Tiny Planet

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Tiny Planet is a passive item.


  • (except in Repentance) +7 tear falling speed.
  • (in Repentance) +6.5 range.
  • Grants spectral tears.
  • Tears now revolve around Isaac at a fixed distance until they hit the ground.
  • (in Repentance) The tears orbit close to Isaac, offset slightly in the direction fired. Changing the firing direction will redirect all previously fired tears.


  • Tears will not hit directly in front of Isaac; aiming directly away from enemies is often effective.
  • (in Repentance) It is possible to control the direction of Tiny Planet with the mouse. On Windows, go to C:/Users/[username]/Documents/My Games/The Binding Of Isaac [Rebirth/Afterbirth/Afterbirth+]/ and in the options.ini file, change the line that says MouseControl=0 to MouseControl=1. Unlike normal controls, the mouse allows diagonal direction.


  • Collectible 20 20 icon.png20/20: Each shot fires two tears in opposing orbital directions.
    • This synergy is effectively the same for (except in Rebirth)Collectible The Wiz icon.pngThe Wiz, with the exception of 20/20's damage penalty not being applied.
  • Collectible Anti-Gravity icon.pngAnti-Gravity: Tears orbit around Isaac at a short range while fire button is held. When the fire button is released, tears snap to their normal range.
  • Character Azazel icon.pngAzazel: Increases Azazel's range with Brimstone, and wraps the beam around the character.
  • (in Repentance)Brain WormBrain Worm: Tears will home directly towards nearby enemies in a line from the center of the orbit.
  • Collectible Brimstone icon.pngBrimstone: The beam will wrap around the character and shoot straight forward.
    • Brimstone + Collectible Mom's Knife icon.pngMom's Knife: The knives shot after the Brimstone beam similarly wrap around the character and shoot forward.
  • Collectible Cricket's Body icon.pngCricket's Body: Tears will split into 2 close groups of 2 tears that follow the orbit. One group travels clockwise and the other travels counterclockwise.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Euthanasia icon.pngEuthanasia: Euthanasia's tear bursts will follow the orbit in 2 close groups of 5 tears. One group travels clockwise and the other travels counterclockwise.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Eye of Belial icon.pngEye of Belial: After piercing an enemy, instead of homing in on enemies, tears will continue to orbit, but each tear can pierce multiple enemies to gain more size and damage multipliers.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Eye of the Occult icon.pngEye of the Occult: Tears struggle to move outside of the pre-set path Tiny Planet gives.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Flat Stone icon.pngFlat Stone: Tears will bounce and orbit around the character.
  • Collectible Godhead icon.pngGodhead: Tears with damaging auras orbit the character, creating a damaging barrier.
  • Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac: Explosive tears orbit around Isaac. (except in Rebirth)Collectible Host Hat icon.pngHost Hat or Collectible Pyromaniac icon.pngPyromaniac is highly recommended.
  • (except in Rebirth)Collectible Kidney Stone icon.pngKidney Stone: The stone and barrage of tears that follow orbit the character.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Lachryphagy icon.pngLachryphagy: (except in Repentance) Tears will orbit until they are behind the character. Tears will burst into 8 tears that follow the orbit in 2 close groups of 4. One group travels clockwise and the other travels counterclockwise.
    • (in Repentance) Tears orbit the player without slowing down, and can be fed as normal. When a tear bursts, the created tears orbit the place of burst.
  • Collectible Loki's Horns icon.pngLoki's Horns: Effectively grants a great tear multiplier, as the extra tears from Loki's Horns will follow the trajectory given by the Tiny Planet.
  • Collectible Lost Contact icon.pngLost Contact: Shielded tears will orbit Isaac, granting a partially successful 360-degree projectile protection around him. Works better with a faster fire rate or Collectible Anti-Gravity icon.pngAnti-Gravity.
  • Collectible A Lump of Coal icon.pngA Lump of Coal: This item drastically increases the screen time of tears because it makes them orbit around Isaac for a few seconds. A Lump Of Coal adds a lot of damage to tears in "outer orbit".
    • the tears do not fall during the beast fight allowing tears to grow bigger and bigger
  • (except in Rebirth)Collectible Marked icon.pngMarked: Isaac will continuously fire orbiting tears, which allows him to not touch the attack keys and focus just on moving (with giant tears it makes it hard to see as he can't stop firing).
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Mom's Knife icon.pngMom's Knife: Increases range. Causes Mom's knife to orbit around Isaac at very high speeds until it reaching it's maximum range, where it will circle back to Isaac at the same speed.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible My Reflection icon.pngMy Reflection: After reaching their maximum range, the tears will circle back around to Isaac.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Revelation icon.pngRevelation: The beam of light wraps around Isaac and shoots forward at a slight angle, similar to Brimstone.
  • Collectible Rubber Cement icon.pngRubber Cement: Tears bounce off enemies then keep orbiting Isaac. Very powerful as the tears are not destroyed upon damaging an enemy. When near walls, the orbiting tears tend to get stuck against the walls until Isaac moves away.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Spirit Sword icon.pngSpirit Sword: The sword's melee attack becomes disjointed from Isaac, hitting in an increased range in front of him but creating a blind spot where the strike used to be. Spin attacks also occur in front of Isaac instead of around him. Sword projectiles orbit around Isaac as normal.
  • (in Repentance) Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve: Blood clot familiars will each fire tears in their own individual orbits, rather than all orbiting around the character.
  • (in Repentance) Character Tainted Lilith icon.pngTainted Lilith: Tears orbit around the (in Repentance)Collectible Gello icon.pngGello instead of the character.
  • Collectible Technology icon.pngTechnology: A laser creates a circle around Isaac's body before being fired forward normally. The laser becomes spectral.
    • (except in Rebirth) Technology + Collectible A Lump of Coal icon.pngA Lump of Coal: The extra distance covered by the laser more than doubles damage right in front of Isaac, and it increases as normal further away.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Technology Zero icon.pngTechnology Zero: Creates moving laser fields that orbit the character.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Varicose Veins icon.pngVaricose Veins: The ten tears that are fired when the character is hit orbit them closely.


  • Collectible Bob's Rotten Head icon.pngBob's Rotten Head: The thrown bomb orbits around Isaac, making it hard to predict where it will land.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible C Section icon.pngC Section: Fetuses will rotate around Isaac, but still home in on enemies.
  • Collectible Dr. Fetus icon.pngDr. Fetus: The bombs orbit Isaac, exploding just barely far enough to cause no damage assuming he stays motionless.
  • Collectible Epic Fetus icon.pngEpic Fetus: Overrides Tiny Planet.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Haemolacria icon.pngHaemolacria: Fired tears orbit around Isaac, but burst tears do not.
  • Hook WormHook Worm: Has no effect.
  • Collectible The Ludovico Technique icon.pngThe Ludovico Technique: Tear orbits around Isaac, however, the orbit can be grown or shrunken, sped up or slowed down by using the firing keys.
  • (except in Repentance) Collectible Monstro's Lung icon.pngMonstro's Lung: This item removes the extra tear falling speed bonus, causing the burst of tears to circle and land behind the player after only being airborne for a short time.
    • (in Repentance) Range isn't as significantly reduced.
  • Collectible My Reflection icon.pngMy Reflection: Tears will move to maintain their orbital positions around Isaac as he moves, making aiming much easier.
  • Collectible The Parasite icon.pngThe Parasite: Tears only split when hitting objects and enemies.
    • Collectible A Lump of Coal icon.pngA Lump of Coal: Tears glitch out when splitting, remaining for absurdly long times and turning the area around Isaac into an instant-death zone.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Pop! icon.pngPop!: Tears tend to clump together behind the character and then disappear after a few seconds.
  • Collectible Proptosis icon.pngProptosis: At base damage, tears disappear after half an orbit.
  • Ring WormRing Worm: Every single tear spins uncontrollably fast, making aiming incredibly difficult. However, with large shots (Collectible Death's Touch icon.pngDeath's Touch with high damage, for instance) this combo can fill the entire screen with projectiles almost immediately.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Sprinkler icon.pngSprinkler: Tears made by Sprinkler will follow Isaac
  • (except in Rebirth)Collectible Tech X icon.pngTech X: Overrides Tiny Planet.
  • (except in Rebirth)Collectible Tractor Beam icon.pngTractor Beam: Overrides Tiny Planet but keeps the large range increase.
    • Tractor Beam + Collectible Rubber Cement icon.pngRubber Cement: Tears will travel along the beam until they hit a wall and then orbit Isaac.
    • Tractor Beam + Collectible Dr. Fetus icon.pngDr. Fetus: Tractor Beam is ignored and plain Dr. Fetus interaction applies.
    • Tractor Beam + (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Haemolacria icon.pngHaemolacria: Tractor Beam overrides Tiny Planet and Haemolacria Tears no longer arc.
  • Wiggle WormWiggle Worm: The tear forcefully orbits while spiraling. The orbit amplifies the wiggle.

In-game Footage

