Talk:Known Issues
Crash on end credits
I've been experiencing a crash, when the end credits are rolling and I change back to the Isaac window from a different window at the exact moment of the ending of the credits. Needs confirmation.
Teleporting Glitch
- Makes The player randomly teleport out of the current room when a spacebar Item is used, or on extremely rare runs when they player gets hit.
Having the trinket "Broken Remote"
Known Facts
- When a spacebar item such as MR. BOOM or Bob's Rotten Head is used, you will teleport and receive one bomb.
- When this glitch occurs once in a run, it will continue to occur for the remainder of the run.
This above section was a page written by another user. I moved it to this talk page for discussion. --RoshanLynch (Jsmooth13) (talk) 20:02, 8 December 2014 (UTC)
Charged Shots Glitch
As of v1.04, tear modifiers that require charging, such as Brimstone or Mom's Knife, automatically fire upon entering a new room. Need confirmation for Chocolate Milk and Cursed Eye. --Exschwasion (talk) 03:29, 25 December 2014 (UTC) entering a room with chocolate milk charged fires it, but entering a room with cursed eye charged fires a single tear from the left eye, or the non-cursed one, and allows you to maintain your charge Kingskybomber14 (talk) 06:23, 25 December 2014 (UTC)
Mega Satan not unlocking a certain achievement
- The achievement "Dead Boy" (#83) does not unlock when defeating Mega Satan without taking damage, however the Wiki's description of the achievement simply states "Beat Chapter 6 without taking damage."
- I am not certain if this is a bug, or if the Achievements page should have this description changed.
- (Posted to discussion pages of both Known Issues and Achievements)
- There is no achievement for beating Mega Satan without taking damage. The achievement is for beating chapter 6, so you have to beat either The Lamb or ??? (Boss). Mega satan does not count as the Chapter 6 Boss, and there is no achievement for killing him, unless you do it in hard mode with The Lost, which is a requirement for unlocking Godhead.
- Notice you can kill both Megasatan and the chapter boss in the same run if you have a good enough build. Just defeat the chapter boss first but do not enter the game-ending chest. Then go for megasatan. You'll get both Megasatan ending AND any achievements related to that chapter.
- GryphusR (talk) 20:32, 3 January 2015 (UTC)
The Wretched not taking damage from charmed enemies
I was studying enemy behavior under charm effect and noticed that no matter how much enemies (including another Wretched) tried to damage it, it just didn't lose any hp.
items having no effect
I picked up Polyphemus on the chest and nothing happened, made me salty. I had no damage changes or fire rate changes.
Feared Host's shooting with head down
I just came across this glitch a few minutes ago. I was playing The Lost, and I had gotten Fear shot from a Deal with the Devil. I enter a room with two Host's sitting in the middle. I only shoot one at a time and strafe, I fear the one I was shooting, the fear wears off and the Host puts his head down. Then with his head down he shoots at me and I get hit and die.
Restarting entire floors
I've only done this once, but it seems to work consistently. If you alt f4 out of the game as you die but before the death screen with your items come up, you can go back on the game and restart the entire floor with your items. This works on further floors such as the depths.
I tried this with Judas, and my Book of Belial disappeared. I haven't tried to recreate this yet.
Ultra Random Super Speed
Sometimes my game just speeds up for no apparent reason; kind of like the "broken watch speed up" effect exept it happends even if I don't have the Broken Watch and last until I exit the current run (if you leave then "continue" the run the bug desapear). This bug seem to happen more frequently in challenge rooms, curse rooms and secret room. Unfortunately as the timer speeds up with the game it can't really be used as an exploit to "cheat" the game and go faster for the boss rush. Instead the enemies are just twice as dangerous and you are twice more likely to miss your target or end up in spikes.