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I'm pretty sure stopwatch doesn't work in this fight, although mother isn't immune to other status effects.

You are aware that stopwatch no longer is room slowdown on hit, yeah? It's just a permament, tiny slowdown that isn't a status effect. --Frionil (talk) 02:19, 8 April 2021 (UTC)

> As revealed in the Ending that comes after this fight, Mother and Mom are the same person

Mother's full boss portrait should be added to the gallery.

I've been having some crash issue with Mother's homing projectile trail, game version 4.0.4. Currently testing its exact cause.--TheMegax Plus (talk) 04:26, 22 May 2021 (UTC)

  • Turns out Bot Fly was the responsible. Maybe the trail tears are not properly destroyed by the bot fly's shield tears. Afterwards, the game tries to call the non-existing tears, ending up in a crash.--TheMegax Plus (talk) 04:34, 22 May 2021 (UTC)

Plan C with extra lives as the Lost against Mother

I noticed that attempting to use Plan C and extra lives to kill Mother didn't work with the Lost compared to other characters if the extra live revives the player in the previous room. I assume this is because the Lost has a shorter death animation compared to the other characters. Other characters "fall over" before their spirit rises from their body, while Lost just skips to itself ascending, making it just short enough so that it finishes before Mother's death animation, making the strategy non-viable as Lost. I'd add the information myself but I'd rather leave this here for whoever is in charge of testing and adding information to the Wiki to find it and do it themselves :thumbsup:.