Item Tags nochallenge

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(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Items with this tag are not available during challenges.

Activated Collectibles

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
R Key 5.100.636
R Key
One time use
Time to start over Returns Isaac back to the first floor of a new run, retaining all of his stats and items.
Clicker 5.100.482
6 rooms
Change Transforms Isaac into another random character and removes the last item collected.

Passive Collectibles

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Ankh 5.100.161 Ankh Eternal life? Upon death, Isaac will respawn as Character ??? (Character) icon.png??? in the previous room, with 3 Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts.
(except in Repentance+)1
(in Repentance+)0
Judas' Shadow 5.100.311 Judas' Shadow Sweet revenge Upon death, respawns Isaac as Character Dark Judas icon.pngDark Judas with two Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts in the previous room.
Lazarus' Rags 5.100.332 Lazarus' Rags Eternal life? (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Upon dying, resurrect as Character Lazarus Risen icon.pngLazarus Risen in the current room with one Red Heart container and Collectible Anemic icon.pngAnemic.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Upon dying, resurrect as Character Lazarus Risen icon.pngLazarus Risen in the current room with one less Red Heart container, Collectible Anemic icon.pngAnemic, and +0.5 Damage. Transform into Character Lazarus icon.pngLazarus when reaching the next floor.


Name ID Icon Quote Description
Broken Ankh 5.350.28 Broken Ankh Eternal life? When held, Isaac has a 22.22% chance to be revived as Character ??? (Character) icon.png??? in the most recent non-hostile room. Can occur multiple times in the same run.
Missing Poster 5.350.23 Missing Poster ??? (in Rebirth) If Isaac dies to a Sacrifice RoomSacrifice Room's spikes, a puzzle piece will appear on his last will.
(except in Rebirth) Dying in a Sacrifice RoomSacrifice Room while holding it unlocks Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost. If The Lost is already unlocked, revives Isaac as The Lost if he dies anywhere, then disappears.
Mysterious Paper 5.350.21 Mysterious Paper ??? Has a chance to replicate the effects of A Missing PageA Missing Page, Collectible The Polaroid icon.pngThe Polaroid, Collectible The Negative icon.pngThe Negative, or Missing PosterMissing Poster.