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Incorrect information about transformations?

I think the most recent DLC information about transformations is wrong - transformations do still seem to survive reroll of the involved items - but I think the change is that items that were re-rolled no longer count for a transformation that hasn't been earned yet. So, item 1, item 2, re-roll, item 3 no longer would be the transformation, but if you transform and then re-roll I think you keep it.

Removes history of previous held active items in repentance

It seems the D4 removes your history of previously held active items in regards to transformations, even though it doesn't reroll these items. I got Guppy's head and paw before D4 and later rerolled with D4. Floors afterwards, I then got dead cat, which didn't cause a transformation. That seems to be a bug since you do not reroll previously held items with the D4. (23-04-2021)

The Lost Has D4 on 3DS???

Every time I start a run as The Lost on 3ds, I have the D4. I don't have dlc, homebrew, or whatever. The 3ds only has Rebirth, no dlc available for purchase. I'm confused because every source and every video I watch says "Lost does not have d4 in rebirth." --TheOfficialTapeDispenser (talk) 4:54, 17 May 2021 (EST)

Oh yeah, also it doesn't show up on the characters item thing next to the [X] icon, but it just suddenly shows up in my inventory and active item slot when I start a run. Nothing about it is wrong, it works perfectly.

It's entirely possible the 3DS version has some backported features from Afterbirth, and I'll take your word for it that he has D4. Does he also have spectral tears and flight, as well as holy mantle? --Frionil (talk) 10:12, 17 May 2021 (UTC)
No, he does not have spectral tears or holy mantle, but he does have flight. It's weird how they only added the D4 to The Lost. I thought someone would have mentioned it online because there are even 3DS seeds in the unlocking The Lost section. I might start a new save file and see if The Lost has the D4 if it's not unlocked. --TheOfficialTapeDispenser (talk) 9:59, 17 May 2021 (EST)