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(except in Rebirth)

Restock is a passive item added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. All characters start with Restock in Greed mode.


  • Upon purchasing an item from the ShopShop, a new purchasable item is added to the store's inventory.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Drops 3 random pickups around Isaac.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Outside of Greed Mode, the restocked item's cost is increased after each purchase.
    • For items, the price increase is 2 coins times the number of purchases. For example, an item starting at 15 cents would next be +2 to 17, then +4 to 21, +6 to 27, etc. The cost follows the formula 15+n(n+1) with n being the number of times restock has triggered.
    • For everything else, the price increase is 1 coin times the number of purchases. For example, a heart starting at 3 cents would be +1 to 4, +2 to 6, +3 to 9 etc. This follows the formula (original price)+(n(n+1))/2
    • The increase is not affected by discounts occurring naturally or through Collectible Steam Sale icon.pngSteam Sale: costs will increase at the same rate, though the base price is still discounted. Once the item's cost goes over what it would naturally be, the price is no longer highlighted red.
    • The maximum price is 99 cents.
  • A small restock icon appears under the map, just like Collectible Treasure Map icon.pngTreasure Map, Collectible Blue Map icon.pngBlue Map, Collectible The Compass icon.pngThe Compass (in Repentance and Repentance+) and any active curses.


  • All characters start with a permanent copy of this item in Greed Mode. It cannot be removed or rerolled by any means.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) If used with Collectible IV Bag icon.pngIV Bag/Blood Donation Machine.pngBlood Donation Machine and an item which can spawn additional coins (Counterfeit PennyCounterfeit Penny, Swallowed PennySwallowed Penny, Collectible Humbleing Bundle icon.pngHumbleing Bundle, etc.), infinite money can be produced by buying hearts for 3 coins and getting more than 3 coins back after donating health.
  • When purchasing Restock from a Shop, the slot that Restock was purchased from will not be restocked.
  • Restock does not affect Black MarketBlack Markets or purchasable items generated via (in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible A Pound of Flesh icon.pngA Pound of Flesh or (in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible The Stairway icon.pngThe Stairway.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Purchasing an item that is on sale will replace it with another that is on sale.


  • 2 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds + Collectible Blank Card icon.pngBlank Card:
    • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Coins can be infinitely generated by buying Lil' Battery.pngLil' Batteries. As Lil' Batteries only cost 5 coins, as long as Isaac starts with at least 11, the maximum of 99 coins can be quickly reached.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) This cannot be repeated infinitely outside of Greed Mode, as Restock now increases the price of a shop slot each time something is purchased from it.
      • Collectible Deep Pockets icon.pngDeep Pockets allows this to once again be repeated infinitely, as the price will cap at 99 coins, while up to 999 coins can be obtained.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Collectible Steam Sale icon.pngSteam Sale x2: Items can be infinitely bought from shops.
  • Collectible Blank Card icon.pngBlank Card + 2 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds: (except in Repentance and Repentance+) If a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery is on sale, items can be bought infinitely.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) If a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery is on sale, Isaac can buy a lot of items before the prices become too high in that shop.
  • Collectible Chaos icon.pngChaos: Restock is affected by Chaos, and can be used to obtain otherwise rare items.
    • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Chaos + Collectible Steam Sale icon.pngSteam Sale x2: Items can be bought infinitely, allowing Isaac to theoretically obtain every item in the game.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible Keeper's Box icon.pngKeeper's Box: Buying spawned pickups in the Shop will always respawn them as items and their prices will never increase. This does not work outside of the shop.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible Member Card icon.pngMember Card: Items bought in the separate shop will also be restocked.


In-game Footage
