Humbleing Bundle

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Humbleing Bundle is a passive item.



  • Only works specifically on Bomb.pngBombs, Key.pngKeys, Penny.pngPennies, and Red Heart.pngRed Hearts; other variants, like Nickel.pngNickels or Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts, etc., are not doubled.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) By bombing Donation Machine.pngDonation Machines, Isaac can earn more money than is taken from the machine, giving an endless supply of coins until the machine breaks or he runs out of bombs.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) When used while fighting Greed.pngGreed, Hanger.pngHangers, or Keeper.pngKeepers, every coin knocked out of Isaac will be worth two coins, allowing Isaac to net a profit.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Coins dropped when taking damage from enemies such as Greed.pngGreed, Hanger.pngHangers, or Keeper.pngKeepers have a chance to be doubled, allowing Isaac to potentially recover all lost money or even net a profit.


  • Collectible Contract From Below icon.pngContract From Below: Single pickup drops have a 2/3 chance to be doubled, which then become their doubled versions by Humbling Bundle.
    • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) This results in an average increase from 1.33x more pickups to 2.67x more.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) This results in an average increase from 1.33x more pickups to 2x more.
  • Collectible IV Bag icon.pngIV Bag + Collectible Old Bandage icon.pngOld Bandage + Collectible Humbleing Bundle icon.pngHumbleing Bundle / Collectible Maggy's Bow icon.pngMaggy's Bow: The damage from IV Bag has a chance to spawn 2 hearts, which can be picked up to create further coins and possibly even heal hearts with enough Luck.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Humbleing Bundle only has a 50% chance to double the hearts dropped, but Old Bandage may still drop 1 heart.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible The Jar icon.pngThe Jar: Allows for replicating hearts. Using the jar with 4 hearts inside it will cause 8 to drop, allowing Isaac to create an infinite amount of Red Hearts.


  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+)Collectible BOGO Bombs icon.pngBOGO Bombs: No further effect.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Due to Humbleing Bundle no longer guaranteeing double pickups, BOGO Bombs will always double bombs.
  • Collectible Humbleing Bundle icon.pngHumbleing Bundle: No further effect if multiple copies are obtained.

In-game Footage


  • The item is a reference to Humble Bundle, collections of games and soundtracks that are sold online through a "pay what you want" system. The original The Binding of Isaac was represented in three humble bundles.
  • "Humbleing" is a common misspelling of the word "humbling", and may be a further pun on the reference to Humble Bundle.
    • All the files related to the object, such as graphics and animations, use the correct spelling in their names.
  • The description and writing on this items graphic is a reference to picking up double bombs in the original The Binding of Isaac where the message "1+1 Free!" would pop up in the bottom right whenever picking up a double bomb.