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Guts is a monster that attaches itself to a wall or obstacle, such as a rock, rolling around the contour of the terrain. If the obstacle it is attached to is destroyed, then it will continue rolling in the direction it was previously traveling until it meets another wall or obstacle.

They make up for their limited movement by being very fast, and in numbers they can tighten movement space (especially in layouts containing narrow passages). Two of them are spawned by Mama Guts upon death.


Scarred Guts

(except in Rebirth)

Scarred Guts are paler versions of the regular Guts. They have a chance of replacing normal Guts in the Scarred WombScarred Womb. They behave identically to regular Guts but leave behind a trail of damaging Red Creep and move slightly faster than their regular counterparts.


(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Slogs roll around, while leaving a trail of slowing Black Creep. However, when Isaac is in their line of sight, they charge at him. While Guts and Scarred Guts rotate counter-clockwise, Slogs rotate clockwise.


(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Cysts behave like normal Guts but they will occasionally shoot 1 blood shot towards Isaac if he is close enough.

Two of them will be spawned if a Dead Meat.pngDead Meat is killed.




  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) The Cyst first appeared in the Antibirth mod.
  • Cysts in real life are abnormal growths, usually non-cancerous, filled with fluid or other semi-solid substances. Some even develop in organs or contain pores.