Pica Run

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Pica Run is challenge #41. The goal is to defeat Boss Isaac ingame.pngIsaac. This challenge is unlocked by defeating Boss Mom's Heart ingame.pngMom's Heart 11 times and unlocking Collectible Marbles icon.pngMarbles.


The challenge is played as Character Isaac icon.pngIsaac, who starts with Collectible Mom's Box icon.pngMom's Box, Collectible Marbles icon.pngMarbles, and Collectible Mom's Purse icon.pngMom's Purse, resulting in 4 random trinkets spawned on the floor in the starting room. All item pedestals, including those from Devil RoomDevil Rooms, ShopShops, the LibraryLibrary, are replaced with trinket drops (Devil rooms have a circle of spikes around a trinket, making it cost one heart of damage). It is, however, still possible to see a few item pedestals in this challenge.

Unlike its usual function, Marbles now causes Isaac to swallow his held trinkets every time he takes damage, rather than having a low chance of occurring. This allows building up a large collection of trinkets, quite easily making up for the lack of regular items. However, this has its downsides - some trinkets on their own or in combination with others can have undesirable or even disastrous results, such as wild teleportation or spontaneous explosions. If there is any uncertainty, looking up the trinket before committing to it by having it swallowed is recommended.

If you have a way to heal your red hearts, Devil Beggar.pngDevil Beggars and Blood Donation Machine.pngBlood Donation Machines can be extremely useful to swallow more trinkets while keeping your soul hearts and Devil room chance. Battery Bum.pngBattery Bums are a great way to turn many coins into charges for Collectible Mom's Box icon.pngMom's Box.

Certain Trinkets are much more valuable than others at the beginning of a run, especially since Collectible Mom's Box icon.pngMom's Box doubles the effects of most Trinkets. If you are struggling to complete the challenge, it may be useful to restart until your starting trinkets include some of the following:

There are also a number of trinkets you may wish to avoid picking up at all, including (but not limited to):

  • Torn CardTorn Card - causes you to fire an Ipecac + My Reflection tear every so often, which can easily cause you to damage yourself if not constantly tracked.
  • Apple of SodomApple of Sodom - picking up red hearts gives you a 50% chance to spawn a spider instead. You take a fair amount of intentional damage while consuming trinkets, so you'll often want the red hearts.
  • Ouroboros WormOuroboros Worm - the spiral pattern is generally more bad for you than it is good, even when you get the homing effect.
  • 'M'M - rerolls your active item each time it is used. Rerolling Mom's Box means you no longer double your trinket effects and is generally inadvisable.


  • Picking up trinkets spawned in the Boss RushBoss Rush room or Boss Challenge RoomBoss Challenge Room will not start the waves.
  • Items created by Wish BoneWish Bone and Bag LunchBag Lunch are not replaced with trinkets.
  • Modeling ClayModeling Clay does not display the item if it is in the item section. Keep this in mind if you chose to keep it.
  • Adoption PapersAdoption Papers doesn't change the shop's selection to the Baby Shop (Item Pool), it will continue to sell only trinkets and pickups.
  • Dice BagDice Bag can give pocket dices. However, build rerolls are hardcoded to do nothing, so you can't reroll your build with Collectible D4 icon.pngD4 or Collectible D100 icon.pngD100.
  • Trinkets that the player has not currently unlocked can appear in this challenge.



  • Pica is a psychological disorder where a person experiences a compulsion to eat inedible objects and substances.