Talk:Tainted Eve

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I'm fairly certain the line

"The blood clots still count as health while active, so Tainted Eve can’t collect hearts or enter the Whore of Babylon state if she would be at full health after reabsorbing the blood clots."

Is incorrect, as I have been playing Tainted Eve almost exclusively with a friend in Co-Op and she is able to collect hearts with clots out. In fact, it's essential as you keep growing a clot army to epic proportions and devastate rooms thanks to the clots copying your tear effects like Nose Goblin. The tidbit about being unable to enter Whore of Babylon if you have Clots active is true, but seemingly not because of the claim that they count as health while active.

I make the talk page because I don't know for sure, as I have only played Repentence in Co-Op over Parsec with a friend, and don't own the DLC myself. If anyone could verify the reality of the situation please do so.

--QueueKaye (talk) 10:06, 11 April 2021 (UTC)

Checked and fixed. --Frionil (talk) 16:32, 11 April 2021 (UTC)

So, Box of Friends doesn't work with Tainted Eve's blood clots, despite them being familiars. Is there anything that would point one way or another to whether this is a bug or not? --LuminousUmbra (talk) 10:17, 1 May 2021 (UTC)

I have added sections regarding both overfilling health on blood clots when using Sumptorium, as well as a strange state eve entered while I was fighting the Mom fight on low health. I died too quickly to truly understand what happened, but I plan to be playing more Tainted Eve and will hopefully find out more. If anyone knows more, feel free to add to the entries. --flaminHotFledge (talk} 6:42, 6, May 2021 (UTC)

- This is an effect already listed on the Sumptorium's page. I added it on Tainted Eve's page to avoid further confusion. --MoucheronQuipet (talk} 9:42, 6, May 2021 (UTC)

About invincibilty effects

It says the clots inherit the effects of invincibility and I used the chariot and half my clots died. Should specify what items do count.


Mars is listed as Disfavored Items, but its description refers to pre-1.7.5 Should it stay this way? McRela (talk) 12:04, 20 December 2021 (UTC)

clots are no longer destroyed by peircing attacks (brimstone)?

I am 90% certain that clots are not destroyed by brimstone-like attacks in the latest version of isaac (1.7.8). This contradicts the information in the strategy section regarding these attacks. I am simply putting this here because I'm not 100% certain.

-Ive seen it on the Miniissac page that they dont die to lasers as well so im pretty sure this is in the game for most familiars but i haven't personally done any testing. Skelatone (talk) 20:04, 26 April 2022 (UTC)

V1.7.5 Patch Changes

I've tried to update the page with the details of the V1.7.5 patch:

  • Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve's clots are no longer lost when recalled by (in Repentance)Collectible Sumptorium icon.pngSumptorium if she has full health, instead they will drop to the ground next to her
  • Tainted Eve's clots now start with 15 HP when spawned and slowly decay down to 1 HP (5 HP for non-red hearts)

I may have missed some text or descriptions, but the main description and list of mechanics at least were updated. I would highly appreciate it if someone else could update the Strategy section, as it is highly verbose. Deadly_Bunny (talk) 09:04, 25 September 2022 (UTC)