White Pony

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White Pony is an unlockable activated item.


  • Passively grants flight.
  • If Isaac's speed is less than 1.5, passively increases his speed to 1.5.
  • Upon use, Isaac charges in the direction the pony is facing, giving invincibility during the charge and damaging enemies while also creating beams of light.
    • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) The beams of light are spaced randomly around the room and deal the same damage as those created by Crack the SkyCrack the Sky.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) The beams of light deal 4 times Isaac's damage, plus a flat 10 damage and trail behind Isaac as he charges.
    • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) The dash deals 40 flat contact damage to enemies.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) The dash deals 4 times Isaac's damage, plus a flat 28 damage.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Isaac can dash through doors, which means that damage from Curse RoomCurse Room doors can be avoided.
      • Although the dash can persist between rooms, the beams of light only occur in the room it is used in.
  • While not time-based, invincibility from White Pony is otherwise identical to damage immunity granted by the invulnerability effect.



  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Book of VirtuesBook of Virtues: Creates white pony wisps on the middle ring that fire white tears with a 10% chance to fire Holy LightHoly Light tears. The beams of light the wisps' tears make deal extra damage to enemies in a small area equal to 3x the wisps' tear damage.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)MarsMars: Using White Pony after dashing lowers the dash cooldown to approximately 1 second.


  • (except in Rebirth)Car BatteryCar Battery: No effect.
  • TaurusTaurus / Thunder ThighsThunder Thighs: The speed decreases from the items can lower Isaac's speed past 1.50 (making the new lower speed limits 1.20 and 1.10, respectively). Having both items can lower the minimum speed to 0.80.

In-game Footage



  • This item is a reference to the White Horse, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse described in the last book of the Bible. This is reinforced by the fact that the item is dropped by Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest, which is a further reference to that passage of Christian theology.
  • The item appears to be a stick horse.