Talk:Glitter Bombs
After using Glitter bombs with a golden bomb for about ten minutes in repentance, the bombs stopped dropping anything at all. I have no hard data to back this up, but it appears that the glitter bombs now some kind of limitation, and are no longer infinite pickups Here is footage of this occurring.
After entering the next floor, the bombs I placed were immediately dropping things again. Here is evidence of this. So it seems that the glitter bomb drop cap is reset every floor.
Also, I should mention that nothing in the patch notes for repentance mentioned this change, so I suppose it may have been a thing even before repentance? Does anyone know if this has been tested in the past, because if it has I find it strange that the wiki page says that items such as gold bomb and dr. fetus allow for "infinite" pickups.
- The pickup generation was definitely unlimited, or at least with a limit above thousands of pickups per level. It hss clearly just been changed and an edit needs to be done with according tags. --Frionil (talk) 08:51, 4 April 2021 (UTC)
I also noticed the change, not being able for infinite pickup farming, so I decided to edit the wiki page --bloggi 22.36, 22 April 2021 (UTC +2)