed to drop either a Collectible Ball of Bandages icon.pngBall of Bandages or a Collectible Cube of Meat icon.pngCube of Meat. By default, there is a 10% chance the current floor's boss will be a Harbinger unless the floor has a fixed boss (for example, Boss Mom ingame.pngMom in DepthsDepths and NecropolisNecropolis) or the Harbinger has been fought already. By using the Collectible Book of Revelations icon.pngBook of Revelations on a floor, it is guaranteed that the boss will be a Harbinger.


Boss Famine ingame.pngFamine is the Harbinger for Chapter 1.

Boss Famine portrait.png


Boss Pestilence ingame.pngPestilence is the Harbinger for Chapter 2.

Boss Pestilence portrait.png


Boss War ingame.pngWar is the Harbinger for Chapter 3. War cannot be found in DepthsDepths II, NecropolisNecropolis II, or (except in Rebirth)Dank DepthsDank Depths II as Boss Mom ingame.pngMom will always be the boss of that floor.

Boss War portrait.png


Boss Death ingame.pngDeath is the Harbinger for Chapter 4. Death cannot be found in WombWomb II, UteroUtero II, or (except in Rebirth)Scarred WombScarred Womb II as Boss Mom's Heart ingame.pngMom's Heart or Boss It Lives ingame.pngIt Lives will always be the boss of that floor.

Boss Death portrait.png


Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest is an alternative boss to Boss Death ingame.pngDeath in Chapter 4. He is unlocked once 10 items have been taken from Angel RoomAngel Rooms. Conquest does not drop normal Horseman items, instead dropping Collectible White Pony icon.pngWhite Pony.

Boss Conquest portrait.png

Headless Horseman

Boss Headless Horseman ingame.pngHeadless Horseman can appear in the place of any Harbinger. Like Conquest, he doesn't drop normal Horseman items, instead dropping Collectible A Pony icon.pngA Pony.

Boss Headless Horseman portrait.png

Unlockable Achievements



  • Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest was added in the Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb. In the Bible, Conquest is actually the first Horseman to appear, while Boss Pestilence ingame.pngPestilence is a Horseman existing only in popular culture, coming from a different translation of the Greek word 'Thanatos', often meaning Boss Death ingame.pngDeath instead (the canon four Horsemen, thus, are Conquest, War, Famine and Death).
    • Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest's entry in the secrets is called "The Forgotten Horseman", because of that very reason.
  • Boss Death ingame.pngDeath is the only horseman specifically given a name in The Book of Revelation.
  • The use of the Collectible Book of Revelations icon.pngBook of Revelations item to summon a horseman for the current floor is reference to the fact that the book of the Bible in which the horsemen are described is Revelation.
  • None of the Harbingers have a death animation.
  • Under normal circumstances, Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest and Boss Headless Horseman ingame.pngHeadless Horseman are 2 of only 5 bosses (the others being Boss Krampus ingame.pngKrampus, Boss The Fallen ingame.pngThe Fallen, and (in Repentance and Repentance+) Boss Baby Plum ingame.pngBaby Plum if spared) who drop or can drop active items upon defeat.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Boss Bumbino ingame.pngBumbino can drop active items if paid 12 coins, but this does not defeat him in the traditional sense.
    • As for abnormal circumstances, the use of (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Filigree FeatherFiligree Feather allows the Angels to drop active items, and the use of Collectible Satanic Bible icon.pngSatanic Bible allows nearly any boss to drop an active item.
  • The horses used by the Harbingers resemble hobbyhorses.