Level Generation
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Level generation is the process the game uses to create each floor. Each floor has its own requirements of size, special rooms, and dead ends that must be met.
First, the game determines how many rooms will generate on the floor. Later floors have more rooms, and Curse of the Labyrinth makes the floor much larger.
- If the floor is not XL or The Void:
- NumberOfRooms = 3.33 × FloorDepth + 5-6 (maximum of 20)
- If the floor is an XL floor:
- NumberOfRooms = 1.8 × (3.33 × FloorDepth + 5-6) (maximum of 45)
- If the floor is The Void:
- NumberOfRooms = 50-59
- 2-3 more rooms are added if playing on Hard Mode
- 4 more rooms are added if the floor has Curse of the Lost.
Then the minimum number of dead ends the floor must generate is set.
- All floors have at least 5 dead ends:
- 1 dead end is added to all floors except the first floor.
- 1 dead end is added to XL floors.
- 2 dead ends are added to The Void.
- 1 dead end is added if Isaac has Voodoo Head.
Next, special rooms are generated in dead ends.
- Special rooms are placed in order from the dead end farthest from the starting room to the closest.
- If all dead ends on a floor become occupied by special rooms, no more special rooms can generate.
- Chest, Dark Room, and The Void only generate Boss Rooms and Secret Rooms/Super Secret Rooms (and a Grave Room in the Dark Room).
Special rooms generate in the following order:
- Boss Room (guaranteed).
- If it is an XL floor, two boss rooms will be generated back to back.
- Multiple Boss Rooms are generated in The Void.
- Super Secret Room (guaranteed).
- Two Super Secret Rooms will be generated if Isaac has Luna.
- Shop (guaranteed for the first 3 Chapters).
- Also guaranteed in Chapter 4 if Isaac has Silver Dollar.
- Also guaranteed in Chapter 5 if Isaac has Holy Crown or Wicked Crown).
- Will not be generated on the third and subsequent Victory Laps.
- Treasure Room (guaranteed for the first 3 Chapters).
- Also guaranteed in Chapter 4 if Isaac has Bloody Crown.
- Also guaranteed in Chapter 5 if Isaac has Holy Crown or Wicked Crown).
- If it is an XL floor, two Treasure Rooms will be generated.
- Planetarium (base 1% chance to be generated in Chapter 1 through Chapter 3, but will not be generated in later chapters; skipping Treasure Rooms, and obtaining one of a number of items and trinkets will modify this chance).
- Dice Room or Sacrifice Room (1/7 (~14%) base chance, plus a second 1/4 chance for a total of 5/14 (~36%) if Isaac’s total health is equal to or greater than his total Heart Containers).
- If a Sacrifice Room is successfully generated, it has a 1/50 base chance to become a Dice Room instead, plus a second 1/5 chance for a total of 27/125 (~22%) if Isaac has 2 or more Keys.
- Library (1/20 chance).
- The code specifically checks for a flag that is supposed to increase Library generation rate if a book was touched, but the flag is never set.
- Curse Room (1/2 chance, plus a second 1/4 chance for a total of 5/8 (~63%) if Isaac has entered a Devil Room this run).
- An additional Curse Room is generated on each floor if Isaac has Voodoo Head; an extra dead end is also generated to accommodate it.
- Mini-Boss Room (1/4 chance, plus a second 1/3 chance for a total of 1/2 (50%) if it is the first floor).
- Challenge Room (guaranteed if Isaac’s total health is equal to or greater than his total heart containers; will not be generated otherwise).
- Will not be generated on the first floor, and has a 50% chance on the second floor.
- Will always be a Boss Challenge Room on the second floor of a chapter, and a normal Challenge Room otherwise.
- Vault or Arcade (guaranteed if Isaac has 5 or more Coins and it’s the second floor of a Chapter; will not be generated otherwise).
- If an Arcade is successfully generated, it has a 1/10 chance to be a Vault instead, plus a second 1/3 chance for a total of 2/5 (40%) if Isaac has 2 or more Keys.
- If Isaac has 2 or more Keys but less than 5 Coins, a Vault can still be generated. If Isaac has 5 or more Coins but less than 2 Keys, and if the 1/10 chance to become a Vault passes, then neither an Arcade or a Vault will be generated.
- Clean Bedroom or Dirty Bedroom (1/50 chance, plus a second 1/5 chance for a total of 27/125 (~22%) if Isaac has 1/2 or fewer Red Hearts and no Soul Hearts, or 1 or fewer Soul Hearts and no Red/ Bone Hearts).
- Equal chance to be a Clean or Dirty Bedroom.
- Will only be generated in the first 3 Chapters.
- Secret Room (guaranteed).
- Each location candidate is given a starting weight of 10-14, reduced by 3 if it has only 2 neighboring rooms, and reduced by 6 if it has only 1 neighboring room. The highest weight candidate is picked.
- In practice, this means a Secret Room will be extremely likely to have at least 2 rooms adjacent to it, unless it's the very first floor, where occasionally one will be placed at a dead end for lack of anywhere else to put it.
- Will not be placed next to a Boss Room, Super Secret Room, another Secret Room, or the starting room if it's The Chest or Dark Room.
- An additional Secret Room will be generated if Isaac has Fragmented Card.
- An additional Secret Room will be generated if Isaac has Luna, three if he also has Fragmented Card.
- Each location candidate is given a starting weight of 10-14, reduced by 3 if it has only 2 neighboring rooms, and reduced by 6 if it has only 1 neighboring room. The highest weight candidate is picked.
- Ultra Secret Room (guaranteed).
- A Grave Room is placed if the floor is Dark Room.
- Normal Room layouts are chosen.
- Each room has a set difficulty number, which is chosen based on the current floor of the chapter and if it's Hard Mode or not.
- Normal Mode floor 1: 1-5
- Normal Mode floor 2: 5-10
- Hard Mode floor 1: 5 only / 1-10 (1 and 10 are less common)
- Hard Mode floor 2: 10 / 10-15 / 5-15 (5 is less common)
- XL Floors count as floor 1 / both floors
- Chapters 5 and 6 count as floor 1 / floor 2
- The Void on Normal Mode: 5-10 ( and 20)
- The Void on Hard Mode: 5-15 / 5-20
- Each room has a set difficulty number, which is chosen based on the current floor of the chapter and if it's Hard Mode or not.
Some parts of the level generation are based on the following pseudo-code:
--Pseudo lua code for getting the number of rooms for a floor. NumberOfRooms = Min(20, Rand(0, 1) + 5 + Floor(StageId * 10 / 3)) if CurseOfTheLabyrinth then NumberOfRooms = Min(45, Floor(NumberOfRooms * 1.8)) elseif CurseOfTheLost then NumberOfRooms += 4 end if StageId == 12 then --The Void NumberOfRooms = 50 + (Rand() % 10) end if IsHardDifficulty then NumberOfRooms += 2 + Rand(0, 1) end --Pseudo lua code for getting the number of deadends a floor must have. MinDeadEnds = 5 if StageId ~= 1 then MinDeadEnds += 1 end if CurseOfTheLabyrinth then MinDeadEnds += 1 end if StageId == 12 then MinDeadEnds += 2 end --Deadends are sorted by distance from the starting room descending. --e.g. Boss room is placed in the farthest deadend, super secret is placed in the next farthest deadend --DequeueDeadend also resizes the deadend. This is important to note because that means most deadends get changed to a 1x1 by the end of this. PlaceRoom(ROOM_BOSS, DequeueDeadend()) --Super Secret PlaceRoom(ROOM_SUPERSECRET, DequeueDeadend()) --Shop if StageId < 7 or (StageId < 9 and HasTrinket(SilverDollar)) and VictoryLap < 3 then PlaceRoom(ROOM_SHOP, DequeueDeadend()) end --Treasure if StageId < 7 or (StageId < 9 and HasTrinket(BloodyCrown)) then PlaceRoom(ROOM_TREASURE, DequeueDeadend()) end --Dice and Sacrifice if StageId < 12 then local deadend = DequeueDeadend() --resizes the room :( if deadend ~= nil then local roomType = nil if Rng() % 50 == 0 or (Rng() % 5 == 0 and GetNumKeys() > 1) then roomType = ROOM_DICE else roomType = ROOM_SACRIFICE end if Rng() % 7 == 0 or (Rng() & 3 == 0 and GetHearts() + GetSoulHearts() >= GetMaxHearts()) then PlaceRoom(roomType) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end end --Library local deadend = DequeueDeadend() if deadend ~= nil then if Rng() % 20 == 0 or (Rng() & 3 == 0 and GetStateFlag(STATE_BOOK_PICKED_UP)) then PlaceRoom(ROOM_LIBRARY, deadend) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end --Curse local deadend = DequeueDeadend() if deadend ~= nil then if Rng() & 1 == 0 or (Rng() & 3 == 0 and GetStateFlag(STATE_DEVILROOM_VISITED)) then PlaceRoom(ROOM_CURSE, deadend) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end --MiniBoss local boss = GetMiniBossRoom() --mini boss is picked based on floor, STATE_ULTRAPRIDE_SPAWNED and rng local deadend = DequeueDeadend() if deadend ~= nil then if Rng() & 3 == 0 or (Rng() & 2 == 0 and StageId == 1) then PlaceRoom(boss, deadend) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end --Challenge local deadend = DequeueDeadend() if deadend ~= nil then if (Rng() & 1 == 0 or StageId > 2) and GetHearts() + GetSoulHearts() >= GetMaxHearts() and StageId > 1 then PlaceRoom(boss, deadend) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end --Chest and Arcade local deadend = DequeueDeadend() if deadend ~= nil then local roomType = nil if Rng() % 10 == 0 or (Rng() % 3 == 0 and GetNumKeys() > 1) then roomType = ROOM_CHEST else roomType = ROOM_ARCADE end if GetNumCoins() >= 5 and (StageId == 2 or StageId == 4 or StageId == 6 or StageId == 8) then PlaceRoom(roomType) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end --Bedroom if StageId < 7 then local deadend = DequeueDeadend() if deadend ~= nil then local roomType = nil if Rng() & 1 == 0 then roomType = ROOM_ISAACS else roomType = ROOM_BARREN end local maxHearts = nil if GetPlayerType() == PLAYER_THELOST or GetPlayerType() == PLAYER_XXX or GetPlayerType() == PLAYER_THESOUL then maxHearts = GetMaxHearts() else maxHearts = GetMaxHearts() + GetBoneHearts() * 2 end local second = false if (GetHearts() < 2 and GetSoulHearts() <= 0) or (maxHearts <= 0 and GetSoulHearts() <= 2) then second = true end if Rng() % 50 == 0 or (Rng() % 5 == 0 and second) then PlaceRoom(roomType) else QueueDeadend(deadend) end end end --Secret TryPlacingSecret() if HasTrinket(TRINKET_FRAGMENTED_CARD) or HasItem(ITEM_LUNA) then TryPlacingSecret() end -- Grave Room if StageId == 11 and StageType == 0 then --Dark Room PlaceGrave(DequeueDeadend()) end
- The algorithm is from Blade's GitHub Gist, also known as blcd / Will. He reverse engineered the game using a disassembler in order to create the pseudo-code.
- The second chances for certain types of rooms are separate, independent rolls: the probabilities are not added together directly.
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