Talk:Dad's Note

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I've tried to make a transcript of the dialogues between Isaac's parents heard during the Dad's Note event. This is what I got down so far, but it's incomplete & has mistakes. Feel free to add and correct any dialogues necessary. (I modified the few sentences that were wrong and I added the one that was missing, I think it's complete now !)

1st dialogue (at the start of Mausoleum II)

Dad: I've spent it. It's gone! Just get over it!

Mom: What do you mean? What do you mean, it's gone? HOW COULD YOU HAVE SPENT OUR SAVINGS?!

2nd dialogue (at the start of The Depths I / Mines II)

Mom: He's self-destructive and disturbed, just like his father... Look at who he has to look up to! And you're drunk again, aren't you ?

Dad: SHUT UP, MAGGY! SHUT! UP! You just keep pushing me like this, I'm leaving!

Mom: Good, LEAVE! We'll be fine without you! Abandon us like you abandoned yourself...

3rd dialogue (at the start of Caves I / Downpour II)

Mom: You need to repent. You need to confess your sins and become saved! Let His light inside you! Cleanse your soul!

Dad: You are insane! You are taking this too far! Can't you hear how you sound?

Mom: Pray with me! Pray for your salvation! Come, pray with us Isaac...

4th dialogue (at the start of Basement I)

(The sound of a door opening is heard)

Mom: Where are you going? Wait! We need you! Your son NEEDS you!

Dad: I’m doing more harm than good. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry...

Mom: Please...! Please don't leave us!

Dad: I'm sorry Isaac...

Too many descriptions of the Ascent process

There's already a description of the ascent in the dedicated page, but the Home (fixed) and Dad's Note pages have the description too, which is redundant imo. We should decide where the description actually should be instead of writing the same stuff over and over again.