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Speed cap

The speed cap is not fixed at 2.0, it's simply the highest it can go; most speed down effects will lower the cap, a lot of speed ups will *not* raise it back. I went through all the effects and documented which ones lower/raise the cap. "x" means repeatable with copies/uses. This info might be worth noting in the item pages.

Speed downs:

  • dataminer (-0.2 x)
  • the nail (-0.18)
  • small rock (-0.2 x)
  • bucket of lard (-0.2 x)
  • experimental treatment (-0.2 x)
  • kidney stone (-0.2 x)
  • missing no (-0.2)
  • taurus (-0.3)
  • thunder thighs (-0.4)

speed ups:

  • dataminer (+0.2 x)
  • my little unicorn (+0.28)
  • a pony (sets to 1.5 if lower)
  • unicorn stump (+0.28)
  • white pony (sets to 1.5 if lower)
  • abaddon (+0.2)
  • aries (+0.25)
  • capricorn (+0.1)
  • dog tooth (+0.1 x)
  • experimental treatment (+0.2 x)
  • missing no (+0.2)
  • purity (+0.5)
  • sagittarius (+0.2)
  • smb super fan (+0.2 x)
  • goat hoof (+0.15)
  • spun transformation (+0.15)

Ones not on above list neither lower or raise the cap: wide odd mush, the virus, the belt, blood bag, caffeine pill, growth hormones, the halo, lord of the pit, magic mushroom, the mark, mini mush, thin odd mushroom, roid rage, speed ball, stop watch, whore of babylon, speed up pills

Frionil (talk) 17:49, 24 August 2019 (UTC)