The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+

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Issues: As this is information relating to newly released content, there may be more information planned to be released by the developers in the following months.

(in Repentance+)

Repentance+ is a free DLC expansion to The Binding of Isaac: Repentance that was released on November 18, 2024.

WARNING: Repentance+ online co-op is still in a beta state. It may be unstable and can sometimes corrupt your save data. Play it at your own risk. You can always turn off Repentance+ content in Steam's DLC manager, and the game keeps a backup of your pre-Repentance+ save files.


General features revealed include:

  • A fully reworked Co-op mode, with new online multiplayer modes, including Quick Match, Public Match, Friend Match and online Daily Run.
  • A new Emote Wheel, allowing users to communicate better.
  • Text chat functionality.
  • Many new item buffs and re-balancing adjustments.

Re-balancing Adjustments

Item Changes

  • Tammy's HeadTammy's Head: Reduced the duration of the animation when using Tammy’s Head, allowing the player to fire more quickly after use.
  • Lemon MishapLemon Mishap: Slightly increased the size of the puddle. Also, the puddle will now persist until the player exits the room.
  • Mega BeanMega Bean: Creates a catastrophic fart that sweeps the entire room (It now works just like Mama Mega!Mama Mega!, including opening Boss Rush/Hush).
  • Milk!Milk!: The familiar now follows closely behind the player and blocks shots. After 10 hits, the glass will break and give the player a Tears upgrade for the remainder of the floor.
  • DeliriousDelirious: Summoned bosses will now persist through rooms. Only one boss can be active at a time. The charge is now variable, based on the quality of the previously summoned boss.
  • Lil DeliriumLil Delirium: Now contributes to the Conjoined transformation.
  • Jar of WispsJar of Wisps: Reduced to a 6-room charge, allowing the wisps to stack up to the maximum number more quickly.
  • AbyssAbyss: Item quality now impacts the damage of the summoned locust. Locusts now inherit many different effects based on the item destroyed by Abyss.
  • FlipFlip: Charge has been reduced to 4 rooms for Character Tainted Lazarus icon.pngTainted Lazarus only.
  • Portable SlotPortable Slot: Removed from the ShopShop pool. Added as a possible reward from a Slot Machine.pngSlot Machine.
  • VoidVoid: Charge has been reduced from 6 rooms to 4.
  • EpiphoraEpiphora: The Tears upgrade from firing in a single direction is now a smooth increase, instead of being staggered every few seconds.
  • God's FleshGod's Flesh: Doubled the chance of shrink tears firing. Shrunken enemies now briefly flash white before growing back to full size. Enemies that explode, fire shots or summon minions on death can no longer hurt Isaac if they're killed while shrunken.
  • HushyHushy: While held in place, Hushy now fires radial bursts of shots.
  • It HurtsIt Hurts: After taking damage, the player's tears will now leave behind small pools of blood creep for the room.
  • MarsMars: In addition to being invulnerable when charging, Isaac will gain a 1-second bubble of invulnerability after the charge. Hitting obstacles also causes a knockback effect to clear any threats from the surrounding area.
  • Evil CharmEvil Charm: The player now gains immunity to spider-web slowdown, flame attacks, fireplaces and poison mushrooms. Isaac can also stand in enemy creep for 1 second before taking damage.
  • VasculitisVasculitis: Friendly radial shots fired after killing an enemy will now appear as blood clots to more easily distinguish them.
  • Lil PortalLil Portal: Has been completely reworked. Double-tapping a fire button is now required to launch Lil Portal. After it has consumed enough items and the room is clear, a single portal will spawn and the familiar will now disappear for the remainder of the floor. Entering this portal now takes Isaac to a room where he can pick up or drop off items. This room persists throughout the rest of the current run.
  • Linger BeanLinger Bean: The fart cloud is now deployed after 4 seconds of continuous fire instead of 7 seconds. The cloud starts small and potent, and will grow and deal reduced damage over the course of 10 seconds.
  • JupiterJupiter: Now heals 2 red hearts instead of just ½.
  • Butter BeanButter Bean: Recharge time has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2.
  • The BeanThe Bean: Can now be re-used after a 4-second cooldown instead of a room charge.
  • Kidney BeanKidney Bean Can now be re-used after a 4-second cooldown instead of a room charge.
  • Dead BirdDead Bird: Will remain active between rooms as long as the player is at ½ heart. (Note: Character Eve icon.pngEve requires 1 full heart.)
  • DataminerDataminer: Using Dataminer in a room with an item pedestal will now reroll it into a glitched item.
  • ParasitoidParasitoid: Egg sacs can now be created from Technology shots and Brimstone beams.
  • Ocular RiftOcular Rift: Reduced devil price from 2 to 1.
  • Hive MindHive Mind: Now increases damage of AbyssAbyss locusts.
  • Flush!Flush!: Now also instantly kills Boss Turdlings ingame.pngTurdlings.

Trinket Changes

  • TickTick: Now removable by picking up A LighterA Lighter.
  • ErrorError: Now displays which trinket it is currently emulating.
  • Short FuseShort Fuse: Now makes bombs deal 15% more damage.
  • TonsilTonsil: Reduced the number of hits required to create a familiar from 12-20 to 6-12.
  • Bag LunchBag Lunch: Increased the chance to spawn LunchLunch on hit.
  • Wish BoneWish Bone: Increased the chance to spawn an item on hit.

Global Changes

Undocumented Changes

  • Added a deathmatch mode that can be played only after winning an online run.

Character Changes

  • Character Jacob and Esau icon.pngJacob and Esau were given a new toggle in the options menu labelled "Jacob+Esau Controls" with the choices being "Classic" or "Better".
    • Classic controls will toggle between the active items of Jacob & Esau and their pills/cards when the player holds the Drop button.
    • Better controls will toggle between Jacob's active item + pill/card and Esau's active item + pill/card when the player holds the Drop button.

Quality changes

Many items have had their quality updated: