XIII - Death?

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

XIII - Death? is an unlockable card added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.


  • Spawns one of the following for each enemy already killed in the current room:
    • An orbital bone familiar (very common).
    • A friendly Bony.pngBony (uncommon).
    • A friendly Black Bony.pngBlack Bony (rare).
    • A friendly Bone Fly.pngBone Fly (uncommon).
    • A friendly Revenant.pngRevenant (rare).
    • A friendly Big Bony.pngBig Bony (uncommon chance only if the killed enemy has high enough HP)
  • (except in Repentance+) Spawning an enemy other than a Bony/Black Bony is only possible after dying at least once to said enemy on the save file.
  • The chance to spawn Revenants is greatly increased in MausoleumMausoleum / GehennaGehenna / SheolSheol / Dark RoomDark Room.


  • XIII - Death?'s effect is identical to that of Book of the DeadBook of the Dead. Refer to its page to see in-depth interactions, detailed spawn chances, and notes about the bone orbitals.
  • Up to 32 enemy deaths can be tracked in the room. Those locations are used as spawn points for bone orbitals and Bonies.
    • If Isaac leaves the room, the points are reset. Using XIII - Death? will have no effect.


  • To gain the most value out of XIII - Death?, it is recommended to leave enemies that can summon other enemies alive for longer, which will increase the number of dead enemies in one room.


In-game Footage

  • TBA


  • XIII - DeathXIII - Death's effect being to kill all enemies in the room, its antithetical effect is to raise them from the dead.