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Joker is a card.



  • Using the Joker in WombWomb II / UteroUtero II / (except in Rebirth)Scarred WombScarred Womb II will teleport Isaac to the Devil Room or Angel Room with a trapdoor leading to SheolSheol or a light beam leading to the CathedralCathedral (respectively). This can be used to skip Boss Mom's Heart ingame.pngMom's Heart and will not count as a kill.
    • (except in Rebirth) After unlocking Boss It Lives! ingame.pngIt Lives!, Devil or Angel Rooms in WombWomb / UteroUtero / Scarred WombScarred Womb II no longer contain trapdoors and instead have their normal contents.
  • Using The Joker card can allow Isaac to encounter Devil Rooms or Angel Rooms on floors they otherwise cannot appear on, such as the first floor, or (in Repentance and Repentance+)CorpseCorpse II.
  • Unlike all teleportation cards, the Joker still works normally when Curse of the Maze.pngCurse of the Maze is active.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) The Joker cannot spawn in Greed mode only Greed mode.


  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Touching the White Fire Place.pngWhite Fire Place in DownpourDownpour II / DrossDross II temporarily turns Isaac into a ghost. Using the Joker allows Isaac to take the devil deals for free, which is normally impossible because beating the boss makes Isaac lose his ghost form before entering the devil room.



  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Tarot ClothTarot Cloth: No effect.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)DualityDuality: Teleportation before defeating the boss and choosing a door will follow the normal rules of Devil/Angel Room generation, instead of a 50/50 chance.
    • This means that if Duality was taken as a Devil deal, or any other deal with the Devil was made in the run, teleportation will always lead to the Devil RoomDevil Room.
    • The room that was chosen this way will be the only one that opens once the boss is defeated.
    • Teleporting after choosing a door will always teleport to the same room.

In-game Footage

  • TBA


  • The Joker is a special card from a playing card deck. It belongs to none of the 4 suites and sometimes has a red variant. It is oftentimes used as a highest value card, a trump card or other special roles within a game.