Round Worm

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This article is about the monster. For trinkets, see Category:Worms.

A Round Worm is an enemy introduced in the vanilla content of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. They appear from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4.

It will periodically burrow into the ground and pop up in different part of the room. If Isaac is in their line of sight when that happens, it will spit a blood shot in his direction.


Night Crawler

Like the Round Worm, the Night Crawler will burrow into the ground and appear somewhere else. When Isaac is within their line of sight, they will fire four short-range projectiles that spiral outwards.


(except in Rebirth)

Roundy is a type of Round Worm added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth DLC.

Like the Round Worm, a Roundy will burrow into the ground and appear somewhere else. When it surfaces, it releases a small rock wave around it and fires an Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac shot towards Isaac.

The Roundy's rock wave and explosive projectile can kill other monsters including each other.


(except in Rebirth)

The Ulcer is an enemy added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth DLC.

Like the Round Worm, the Ulcer will burrow into the ground and appear somewhere else. When it surfaces, if Isaac is within its line of sight, it will spawn a Dart Fly.pngDart Fly, but if there are 6 of them in the current room, it will start firing a blood shot instead. Ulcers burrow underground at a slightly slower rate than most other Worms, usually making them easier to attack.

Tube Worm

(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)

The Tube Worm is a unique variant of the Round Worm found in (in Repentance and Repentance+) Chapter 1.5 and the Flooded CavesFlooded Caves of Chapter 2. They are added in the Booster Pack #4 for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth † DLC.

Like the Round Worm, the Tube Worm will burrow into the ground and appear somewhere else. Upon popping out of the ground, they will fire a long-ranged arcing spray of shots at Isaac, attempting to intercept Isaac's position based on his movement. Unlike standard Round Worms, they can fire at Isaac even if they do not have a line of sight.

Fire Worm

(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Fire Worms were introduced in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.

Like the Round Worm, the Fire Worm will burrow into the ground and appear somewhere else. If Isaac is in their line of sight, they will fire a single flame at him. They can only appear in lava-filled gaps.

Tainted Round Worm

(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Tainted Round Worms are much stronger and tankier versions of Round Worms. They are added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance DLC.

Like Round Worms, they will pop out of random locations in the floor, but the Tainted Round Worm does so alongside multiple tail ends. The head and all the tail ends will shoot Isaac together when he is in sight; while the tail ends each shoot a small blood shot, the head spits a large blood shot which will split into 8 blood shots upon obstacle collision. The tail ends can be attacked to deal damage to the Tainted Round Worm.

They are only found on the Ascent to HomeHome.

Tainted Tube Worm

(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Tainted Tube Worms are a stronger variant of Tube Worms only found in DownpourDownpour during the Ascent. They are added to The Binding of Isaac: Repentance DLC.

After popping up in a random location, they spit 4 spread-out Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac shots in the direction of Isaac.




  • Round Worms are parasitic creatures in real life that can be found inside cats or dogs.
  • Nightcrawlers in real life could refer to earthworms, although they don't look similar to the Nightcrawlers from The Binding of Isaac.
  • (except in Rebirth) Ulcers are a reference to ulcers, breaks in bodily membranes caused by sloughing out of inflamed necrotic tissue.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Tube Worms were created by Kilburn,[1] who later became the programmer and developer for the Repentance DLC.
  • In real-life, tube worms are creatures that live underwater and anchor their tails underground, which may be where the Tube Worm from The Binding of Isaac got its name from. However, they don't resemble real-life tube worms.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)The Fireworm first appeared in the Antibirth mod where its name was one word instead of two.


  1. Booster Pack #4 is Live! - r/bindingofisaac