The Family Man

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The Family Man is challenge #19. Character Isaac icon.pngIsaac starts with Collectible Brother Bobby icon.pngBrother Bobby, Collectible Sister Maggy icon.pngSister Maggy, Collectible Rotten Baby icon.pngRotten Baby, Collectible BFFS! icon.pngBFFS!, and Collectible Dad's Key icon.pngDad's Key. However, he is also blindfolded and must instead rely on familiars to do damage. The goal is to defeat Boss Isaac ingame.pngIsaac.

(except in Rebirth) Isaac also starts with the (except in Rebirth) ConjoinedConjoined transformation due to the familiars the player starts with, making the challenge more difficult. This is because the Conjoined transformation decreases your damage, which the blue flies from Rotten Baby rely on.


The slow fire rate of the familiars makes this challenge difficult, especially in WombWomb and CathedralCathedral. The familiars can also be hard to aim, as they linger behind Isaac.

(in Repentance and Repentance+) Both Brother Bobby and Sister Maggy have been buffed, making this challenge markedly easier: Brother Bobby now has a higher fire rate; while Sister Maggy has an increased damage of 6 (with BFFS! a respectable 12)


  • Dad's Key allows the player to enter Secret RoomSecret Rooms and ShopShops without using Bomb.pngBombs or Key.pngKeys. Saving and obtaining extra pickups via Dad's Key can be leveraged for items from Beggar.pngBeggars and ArcadeArcade machines to offset the challenge's lack of treasure rooms.
    • Also, Dad's Key can be used to exit the Boss RushBoss Rush without having to fight any bosses, granting a free item if the Boss Rush is reached in time.
  • Gaining flight will allow Isaac to stay safely out of range while the familiars deal damage.
  • Damage from blue flies scales with Isaac's damage, allowing more damage into the late game. Several items can help achieve this.
    • GuppyGuppy spawns a fly whenever a familiar's tear hits an enemy, providing a continuous supply of extra damage.
      • (in Repentance and Repentance+) The chance of a fly spawning has been changed from 100% to 50%. Despite this, however, flies are still plentiful.
    • Collectible Rotten Baby icon.pngRotten Baby's Blue Flies can seek enemies at range.
    • Collectible Hive Mind icon.pngHive Mind doubles all Blue Fly damage.
    • Collectible Polyphemus icon.pngPolyphemus or Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac will also greatly increase the damage of Blue Flies.
  • Collectible Sacrificial Dagger icon.pngSacrificial Dagger is extremely useful, because with BFFS! it deals 30 damage per tick, making it extremely useful against bosses.
    • Getting this combined with invincibility such as Rune of AlgizRune of Algiz will allow a guaranteed kill on bosses.
  • Additional damage-dealing familiars can be leveraged against enemies.
    • Collectible Lil Brimstone icon.pngLil Brimstone is particularly useful for its significant damage, unlimited range, and attacks that pierce obstacles and enemies.
    • Collectible Blue Baby's Only Friend icon.png???'s Only Friend can also deal high damage and can be controlled to attack enemies anywhere in the room.
    • Collectible Bob's Brain icon.pngBob's Brain can be tricky to use effectively but offers a tremendous boost to damage.
  • (except in Rebirth)Collectible Spear Of Destiny icon.pngSpear Of Destiny can provide an easy-to-use alternative for dealing damage, but does not benefit from BFFS!
  • Damage-dealing active items, such as Collectible The Candle icon.pngThe Candle, Collectible Red Candle icon.pngRed Candle, or Collectible The Boomerang icon.pngThe Boomerang also offer a reliable amount of damage, and are all obtainable from the Shop.
  • Defensive orbitals block projectiles and some can be used to deal damage. Using Slot Machine.pngSlot Machines is a relatively reliable method to get 2-3 defensive flies.
  • (in Rebirth) Re-rolling Isaac's Items with a Dice RoomDice Room, the Collectible D4 icon.pngD4, the Collectible D100 icon.pngD100, or Collectible Missing No. icon.pngMissing No. is not recommended as it can leave Isaac without means of dealing damage.
  • (except in Rebirth) Most of Character Lilith icon.pngLilith's unlockable items will make the challenge easier:
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Baby-BenderBaby-Bender gives all familiar's tears homing ability.
  • Both (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Collectible Pause icon.pngPause and (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Collectible Camo Undies icon.pngCamo Undies, when combined with Rotten Baby allows Isaac to snipe enemies from safety.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Collectible Potato Peeler icon.pngPotato Peeler will convert health into a Collectible Cube of Meat icon.pngCube of Meat that benefit from BFFS! and the damage upgrade increase the damage of flies.
    • Collectible Book of Revelations icon.pngBook of Revelations will do the same in a slower rate by guaranteeing the Harbingers to spawn at the cost of leaving Dad's Key behind if you don't have (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Collectible Schoolbag icon.pngSchoolbag.
