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(except in Rebirth)

Meatballs are grotesque enemies found only in Chapter 4. They slowly slide around the room aimlessly. If Isaac is in sight, they will stop to spew a fountain of short-range blood shots in all directions or spit a line of damaging Red Creep towards Isaac. Upon death, they spawn a Host.pngHost, which can be faintly seen partially sticking out of the Meatball on one side.



  • Meatballs are one of five enemies (four without Repentance, three without Afterbirth+) in the game that uses Creep as projectiles, the others are Conjoined Fatty.pngConjoined Fatty, (in Repentance and Repentance+) Bloaty.pngBloaty, Ultra Pride.pngUltra Pride and (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) The Thing.pngThe Thing.
  • Meatballs are one of two only enemies from the Afterbirth expansion that are entirely new enemies and not new variants of already existing enemies. The other is the Corn Mine.pngCorn Mine. The Dukie.pngDukie is an exception as it's technically a smaller version of Boss The Duke of Flies ingame.pngThe Duke of Flies.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Meatballs now make sounds when they attack.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Prior to Booster Pack #5, Meatballs had a chance to spawn (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Mushroom (Enemy).pngMushrooms upon death instead of Host.pngHosts.