Ultra Greed Coin

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Ultra Greed Coins are enemies exclusively spawned by (except in Rebirth) Boss Ultra Greed ingame.pngUltra Greed during some of his attacks.

Spinner Coin

(except in Rebirth)

Spinner Coins will spin around the room. Unlike the other coins, these deal contact damage, but won't do anything if they are not destroyed in time. They also last longer.

Key Coin

(except in Rebirth)

Key Coins open the golden doors around Ultra Greed's boss room if not destroyed, which spawn hordes of Greed Gaper.pngGreed Gapers.

Bomb Coin

(except in Rebirth)

Bomb Coins explode with a large radius if not destroyed, but a single explosion can deal 40 damage to Ultra Greed. Bomb Coins spawned by (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier can drop a Penny.pngPenny.

Heart Coin

(except in Rebirth)

Heart Coins heal Ultra Greed for 13.125 HP each if not destroyed.


  • The Coins all gain +15% HP after unlocking Everything is Terrible 2!!! Everything is Terrible 2!!! and their timings (breaking up and activating effect) are 10% faster.