XVI - The Tower

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XVI - The Tower is a card.



  • This card's active effect is identical to Anarchist CookbookAnarchist Cookbook's.
  • Although visually unchanged, all passive Bomb.pngBomb effect items affect the spawned Troll Bombs unless otherwise noted.
  • The bombs spawn one after the other, meaning that they will also explode one after the other and can push each other around.
    • If the room is exited before all bombs are spawned, the remaining bombs will not continue to spawn upon re-entering the room.
  • Exiting the room will reset the troll bombs' fuses.


  • By repeatedly exiting and re-entering the room, the bombs can be slowly pushed towards a tinted rock or a Secret RoomSecret Room's entrance.



  • (except in Rebirth)Bomber BoyBomber Boy: Not recommended. The cross pattern explosion makes it very hard to avoid taking damage.
  • Mr. MegaMr. Mega: No effect.
  • PyromaniacPyromaniac: Spawned bombs can be used for mass healing.
  • (except in Rebirth)Safety ScissorsSafety Scissors: Spawned troll bombs become bomb pickups.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Scatter BombsScatter Bombs: Not recommended. Each Troll Bomb will spawn several smaller bombs upon exploding, making it very hard to avoid taking damage.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) No visual change can be seen with the Troll Bombs, but the smaller bombs have the sprite of the smaller normal bombs.

In-game Footage

  • TBA



  • The Tower is the sixteenth card of a Major Arcana set.