Super Gluttony

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Super Gluttony is a mini-boss and one of the Seven Super Deadly Sins. He is randomly encountered as an alternate version of Gluttony.pngGluttony.


Super Gluttony wanders randomly around the room and performs one of two attacks:

  • Fires 8 projectiles in all directions in conjunction with a disorganized spray of projectiles aimed at Isaac, similar to Boss Monstro ingame.pngMonstro.
  • Fires a BrimstoneBrimstone laser out of his belly and back towards Isaac if he is aligned in a cardinal direction.

Super Gluttony deals a whole heart of contact damage.


  • Super Gluttony can spawn with 2 Vis.pngVis in the mini-boss room.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Super Gluttony can drop Bucket of LardBucket of Lard even if Isaac has already encountered/possessed it.


  • Similar to Gluttony.pngGluttony, who is a Vis.pngVis with a head, Super Gluttony is a Double Vis.pngDouble Vis with a head.
  • The Seven Deadly Sins that these mini-bosses are based upon are, in Christian teachings, a classification of vices from which all others are derived.