How to Jump

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How to Jump is an activated item.


  • Upon use, Isaac jumps in the direction he is currently moving. The distance of the jump depends on how fast Isaac was moving and for how long he was holding the button when the item was activated. Jumping allows Isaac to travel over obstacles such as rocks and pits.
  • While mid-jump, enemies, projectiles, Bomb.pngBombs, and spikes cannot damage Isaac. Isaac cannot interact with pickups or Chest.pngChests mid-jump.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) This item belongs to the BookwormBookworm set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into Bookworm.


  • Standing still while jumping only grants invincibility for the first jump. Isaac has to move to regain invincibility while jumping.
  • If Isaac has flight, Isaac dashes instead of jumping. This is functionally the same as jumping, but without the animation playing. Isaac will have invincibility during the dash, and the dash will only stop on terrain that can be walked on.
    • While flying above a pit, the dash distance will be very short.
  • This item can also be used to pass through otherwise impassible Crawl SpaceCrawl Space walls.
  • Isaac can't jump through doors, which means damage from Curse RoomCurse Room doors cannot be avoided.
  • If Isaac has a Stompy trait (from items such as LeoLeo and Thunder ThighsThunder Thighs), rocks won't be destroyed mid-jump.
  • When jumping in an uncleared room, it is easy to land on top of an enemy, especially one that follows Isaac's position when attacking. The damage can be avoided by immediately triggering another jump, however.
    • This can be repeated indefinitely, and it may be a good idea to keep jumping until you find a safe spot to land.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) How to Jump can be used to jump over pillars and spiked rocks safely.
  • Isaac can jump over key blocks. However, if he has a key, it will be spent to open the key block.


  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) The Book of BelialThe Book of Belial + BirthrightBirthright as Character Judas icon.pngJudas / Character Black Judas icon.pngDark Judas: Enemies Judas jumps through take 2 + 0.2 × floor contact damage and are set on fire. The burn deals damage equal to Judas' damage, and ticks up to 5 times.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Book of VirtuesBook of Virtues: Spawns stationary wisps at the location jumped from which fires in the same direction as Isaac. Max of 6 wisps can be spawned at a time this way. Wisps only last for the current room.
  • Broken RemoteBroken Remote: Isaac can teleport indefinitely, but the jump will instantly be cancelled by the teleport.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)Panic ButtonPanic Button: Makes Isaac immune to contact and projectile damage while moving.
  • Familiars that orbit Isaac (such as Sacrificial DaggerSacrificial Dagger, (except in Rebirth)Sworn ProtectorSworn Protector, etc.) can damage enemies when Isaac jumps over them. However, items that activate on contact (e. g. (except in Rebirth)Serpent's KissSerpent's Kiss, Midas' TouchMidas' Touch, etc.) cannot trigger during jumps.


  • (except in Rebirth)Car BatteryCar Battery: No effect.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)VoidVoid: If this item is activated by (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)VoidVoid, it is possible to get stuck in an impassable area with no ability to escape. Exiting and resuming the run will place Isaac at whichever door he entered the room through.

In-game Footage



  • The cover of the How to Jump book resembles the original packaging artwork of the game Super Mario Bros., and also refers to Mario's original name, "Jumpman," in the game Donkey Kong.
  • The description of the item is also a joke referring to the fact that Isaac can't jump, and that Isaac must apparently read a book with Mario in it to learn how.
  • How to Jump is the only book in the Bookworm set that doesn't look like a book; every other book has white pages with a cover, while How to Jump has no distinct color for the pages, resulting in it looking more like a magazine or game cartridge.