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Familiars are small companions, usually generated by passive items, that follow and assist Isaac. Effects of familiars include (but are not limited to) pickup generation, shooting familiars that fire their own tears at enemies, and orbitals that act as projectile shields and/or deal contact damage.

Many of these familiars (especially pickup generation and shooting familiars) follow behind Isaac. When Isaac picks up multiple of these following familiars, they form a line behind him from oldest to newest (with closest familiar behind Isaac being the oldest one picked up) rather than constantly overlapping one another on the same spot behind Isaac.

Isaac cannot have more than 64 total familiars at once. This includes blue spiders and flies, familiar items such as Dry BabyDry Baby, (in Repentance and Repentance+) Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve's blood clots, etc. Gaining more than this will result in familiars being destroyed, with blue spiders and flies being destroyed first.

Temporary Familiars

Blue Flies

Blue Fly.png

Blue Flies are familiars that will orbit around Isaac and rush towards nearby enemies, dealing damage and dying in the process. Blue Flies deal double Isaac's current tear damage.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Guppy's Head 5.100.145
Guppy's Head
1 room
Reusable fly hive Spawns 2-4 friendly Blue Flies that damage enemies. 2
(except in Rebirth) Jar of Flies 5.100.434
Jar of Flies
Bug catcher Killing an enemy adds a fly to the jar, up to a maximum of 20. On use, releases Blue Flies equal to the number of flies in the jar. 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Compost 5.100.480
2 rooms
Gain more friends! Doubles Isaac's Blue Flies and Blue Spiders, or spawns one if Isaac has none. Converts pickups in the current room into Blue Flies or Blue Spiders. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Everything Jar 5.100.720
Everything Jar
12 rooms
Anything is possible Spawns certain pickups based on how many charges it has. If fully charged, instead has one of many unique effects. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Mom's Pad 5.100.41
Mom's Pad
2 rooms
Mass fear Inflicts fear to all enemies in the room for 4 seconds. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a blue fly. 0
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Infestation 5.100.148 Infestation Fly revenge (except in Repentance and Repentance+) 1-3 Blue Flies randomly spawn every time Isaac gets hit.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) 2-6 Blue Flies randomly spawn every time Isaac gets hit.
Rotten Baby 5.100.268 Rotten Baby Infested friend Spawns a familiar that spawns a Blue Fly when Isaac shoots. It can only have one Fly at a time. 3
The Mulligan 5.100.151 The Mulligan They grow inside Tears have a 1/6 chance of spawning allied Blue Flies when they hit an enemy. 3
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Parasitoid 5.100.461 Parasitoid Egg tears! Adds a chance to fire an egg sack which creates slowing creep and spawns 1-2 Blue Flies or Blue Spiders upon hitting an enemy. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Lil Portal 5.100.681 Lil Portal It hungers Spawns a familiar that flies forward, consuming pickups in its path and dealing damage to enemies. Each pickup increases its size and damage and spawns a Blue Fly. (except in Repentance+) Every 4 pickups, opens a portal that leads to an unexplored room. (in Repentance+) After 1 + (stage number) pickups, opens a portal which leads to a special room with contents that persist between floors. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Swarm 5.100.693 The Swarm Infest Spawns eight orbital flies, which turn into Blue Flies after they block a shot. Each time a room is cleared, spawns another orbital fly. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Mom's Underwear 5.100.29 Mom's Underwear Range up (except in Repentance and Repentance+) +5.25 range, +0.5 tear falling speed.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) +2.5 range. Spawns 3-6 Blue Flies on pickup.
(in Repentance+) Sticky Bombs 5.100.367 Sticky Bombs Egg sack bombs! +5 Bomb.pngBombs. Bombs stick to enemies and spawn 2-5 Blue Spiders on kill. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Bombs leave a long-lasting puddle of slowing creep. (in Repentance+) Spawns 1-2 Blue Spiders or Blue Flies when bombs damage enemies. 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description
Fish Head 5.350.29 Fish Head It stinks Spawns a Blue Fly every time Isaac takes damage.
(except in Rebirth) Lil Larva 5.350.86 Lil Larva The poop is moving... Spawns a Blue Fly from every pile of Poop.pngPoop that Isaac destroys.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Fish Tail 5.350.94 Fish Tail It also stinks! Items and trinkets that generate Blue Flies or Locusts will generate twice as many.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Rotten Penny 5.350.126 Rotten Penny Wealth of flies Spawns a Blue Fly every time a coin is picked up.
Name ID Icon Message Description
Berkano 5.300.38 Berkano Companionship Spawns 3 friendly Blue Flies and 3 friendly Blue Spiders.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Black Rune 5.300.41 Black Rune Void Deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room. Consumes all pickups in the room and turns them into Blue Flies and Spiders. Consumes all pedestal items in the room and turns them into random stat upgrades.

Other sources of Blue Flies

  • Red Chest.pngRed Chest: Has a chance to spawn 3 Blue Flies.
  • Dark blue champion: Will create 3 Blue Flies when defeated.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) GuppyGuppy: Isaac will create Blue Flies whenever his tears or his familiars' tears hit enemies.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) GuppyGuppy: Isaac's tears have a 66% chance to create Blue Flies whenever they hit enemies.
  • BeelzebubBeelzebub: Some types of enemy flies become Blue Flies.
  • (except in Rebirth) Friends Till The End! pill: Spawns 3 Blue Flies.
  • As (except in Rebirth) Character Keeper icon.pngKeeper or (in Repentance and Repentance+) Character Tainted Keeper icon.pngTainted Keeper, all heart pickups turn into Blue Flies.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Heart.pngRotten Heart: After clearing a room, a maximum of 2 Blue Flies spawn for each Rotten Heart in Isaac's life bar.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Corny Poop.pngCorny Poops created by Character Tainted ??? icon.pngTainted ??? or IBSIBS spawn a Blue Fly every two seconds, up to a maximum of 3.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Beggar.pngRotten Beggars can spawn Blue Flies as a reward.

Locusts (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)

Red Fly.png Green Fly.png Yellow Fly.png Black Fly (Familiar).png White Fly.png

Locusts are variants of Blue Flies that are spawned by Locust trinkets and 7 Seals7 Seals. They behave like regular Blue Flies but have additional special effects. Red Locusts explode on contact with an enemy, dealing an extra 60 damage in the radius ((in Repentance and Repentance+)explosions are affected by certain bomb modifiers). Green Locusts poison the enemy. Yellow Locusts slow the enemy. Black Locusts deal quadruple Isaac's damage instead of double. White Locusts are identical to Blue Flies, but are generally spawned in high quantities.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
7 Seals 5.100.526 7 Seals Lil harbingers! Spawns a random Harbinger familiar that changes every 10 seconds. Harbingers have different behaviors and spawn themed Locusts. 2
Name ID Icon Quote Description
Fish Tail 5.350.94 Fish Tail It also stinks! Items and trinkets that generate Blue Flies or Locusts will generate twice as many.
Locust of Conquest 5.350.117 Locust of Conquest I bring Conquest Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns 1-4 White Locusts which damage enemies.
Locust of Death 5.350.116 Locust of Death I bring Death Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Black Locust that does a very high amount of damage.
Locust of Famine 5.350.115 Locust of Famine I bring Famine Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Yellow Locust that damages and slows enemies.
Locust of Pestilence 5.350.114 Locust of Pestilence I bring Pestilence Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Green Locust which damages and poisons enemies.
Locust of War 5.350.113 Locust of War I bring War Upon entering a room with enemies for the first time, spawns a Red Locust which detonates upon impact with enemies.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Cricket Leg 5.350.185 Cricket Leg Infested Adds a 1/6 chance to spawn a random locust when killing an enemy.
Name ID Icon Message Description
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Soul of Apollyon 5.300.94 Soul of Apollyon Bringer of calamity Spawns 15 random locusts.

Blue Spiders

Blue Spider.png

Blue Spiders are familiars similar to Blue Flies that crawl erratically and rush towards nearby enemies, dealing damage and dying in the process.

(except in Repentance and Repentance+) Blue Spiders deal 2.5 times Isaac's current tear damage. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Blue Spiders deal twice Isaac's current tear damage.

Unlike Blue Flies, Blue Spiders cannot attack over obstacles such as rocks and pits.

Bug Bug! 3DS Exiting the game and re-entering will cause all Blue Spiders to disappear.
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Box of Spiders 5.100.288
Box of Spiders
2 rooms
It's a box of spiders (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns 1-4 Blue Spiders that deal 2.5× Isaac's damage to enemies.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns 4-8 Blue Spiders that deal 2× Isaac's damage to enemies.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Compost 5.100.480
2 rooms
Gain more friends! Doubles Isaac's Blue Flies and Blue Spiders, or spawns one if Isaac has none. Converts pickups in the current room into Blue Flies or Blue Spiders. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Everything Jar 5.100.720
Everything Jar
12 rooms
Anything is possible Spawns certain pickups based on how many charges it has. If fully charged, instead has one of many unique effects. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Dark Bum 5.100.278 Dark Bum He wants to take your life Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and collects Red Heart.pngRed Hearts. For every 1½ Red Hearts collected, Dark Bum will give a reward. 3
Infestation 2 5.100.234 Infestation 2 Infestation shot Spawns allied Blue Spiders from killed enemies. 3
Juicy Sack 5.100.266 Juicy Sack Sticky babies Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and drips a trail of slow creep, spawning 1-2 Blue Spiders after each room. 2
Mom's Wig 5.100.217 Mom's Wig You feel itchy... Adds a chance to spawn Blue Spiders when firing tears. Restores 1 Red Heart.pngRed Heart. 2
Sissy Longlegs 5.100.280 Sissy Longlegs She loves you Spawns a familiar that wanders randomly, occasionally spawning Blue Spiders. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Briefly charms enemies on contact. 1
Spiderbaby 5.100.211 Spiderbaby Spider revenge (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns 1-2 Blue Spiders when Isaac takes damage.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns 3-5 Blue Spiders when Isaac takes damage.
(except in Rebirth) Spider Mod 5.100.403 Spider Mod Mod buddy! Displays Isaac's tear damage and enemy health bars. Spawns a familiar that wanders around and inflicts random status effects on enemies it touches. Can spawn a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery / Blue spider upon clearing a room. 1
(except in Rebirth) Sticky Bombs 5.100.367 Sticky Bombs Egg sack bombs! +5 Bomb.pngBombs. Bombs stick to enemies and spawn 2-5 Blue Spiders on kill. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Bombs leave a long-lasting puddle of slowing creep. (in Repentance+) Spawns 1-2 Blue Spiders or Blue Flies when bombs damage enemies. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Parasitoid 5.100.461 Parasitoid Egg tears! Adds a chance to fire an egg sack which creates slowing creep and spawns 1-2 Blue Flies or Blue Spiders upon hitting an enemy. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Keeper's Kin 5.100.717 Keeper's Kin Under a rock Rocks and other Obstacles spawn blue spiders over time while in a room with enemies, and spawn two blue spiders when destroyed. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Strawman 5.100.667 Strawman A helping hand Spawns a controllable Character Keeper icon.pngKeeper to fight enemies alongside Isaac, functioning similarly to Character Jacob and Esau icon.pngJacob and Esau. If Keeper dies, he spawns 5 blue spiders and Strawman is removed from Isaac's inventory. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Intruder 5.100.575 The Intruder Invasive friend A familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Tinytoma 5.100.645 Tinytoma Itching for revenge Gives Isaac a Boss Teratoma ingame.pngTeratoma orbital that blocks shots, deals contact damage, and splits into smaller versions of itself upon taking damage. The smaller versions break into blue spiders. 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description
(except in Rebirth) Louse 5.350.70 Louse Itchy, tasty... Occasionally spawns a Blue Spider.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Apple of Sodom 5.350.140 Apple of Sodom It feels empty Picking up Red Heart.pngRed Hearts, even while at full health, can convert them into blue spiders. The effect may consume hearts needed for healing.
Name ID Icon Message Description
Berkano 5.300.38 Berkano Companionship Spawns 3 friendly Blue Flies and 3 friendly Blue Spiders.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Black Rune 5.300.41 Black Rune Void Deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room. Consumes all pickups in the room and turns them into Blue Flies and Spiders. Consumes all pedestal items in the room and turns them into random stat upgrades.

Other sources of Blue Spiders

  • (except in Rebirth) Infested? pill: Spawns Blue Spiders equal to the number of enemies in the room.
  • (except in Rebirth) Infested! pill: Spawns a Blue Spider under Isaac and every pile of poop in the room.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Beggar.pngRotten Beggars and (in Repentance and Repentance+) Hell Game.pngHell Games can spawn Blue Spiders as a reward.
  • Red Chest.pngRed Chest: Has a chance to spawn 3 Blue Spiders.

Dips (in Repentance and Repentance+)

Dip Familiar.png

Dips are temporary familiars that are spawned when destroying poops. They move erratically around the room and behave similarly to their hostile counterpart dealing contact damage to enemies and blocking projectiles. There are a variety of Dips with unique effects that correlate to different types of Poop.pngPoops.

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Dirty Mind 5.100.576 Dirty Mind Filthy friends Destroying poop spawns Dip Familiars that follow Isaac and damage enemies. Destroying different types of poop spawns different Dips with special effects. 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description
Dingle Berry 5.350.163 Dingle Berry Oops! Spawns a Dip Familiar upon clearing a room.

Other sources of Dips

Wisps (in Repentance and Repentance+)

Familiar Wisp.png

Wisps are temporary orbital familiars that are mostly associated with Character Bethany icon.pngBethany. By default, they orbit Isaac, blocking shots and dealing contact damage. They also fire spectral tears that deal 1.6-2.4 damage. Normal wisps have 2 health. There are many variants of wisps, most of which can be spawned randomly or through combinations with Book of VirtuesBook of Virtues. See here for a full list of wisps.

Other unique variants of wisps include item wisps from LemegetonLemegeton which only mimic the effects of passive items while alive, and red wisps from Vengeful SpiritVengeful Spirit, which are invulnerable, but disappear upon entering a new floor.

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Book of Virtues 5.100.584
Book of Virtues
4 rooms
Spiritual companionship Passively causes active items to spawn themed orbital wisp familiars on use, which fire tears and block shots. Can be activated to spawn a basic wisp if Isaac has no other active item. 3
Jar of Wisps 5.100.685
Jar of Wisps
6 rooms
Your faith grows Spawns random wisps that shoot various tears, block shots, and deal contact damage. The number of wisps spawned increases every time the jar is used. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Lemegeton 5.100.712
6 rooms
Item summoner Spawns a destructible orbital familiar representing a random passive item, which blocks shots and deals contact damage. While the wisp is alive, Isaac gains that item's effects. 3
Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Vengeful Spirit 5.100.702 Vengeful Spirit Hot blooded After taking damage, spawns an orbital wisp that lasts for the entire floor, up to a maximum of six. They fire tears but do not block shots. 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description
Beth's Essence 5.350.182 Beth's Essence Virtue's reward Upon entering an Angel RoomAngel Room, spawns 5 wisp orbitals. Giving money to Beggar.pngBeggars can spawn wisps.
Beth's Faith 5.350.142 Beth's Faith My faith protects me At the beginning of each floor, spawn 4-8 wisps that orbit Isaac and fires tears alongside him.
Name ID Icon Message Description
Soul of Bethany 5.300.96 Soul of Bethany Friends from beyond Spawns 6 Book of VirtuesBook of Virtues wisps with random properties.

Other sources of Wisps

Ghosts (in Repentance and Repentance+)

Ghosts are temporary familiars that are summoned by various items. Most ghosts (except those created by Vade RetroVade Retro) will automatically attack enemies after being summoned, quickly homing in on nearby enemies. All ghosts attack enemies by exploding, though some also deal contact damage shortly before doing so. Explosions from ghosts do not damage terrain or hurt Isaac. Unlike other temporary familiars, ghosts do not persist across rooms.

Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Vade Retro 5.100.653
Vade Retro
Begone! While held, enemies leave behind ghosts on death. Stronger enemies leave bigger ghosts. Using the item causes the ghosts to explode and damage nearby enemies, and instantly kills all ghost enemies with less than 50% HP. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description Quality
Ghost Bombs 5.100.727 Ghost Bombs Spooky blast +5 bombs +5 Bomb.pngBombs. Bombs become spectral and spawn ghosts that deal contact damage to enemies and explode after 10 seconds. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Hungry Soul 5.100.684 Hungry Soul Out for blood Enemies have a chance to spawn ghosts on death, which chase and deal contact damage to enemies and explode after a short time. 2
Purgatory 5.100.634 Purgatory Help from beyond While in a room with enemies, spawns red cracks in the ground. Walking over these cracks summons ghosts that launch themselves at enemies and explode. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1

Chasing Familiars

Familiars in this category actively chase enemies, dealing contact damage to them.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
The Pinking Shears 5.100.107
The Pinking Shears
4 rooms
Cut and run Separates Isaac's head from his body for the current room, granting flight and turning the body into a familiar that chases enemies. 2
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Ball of Bandages 5.100.207 Ball of Bandages Gotta lick 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot Charm tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Cube of Meat 5.100.73 Cube of Meat Gotta meat 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Daddy Longlegs 5.100.170 Daddy Longlegs Daddy's love Daddy Long Legs' shadow follows Isaac and occasionally stomps enemies for 40 damage total. 3
Dead Bird 5.100.117 Dead Bird Protective buddy After Isaac takes damage, spawns a flying familiar that chases enemies for the current room, dealing ~4 damage per second. (in Repentance+) If Isaac is at half a heart or less, the familiar will remain active for the current floor. 0
Gemini 5.100.318 Gemini Conjoined friend Spawns a conjoined familiar which chases enemies close to Isaac, dealing ~6.43 damage per second. 1
Leech 5.100.270 Leech Blood sucker Spawns a leech familiar that chases enemies, dealing ~3 damage per second. Heals a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart whenever Leech kills an enemy. 2
Lil Haunt 5.100.277 Lil Haunt Fear him Spawns a familiar that chases down enemies, dealing 4 damage per second and inflicting fear. 1
Smart Fly 5.100.264 Smart Fly Revenge fly Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots. Upon taking damage, the familiar will pursue enemies for the rest of the room, dealing damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth) Bumbo 5.100.385 Bumbo Bumbo want coin! Spawns a beggar familiar which picks up any nearby coins, leveling up after collecting several coins. At level 2, Bumbo gains a body. At level 3, it begins to fire tears. At level 4, Bumbo follows enemies and gains contact damage. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) 7 Seals 5.100.526 7 Seals Lil harbingers! Spawns a random Harbinger familiar that changes every 10 seconds. Harbingers have different behaviors and spawn themed Locusts. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Bird Cage 5.100.610 Bird Cage Fat buddy The first time Isaac takes damage in a room, a familiar leaps on an enemy, dealing damage and releasing a rock wave. For the rest of the room, it chases enemies similar to Dead BirdDead Bird. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Blood Puppy 5.100.565 Blood Puppy What a cute little thing! Spawns a familiar that chases enemies. After killing enough enemies, it becomes more powerful but will also try to hurt Isaac. Dealing enough damage to it returns it to normal. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Intruder 5.100.575 The Intruder Invasive friend A familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
Name ID Icon Quote Description
Eve's Bird Foot 5.350.60 Eve's Bird Foot Revenge from beyond 5% chance to spawn a Dead BirdDead Bird familiar for the current room each time an enemy dies.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Umbilical Cord 5.350.33 Umbilical Cord Fetal Protection When brought down to only a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart, spawns a Little StevenLittle Steven familiar for the current room. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Adds a high chance to spawn a GeminiGemini familiar for the current room after taking damage.
Name ID Icon Message Description
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Soul of Eve 5.300.86 Soul of Eve Your very own murder 14 Dead BirdDead Bird familiars fly in and attack enemies. They last 10 seconds and will begin to leave after the limit, but will stay as long as an enemy is alive. They will disappear if Isaac leaves the room.

Note: Only third and fourth stage Cube of MeatCube of Meat and Ball of BandagesBall of Bandages chase enemies.

Note: (except in Rebirth) Only fourth stage BumboBumbo chases enemies.

Note: (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Only Boss War ingame.pngWar and Boss Death ingame.pngDeath in 7 Seals7 Seals chase enemies.

Orbital Familiars

Familiars that orbit Isaac, absorbing enemy projectiles and/or dealing contact damage. Despite their different apparent sizes, most of them have the same effective size with regard of blocking shots or damaging enemies.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Book of the Dead 5.100.545
Book of the Dead
6 rooms
Rise from the grave (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Creates a friendly Bony.pngBony, Black Bony.pngBlack Bony, or an orbital bone for each enemy killed in the current room.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Creates a friendly Bony.pngBony, Black Bony.pngBlack Bony, Bone Fly.pngBone Fly, Revenant.pngRevenant, (in Repentance and Repentance+) Big Bony.pngBig Bony, or an orbital bone for each enemy killed in the current room.
(except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spin to Win 5.100.655
Spin to Win
3 seconds
Let it rip! Gives +0.5 speed and greatly increases the rotation speed and damage of orbitals for 3 seconds. Passively gives Isaac a spinning top orbital that blocks enemy shots and deals contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Ball of Bandages 5.100.207 Ball of Bandages Gotta lick 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot Charm tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Best Bud 5.100.274 Best Bud Sworn protector When hit, spawns a quickly orbiting attack fly similar to Forever aloneForever alone for the current room that deals high damage. 0
Big Fan 5.100.279 Big Fan Fat protector Spawns a large, slow-moving orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots and deals 30 damage per second to enemies. Reduces the speed other orbitals rotate at. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Cube of Meat 5.100.73 Cube of Meat Gotta meat 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Distant Admiration 5.100.57 Distant Admiration Attack fly Spawns an attack fly that circles further out than Halo of FliesHalo of Flies, but closer than Forever aloneForever alone, dealing 75 damage per second. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Forever alone 5.100.128 Forever alone Attack fly Spawns an attack fly that orbits a long distance from Isaac, dealing 30 damage per second. 1
Guardian Angel 5.100.112 Guardian Angel Extra protection Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots, deals 7 damage per tick on contact, and increases the speed of all orbital familiars. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Guillotine 5.100.206 Guillotine DMG + tears up. An out-of-body experience! Isaac's head becomes an orbital familiar that blocks shots and deals contact damage. Tears are still fired from the rotating head. (except in Repentance and Repentance+) +1 damage, -1 tear delay. (in Repentance and Repentance+) +1 damage, +0.5 fire rate. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 0
Halo of Flies 5.100.10 Halo of Flies Projectile protection Spawns two Pretty Flies that block enemy shots and deal contact damage to flies. 2
Sacrificial Dagger 5.100.172 Sacrificial Dagger My fate protects me Spawns a dagger orbital familiar, blocking enemy shots and dealing a high amount of damage to enemies in contact. 2
Smart Fly 5.100.264 Smart Fly Revenge fly Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots. Upon taking damage, the familiar will pursue enemies for the rest of the room, dealing damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth) Friend Zone 5.100.364 Friend Zone Friendly fly Spawns a white attack fly that orbits somewhere between Distant AdmirationDistant Admiration and Forever aloneForever alone, dealing 45 damage per second. 1
(except in Rebirth) Sworn Protector 5.100.363 Sworn Protector Protective friend Spawns an orbital familiar which does (except in Repentance and Repentance+) 105 / (in Repentance and Repentance+) 53 damage per second and attracts and blocks enemy shots. Upon blocking 10 shots in a room, it drops an Eternal Heart.pngEternal Heart. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Angelic Prism 5.100.528 Angelic Prism Eclipsed by the moon Spawns an orbital familiar with a large orbital radius. Tears that pass through the prism split into four multi-colored tears. 3
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Angry Fly 5.100.511 Angry Fly He's violent Spawns a fly familiar that orbits around a random enemy and deals 30 damage per second to enemies it comes in contact with. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Bloodshot Eye 5.100.509 Bloodshot Eye Bloody friend (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns an orbital familiar that deals contact damage and fires a tear every 2 seconds.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns an orbital familiar that deals contact damage, blocks shots, and fires tears at enemies in its line of sight.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Leprosy 5.100.525 Leprosy You're tearing me apart! Taking damage grants a body part orbital that blocks shots and deals contact damage, up to a maximum of three. The body parts are destroyed after blocking enough damage. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Mom's Razor 5.100.508 Mom's Razor It's sharp! Spawns an orbiting razor that deals contact damage and inflicts bleeding on enemies, causing them to slowly take damage over time. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Slipped Rib 5.100.542 Slipped Rib Projectile shield Spawns a bone familiar that circles around Isaac and reflects enemy shots. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Bot Fly 5.100.629 Bot Fly Defense drone Spawns an orbiting fly familiar that fires shielded tears at incoming enemy projectiles. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Psy Fly 5.100.581 Psy Fly Flamboyant protector Spawns a fly orbital familiar that seeks out incoming enemy shots and destroys them. 4
(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Swarm 5.100.693 The Swarm Infest Spawns eight orbital flies, which turn into Blue Flies after they block a shot. Each time a room is cleared, spawns another orbital fly. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Tinytoma 5.100.645 Tinytoma Itching for revenge Gives Isaac a Boss Teratoma ingame.pngTeratoma orbital that blocks shots, deals contact damage, and splits into smaller versions of itself upon taking damage. The smaller versions break into blue spiders. 1
Pills / Slot Machine.pngSlot Machine

Name Description
Pretty Fly Grants 1 fly orbital that circles the player, blocking projectiles and damaging fly-type enemies on touch.

Pretty Fly

  • A maximum of three Pretty Flies can orbit around Isaac.
    • Cube of MeatCube of Meat, Ball of BandagesBall of Bandages, (except in Rebirth)Sworn ProtectorSworn Protector, Guardian AngelGuardian Angel, Smart FlySmart Fly, Sacrificial DaggerSacrificial Dagger, and (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Slipped RibSlipped Rib take up a Pretty Fly slot. These familiars are not affected by the Pretty Fly cap of 3.
    • If Isaac has three Pretty Flies and picks up a Cube of MeatCube of Meat, the Cube of Meat will replace one of the flies.
    • The amount of Pretty Flies Isaac has is stored. If a Pretty Fly is replaced by a Cube of Meat but then that Cube of Meat is removed, the replaced Pretty Fly will return. If Isaac has more than 3 Pretty Flies and one of his current Pretty Flies is removed through (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Sacrificial AltarSacrificial Altar, then another will replace it.

Orbital Rings

  • There are set orbit rings that have specific rotations and distance from Isaac.
    • (except in Rebirth) If two orbitals share a same orbit ring they will be positioned opposite each other (three will cause them to fly 120 degrees apart, four will fly at 90 degrees etc.).
  • Ring 1 flies counter-clockwise and is the closest to Isaac.
    • It consists of Pretty Flies and familiars that can replace Pretty Flies.
      • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel will increase the rotation speed of all familiars in this ring.
  • Ring 2 flies counter-clockwise and is second closest.
  • Ring 3 flies counter-clockwise and orbits slightly slower than ring 2.
  • Ring 4 flies clockwise at the speed of ring 3.
  • Ring 5 flies counter-clockwise even slower than ring 4.
  • Ring 6 flies counter-clockwise at the speed of ring 5.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+)The SwarmThe Swarm has a unique orbit ring between 2 and 3, it orbits counter-clockwise much slower.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Angry FlyAngry Fly has a unique orbit ring between 3 and 4, it orbits clockwise much faster.
  • Familiars affected by (in Repentance and Repentance+)Friendship NecklaceFriendship Necklace have a unique orbit ring just around ring 3. Its familiars orbit clockwise faster.

Pickup Generation Familiars

Familiars that generate pickups when certain conditions are met.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Bomb Bag 5.100.131 Bomb Bag Gives bombs Spawns a familiar that drops a Bomb.pngBomb every 3 rooms. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Bum Friend 5.100.144 Bum Friend He's greedy Spawns a familiar that picks up Penny.pngcoins for himself, giving random pickups in return. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Can spawn items from the Beggar item pool. 1
Dark Bum 5.100.278 Dark Bum He wants to take your life Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and collects Red Heart.pngRed Hearts. For every 1½ Red Hearts collected, Dark Bum will give a reward. 3
Little C.H.A.D. 5.100.96 Little C.H.A.D. Gives kisses Spawns a familiar who drops a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart every 3 rooms. 2
Mystery Sack 5.100.271 Mystery Sack ? Spawns a familiar that drops a Heart, coin, Bomb.pngBomb, or Key.pngKey every 5-6 rooms. 2
Sack of Pennies 5.100.94 Sack of Pennies Gives money Spawns a familiar that drops a Penny.pngcoin every 2 rooms. 1
The Relic 5.100.98 The Relic Soul generator Spawns a cross familiar that drops a Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart after clearing enough rooms. 3
(except in Rebirth) Bumbo 5.100.385 Bumbo Bumbo want coin! Spawns a beggar familiar which picks up any nearby coins, leveling up after collecting several coins. At level 2, Bumbo gains a body. At level 3, it begins to fire tears. At level 4, Bumbo follows enemies and gains contact damage. 1
(except in Rebirth) Charged Baby 5.100.372 Charged Baby Bbbzzzzzt! Spawns a familiar that occasionally drops a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery, gives an active item charge, or petrifies all enemies in the room. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(except in Rebirth) Key Bum 5.100.388 Key Bum He wants your keys! Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and collects Key.pngKeys for himself, giving random Chest.pngChests in return. 0
(except in Rebirth) Lil Chest 5.100.362 Lil Chest What's in the box? Spawns a chest familiar that spawns a random pickup (25% chance) or trinket (10% chance) upon clearing a room. 2
(except in Rebirth) Rune Bag 5.100.389 Rune Bag Rune generator Spawns a familiar that drops a random rune after clearing enough rooms. 3
(except in Rebirth) Spider Mod 5.100.403 Spider Mod Mod buddy! Displays Isaac's tear damage and enemy health bars. Spawns a familiar that wanders around and inflicts random status effects on enemies it touches. Can spawn a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery / Blue spider upon clearing a room. 1
(except in Rebirth) Sworn Protector 5.100.363 Sworn Protector Protective friend Spawns an orbital familiar which does (except in Repentance and Repentance+) 105 / (in Repentance and Repentance+) 53 damage per second and attracts and blocks enemy shots. Upon blocking 10 shots in a room, it drops an Eternal Heart.pngEternal Heart. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Acid Baby 5.100.491 Acid Baby Pills pills pills! Spawns a familiar that drops a random pill every 3 rooms. Upon using a pill, all enemies in the room are poisoned. 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Sack of Sacks 5.100.500 Sack of Sacks Gives sacks Spawns a familiar that drops a Grab Bag.pngGrab Bag every few rooms cleared. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Blood Puppy 5.100.565 Blood Puppy What a cute little thing! Spawns a familiar that chases enemies. After killing enough enemies, it becomes more powerful but will also try to hurt Isaac. Dealing enough damage to it returns it to normal. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Lost Soul 5.100.612 Lost Soul Protect him Creates a ghostly familiar that closely follows behind Isaac. It dies in one hit, but respawns at the start of the next floor. Each time it survives until the next floor, it rewards Isaac with Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts, Eternal Heart.pngEternal Hearts, or an Item. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1

Note: (except in Rebirth) Only the second, third, and fourth stages of BumboBumbo generate pickups.

Note: (in Repentance and Repentance+) Only the second and third stages of Blood PuppyBlood Puppy generate pickups.

Shooting Familiars

Familiars that attack with their own tears or other ranged effects. Most shooting familiars only shoot as long as Isaac is attacking or charging a shot, though there are others that target and fire automatically.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Scissors 5.100.325
4 rooms
Lose your head Turns Isaac's head into a stationary familiar for the current room which fires tears automatically. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Isaac's body also shoots a controllable fountain of blood shots for the room. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Brown Nugget 5.100.504
Brown Nugget
8 seconds
Friendly fly Spawns a stationary fly turret that lasts for the current room and fires tears at nearby enemies. 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Esau Jr. 5.100.703
Esau Jr.
1 room
Lost brother Swaps between the current character and Esau Jr., who has +2 flat damage and flight. Characters have independent items and health. Dying as either character ends the run. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Gello 5.100.728
2 rooms
Demonic gestation Spawns a demon familiar for the current room attached to Isaac that moves and fires in the direction Isaac shoots, using Isaac's damage, tears, range, shot speed, and special tear effects. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Sumptorium 5.100.713
10 seconds
Blood to blood Removes half a heart and creates a Clot familiar that mimics Isaac's movements and tear effects. As Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve, passively converts health into Clots while firing. Activating returns all Clots to health. 3
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Abel 5.100.188 Abel Mirrored buddy (in Rebirth) Spawns a familiar that mirrors Isaac's movements and shoots in the opposite direction.
(except in Rebirth) Spawns a familiar that mirrors Isaac's movements and shoots towards him.
Ball of Bandages 5.100.207 Ball of Bandages Gotta lick 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot Charm tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Brother Bobby 5.100.8 Brother Bobby Friends 'till the end Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting tears that deal 3.5 damage. (in Repentance and Repentance+) He shoots more frequently than most familiars. 1
Cain's Other Eye 5.100.319 Cain's Other Eye Near-sighted friend (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that slowly floats around the room on a zig-zag pattern and shoots normal tears in the same direction as Isaac.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and fires tears in random cardinal directions that copy Isaac's tears and tear effects and scale with damage.
Cube of Meat 5.100.73 Cube of Meat Gotta meat 'em all! Creates an orbital familiar. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot tears, then chase enemies to deal contact damage, then deal even more contact damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Demon Baby 5.100.113 Demon Baby Auto-turret friend Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and automatically fires at enemies in its reach. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Ghost Baby 5.100.163 Ghost Baby Spectral buddy Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires spectral tears. 1
Harlequin Baby 5.100.167 Harlequin Baby Double shot buddy Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires two tears at once in a V-pattern. 1
Lil Brimstone 5.100.275 Lil Brimstone Evil friend Grants a familiar that charges a thin BrimstoneBrimstone laser while Isaac is shooting. 2
Little Gish 5.100.99 Little Gish Sticky friend Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires slowing tears, impeding enemies' speed. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Little Steven 5.100.100 Little Steven Psychic friend Spawns a familiar who follows Isaac around and fires homing tears. 2
Mongo Baby 5.100.322 Mongo Baby Mongo friend Spawns a familiar that copies the tears of Isaac's other familiars. 2
Rainbow Baby 5.100.174 Rainbow Baby Random buddy Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires tears with random effects. 1
Robo-Baby 5.100.95 Robo-Baby Friends 'till the bbbbzzzt Spawns a familiar that shoots TechnologyTechnology lasers. 1
Robo-Baby 2.0 5.100.267 Robo-Baby 2.0 We worked out all the kinks Spawns a familiar that fires lasers at any enemy in its line of sight and moves based on the direction Isaac is firing tears. 1
Rotten Baby 5.100.268 Rotten Baby Infested friend Spawns a familiar that spawns a Blue Fly when Isaac shoots. It can only have one Fly at a time. 3
Sister Maggy 5.100.67 Sister Maggy Friends 'till the end (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting tears that deal 3.5 damage.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting tears that deal 6 damage.
(except in Rebirth) Bumbo 5.100.385 Bumbo Bumbo want coin! Spawns a beggar familiar which picks up any nearby coins, leveling up after collecting several coins. At level 2, Bumbo gains a body. At level 3, it begins to fire tears. At level 4, Bumbo follows enemies and gains contact damage. 1
(except in Rebirth) Fate's Reward 5.100.361 Fate's Reward Your fate beside you A blue head familiar that will follow Isaac and fire tears copying his tear effects and damage. 2
(except in Rebirth) Incubus 5.100.360 Incubus Dark friend Spawns a demonic familiar that shoots tears identical to Isaac's in terms of damage, tears, and tear effects. 4
(except in Rebirth) Lil Loki 5.100.435 Lil Loki 4-way buddy! Spawns a Loki familiar that follows Isaac and fires 4 tears in a cross pattern. 1
(except in Rebirth) Papa Fly 5.100.430 Papa Fly Turret follower Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 3 second delay, firing tears at nearby enemies. 1
(except in Rebirth) Seraphim 5.100.390 Seraphim Sworn friend Spawns an angel familiar who follows Isaac and fires homing tears which deal 10 damage and have 75% shot speed. 3
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Buddy in a Box 5.100.518 Buddy in a Box What could it be?! Spawns a familiar with a random tear effect. The familiar is randomized at the start of each floor. 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Lil Monstro 5.100.471 Lil Monstro Ain't he cute? Spawns a familiar that fires clusters of tears. Must be charged before shooting. 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Lil Spewer 5.100.537 Lil Spewer Puking buddy Drops a random pill, and spawns a familiar that charges up and fires creep. Using pills changes the creep type. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Boiled Baby 5.100.607 Boiled Baby Messy friend Gives Isaac a familiar that fires chaotic bursts of tears in all directions. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Bot Fly 5.100.629 Bot Fly Defense drone Spawns an orbiting fly familiar that fires shielded tears at incoming enemy projectiles. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Freezer Baby 5.100.608 Freezer Baby Iced iced baby Spawns a shooting familiar that has a chance to petrify enemies, and freezes monsters upon killing them. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Giant Cell 5.100.658 Giant Cell Micro friends Causes Isaac to spawn Minisaac familiars when he takes damage, which chase and shoot at nearby enemies. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Lil Abaddon 5.100.679 Lil Abaddon Abyssal friend Spawns a familiar that charges a miniature Maw Of The VoidMaw Of The Void attack while Isaac shoots. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Quints 5.100.661 Quints They lurk inside The first five enemies killed in a room will spawn stationary shooting familiars where they died. 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Intruder 5.100.575 The Intruder Invasive friend A familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Twisted Pair 5.100.698 Twisted Pair Double trouble! Spawns two familiars that float on either side of Isaac and fire tears that use his tears, range, shot speed, and tear effects, and scale with damage. 4
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Isaac's Heart 5.100.276 Isaac's Heart Protect it Isaac himself is now immune to all damage, and a heart familiar follows him. If the heart is hurt, Isaac is hurt. (in Repentance and Repentance+) The heart charges up as Isaac shoots, firing 8 blood shots, knocking back enemies, and leaving a puddle of creep when released. 0
(in Repentance+) Hushy 5.100.470 Hushy Lil hush! Spawns a Boss Hush ingame.pngHush familiar that bounces diagonally around the room and deals contact damage. While firing tears, it stops moving. (in Repentance+) When stationary, Hushy will periodically fire out rings of projectiles. 0
Name ID Icon Quote Description
???'s Soul 5.350.57 ???'s Soul Imaginary Friend Spawns a familiar that floats slowly around the room on a zig-zag pattern similar to The PeeperThe Peeper and fires spectral and homing tears.
Isaac's Head 5.350.54 Isaac's Head Dead friend Spawns Isaac's severed head as a tear-firing familiar. Fires piercing tears.
Umbilical Cord 5.350.33 Umbilical Cord Fetal Protection When brought down to only a Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Heart, spawns a Little StevenLittle Steven familiar for the current room. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Adds a high chance to spawn a GeminiGemini familiar for the current room after taking damage.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Found Soul 5.350.180 Found Soul Finally! Spawns a familiar that copies Isaac's movements and scales with damage and tears. If it takes damage, it will die and respawn on the next floor.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Lil Clot 5.350.176 Lil Clot Mini friend Spawns a clot familiar that mimics Isaac's movements and tears. It dies for the current room after taking too much damage.

Note: Only second stage Cube of MeatCube of Meat and Ball of BandagesBall of Bandages shoot tears.
Note: (except in Rebirth) Only third stage BumboBumbo fires tears.

(in Repentance and Repentance+) Note: Most shooting familiars that follow Isaac take 5th priority along the familiar line. This is the second to last priority with the last being non-combat familiars. There are some exceptions such as IncubusIncubus which has 2nd priority, Lil BrimstoneLil Brimstone and Lil MonstroLil Monstro which have 3rd priority, and Boiled BabyBoiled Baby which has 6th priority.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Note: Using five or more different copies of Esau Jr.Esau Jr. will destroy the item and spawn a familiar that behaves the same way as AbelAbel.

Wandering Familiars

Familiars that move around the room sporadically.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Punching Bag 5.100.281 Punching Bag Scape goat Spawns a Mulligan.pngMulligan familiar that wanders randomly. Enemies will attack the Mulligan if it's closer. 1
Sissy Longlegs 5.100.280 Sissy Longlegs She loves you Spawns a familiar that wanders randomly, occasionally spawning Blue Spiders. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Briefly charms enemies on contact. 1
(except in Rebirth) Spider Mod 5.100.403 Spider Mod Mod buddy! Displays Isaac's tear damage and enemy health bars. Spawns a familiar that wanders around and inflicts random status effects on enemies it touches. Can spawn a Lil' Battery.pngLil' Battery / Blue spider upon clearing a room. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) 7 Seals 5.100.526 7 Seals Lil harbingers! Spawns a random Harbinger familiar that changes every 10 seconds. Harbingers have different behaviors and spawn themed Locusts. 2
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) YO LISTEN! 5.100.492 YO LISTEN! Yo listen! +1 luck. Spawns a fairy familiar that points out Secret RoomSecret Rooms, Crawl SpaceCrawl Space entrances, and tinted rocks. 2

Note: (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) The Spider BabySpider Baby transformation grants a familiar nearly identical to Spider ModSpider Mod with the only difference being the lack of ability to see enemy HP bars.

Note: (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Only Boss Famine ingame.pngFamine, Boss Pestilence ingame.pngPestilence, and Boss Conquest ingame.pngConquest in 7 Seals7 Seals wander randomly.

Bouncing Familiars

Familiars that bounce around the room in a zig-zag pattern, changing directions when hitting a wall.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
(in Repentance and Repentance+) The Scooper 5.100.605
The Scooper
3 rooms
Plop! Summons The PeeperThe Peeper for the current room, which leaves a trail of red creep. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
BBF 5.100.272 BBF Big Beautiful Fly Spawns a familiar that flies around the room in a zig-zag pattern and explodes on contact with an enemy. Respawns after ten seconds. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
The Peeper 5.100.155 The Peeper Plop! Spawns a familiar that slowly floats around the room in a zig-zag pattern, damaging enemies it passes through. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Increases the damage of tears from Isaac's left eye by 35%. 2
(except in Rebirth) Succubus 5.100.417 Succubus Damage booster Spawns a flying familiar that bounces around the room with a black aura, dealing rapid damage to any enemies inside it. While standing in the aura, Isaac gains a 1.5× tear damage multiplier. 3
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Hushy 5.100.470 Hushy Lil hush! Spawns a Boss Hush ingame.pngHush familiar that bounces diagonally around the room and deals contact damage. While firing tears, it stops moving. (in Repentance+) When stationary, Hushy will periodically fire out rings of projectiles. 0
(except in Repentance and Repentance+) Cain's Other Eye 5.100.319 Cain's Other Eye Near-sighted friend (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that slowly floats around the room on a zig-zag pattern and shoots normal tears in the same direction as Isaac.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and fires tears in random cardinal directions that copy Isaac's tears and tear effects and scale with damage.
(in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) GB Bug 5.100.405 GB Bug Double tap glitch (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that bounces diagonally around the room, applying a random status effect to enemies it hits and has a chance to re-roll pickups it passes over.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac. Double tapping the fire button launches it forward, causing it to reroll the first monster or pickup it hits.
Name ID Icon Quote Description
???'s Soul 5.350.57 ???'s Soul Imaginary Friend Spawns a familiar that floats slowly around the room on a zig-zag pattern similar to The PeeperThe Peeper and fires spectral and homing tears.

Mimicking Familiars (except in Rebirth)

Familiars that copy Isaac's movements after a certain delay.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Multidimensional Baby 5.100.431 Multidimensional Baby ydduB Buddy Spawns a familiar that will follow Isaac's movements on a 2.5-second delay. Tears that pass through the baby will be doubled and increase in speed. 2
Obsessed Fan 5.100.426 Obsessed Fan Follows my every move... Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a delay and deals 30 contact damage per second to enemies. 0
Papa Fly 5.100.430 Papa Fly Turret follower Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 3 second delay, firing tears at nearby enemies. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Shade 5.100.468 Shade It follows Spawns a shadow familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 1 second delay and deals contact damage to enemies. After dealing enough damage, it is absorbed by Isaac and spawns friendly My Shadow.pngChargers. 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) My Shadow 5.100.433 My Shadow Me! And my shaaaadow! (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Inflicts fear on all enemies in the room upon taking damage and spawns black friendly Charger.pngChargers that attack enemies.
(in Repentance and Repentance+)Spawns a shadow familiar that closely follows behind Isaac. It spawns a black friendly Charger.pngCharger whenever an enemy touches it.
(except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1

Throwable Familiars

Familiars that are thrown by Isaac by shooting and can return to him after awhile.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Abyss 5.100.706
4 rooms
Come forth from the depths Destroys all items in the room and gives Isaac a unique locust familiar for each item destroyed. Many items generate locusts with special effects. (except in Repentance+) 4
(in Repentance+) 3
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Bob's Brain 5.100.273 Bob's Brain Explosive thoughts Spawns a familiar that charges forward when shooting tears and explodes upon contact with an enemy, damaging and poisoning them. The familiar respawns after a few seconds. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
Little Chubby 5.100.88 Little Chubby Attack buddy Spawns a Charger.pngCharger familiar that charges forward and deals contact damage to any enemies in its path. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Big Chubby 5.100.473 Big Chubby Chub chub Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and charges across the room when Isaac fires, blocking shots and dealing 40.5 damage per second on contact. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Jaw Bone 5.100.548 Jaw Bone Fetch! Spawns a familiar that flies through the room while firing, dealing a flat 7 contact damage to enemies and retrieving pickups. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Knife Piece 1 5.100.626 Knife Piece 1 ??? Combined with Knife Piece 2Knife Piece 2, creates a knife familiar that damages enemies and can open the door to the CorpseCorpse. 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Knife Piece 2 5.100.627 Knife Piece 2 ??? Combined with Knife Piece 1Knife Piece 1, creates a knife familiar that damages enemies and can open the door to the CorpseCorpse. 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Lil Portal 5.100.681 Lil Portal It hungers Spawns a familiar that flies forward, consuming pickups in its path and dealing damage to enemies. Each pickup increases its size and damage and spawns a Blue Fly. (except in Repentance+) Every 4 pickups, opens a portal that leads to an unexplored room. (in Repentance+) After 1 + (stage number) pickups, opens a portal which leads to a special room with contents that persist between floors. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) GB Bug 5.100.405 GB Bug Double tap glitch (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that bounces diagonally around the room, applying a random status effect to enemies it hits and has a chance to re-roll pickups it passes over.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac. Double tapping the fire button launches it forward, causing it to reroll the first monster or pickup it hits.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Holy Water 5.100.178 Holy Water Splash! (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a bottle familiar that breaks when Isaac takes damage, leaving a puddle of blue creep.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) A bottle familiar that flies forward when Isaac shoots. It breaks upon hitting an enemy, leaving a puddle of blue creep that petrifies enemies.
Name ID Icon Quote Description
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Apollyon's Best Friend 5.350.186 Apollyon's Best Friend Attack buddy Spawns an attack locust familiar which will fly forward while Isaac shoots.

Note: (in Repentance and Repentance+) Knife Piece 1Knife Piece 1 and Knife Piece 2Knife Piece 2 are only throwable when combined.

Controlled Familiars

Familiars that move in the direction Isaac is shooting.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Stitches 5.100.635
3 seconds
Bait and switch Passively spawns a familiar that moves in the direction Isaac shoots. On use, Isaac swaps places with the familiar. 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
???'s Only Friend 5.100.320 ???'s Only Friend Controlled friend Spawns a controllable familiar that deals 37.5 damage per second on touch. It can be moved using the shooting directional keys 1
Robo-Baby 2.0 5.100.267 Robo-Baby 2.0 We worked out all the kinks Spawns a familiar that fires lasers at any enemy in its line of sight and moves based on the direction Isaac is firing tears. 1


Familiars that don't fit into any of the above categories or that produce multiple effects.

Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
Monster Manual 5.100.123
Monster Manual
6 rooms
Temporary buddy generator (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar from a specific selection for the current room.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a familiar from a specific selection for the current floor.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Sprinkler 5.100.516
4 rooms
Sprinkles. Creates a stationary sprinkler for the current room that rotates and fires tears in 8 directions. The tears copy Isaac's stats and most tear effects. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
Name ID Icon Quote Description (in Repentance and Repentance+) Quality
1up! 5.100.11 1up! Extra life Gives Isaac an extra life. Upon death, he will respawn in the previous room with full health, after which 1up! will disappear. 2
Dead Cat 5.100.81 Dead Cat 9 lives Sets Isaac's Red Heart Containers to 1, but grants 9 extra lives. After dying, Isaac respawns with 1 Red Heart Container. 3
Dry Baby 5.100.265 Dry Baby Immortal friend Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and blocks enemy projectiles. Upon blocking a shot, it has a chance of triggering The NecronomiconThe Necronomicon effect. 3
Guppy's Hairball 5.100.187 Guppy's Hairball Swing it Spawns a familiar that loosely follows behind Isaac, which blocks shots and can be swung like a flail to damage enemies. Grows bigger by killing enemies. 1
Headless Baby 5.100.269 Headless Baby Bloody friend Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac, leaving blood creep on the ground. 1
Holy Water 5.100.178 Holy Water Splash! (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Spawns a bottle familiar that breaks when Isaac takes damage, leaving a puddle of blue creep.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) A bottle familiar that flies forward when Isaac shoots. It breaks upon hitting an enemy, leaving a puddle of blue creep that petrifies enemies.
Isaac's Heart 5.100.276 Isaac's Heart Protect it Isaac himself is now immune to all damage, and a heart familiar follows him. If the heart is hurt, Isaac is hurt. (in Repentance and Repentance+) The heart charges up as Isaac shoots, firing 8 blood shots, knocking back enemies, and leaving a puddle of creep when released. 0
Juicy Sack 5.100.266 Juicy Sack Sticky babies Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and drips a trail of slow creep, spawning 1-2 Blue Spiders after each room. 2
Key Piece 1 5.100.238 Key Piece 1 ??? Combined with Key Piece 2Key Piece 2, unlocks the golden gate in the starting room of ChestChest and Dark RoomDark Room to fight Mega Satan Head ingame.pngMega Satan. 0
Key Piece 2 5.100.239 Key Piece 2 ??? Combined with Key Piece 1Key Piece 1, unlocks the golden gate in the starting room of ChestChest and Dark RoomDark Room to fight Mega Satan Head ingame.pngMega Satan. 0
Samson's Chains 5.100.321 Samson's Chains The ol' ball and chain Attaches a ball and chain to Isaac that pulls behind him that damages enemies, blocks shots, and destroys most Obstacles. 1
(except in Rebirth) Cambion Conception 5.100.412 Cambion Conception Feed them hate After taking damage a certain amount of times, a permanent demonic familiar spawns. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth) Censer 5.100.387 Censer Peace be with you Spawns a familiar which creates a circular aura that slows down enemies and enemy shots inside. (except in Repentance+) 3
(in Repentance+) 2
(except in Rebirth) Farting Baby 5.100.404 Farting Baby He farts! Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and blocks enemy shots. If a shot hits Farting Baby, it has a chance to fart, which charms, poisons, or knocks back nearby enemies. 1
(except in Rebirth) Immaculate Conception 5.100.413 Immaculate Conception Feed them love Upon picking up a certain amount of health, spawn a permanent angelic familiar. 1
(except in Rebirth) Lil Gurdy 5.100.384 Lil Gurdy A gurd of your own! A Boss Gurdy Jr. ingame.pngGurdy Jr. familiar that charges up while Isaac is firing, bouncing around the room when released and dealing contact damage based on its speed. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth) Lost Fly 5.100.365 Lost Fly Lost protector Spawns a fly familiar that moves in a straight line and circles around the first wall or obstacle it hits. (except in Repentance and Repentance+) It deals 105 damage per second on contact. (in Repentance and Repentance+) It deals 56 damage per second and forces nearby enemies to attack it. 2
(except in Rebirth) Milk! 5.100.436 Milk! Don't cry over it... (except in Repentance+) Spawns a glass familiar that follows Isaac. After Isaac takes damage, the milk spills, and he gains -2 tear delay ((in Repentance and Repentance+) +1.0 fire rate) until leaving the room
(in Repentance+) Spawns a glass familiar that follows Isaac. The milk will block projectiles, and upon blocking 10, the milk spills, giving Isaac +1.0 fire rate for the rest of the floor.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Angry Fly 5.100.511 Angry Fly He's violent Spawns a fly familiar that orbits around a random enemy and deals 30 damage per second to enemies it comes in contact with. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Depression 5.100.469 Depression :( Spawns a familiar that leaves a trail of creep that damages enemies at 6 damage per second. Has a chance to spawn damaging beams of light onto enemies that touch the cloud. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Finger! 5.100.467 Finger! Watch where you point that! Spawns a finger familiar that faces in the same direction as Isaac, rapidly damaging enemies it points at for 10% of Isaac's damage. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Hallowed Ground 5.100.543 Hallowed Ground Portable sanctuary Spawns a white poop familiar, which turns into a White Poop.pngWhite Poop when Isaac is hurt. White poop has an aura that increases tear fire rate and can block enemy shots. (in Repentance and Repentance+) The aura also increases damage by 20% and gives homing. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) King Baby 5.100.472 King Baby Hail to the king baby Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and makes other familiars follow it. While firing tears, other familiars stop moving. 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Lil Delirium 5.100.519 Lil Delirium Delirious friend Grants a familiar that transforms into another random familiar every 10 seconds. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Mystery Egg 5.100.539 Mystery Egg Sacrificial insemination Spawns an egg familiar, which hatches a random friendly monster when Isaac is hurt once per room. The power of the monster improves for each consecutive room cleared without taking damage. (except in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance+) 0
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Pointy Rib 5.100.544 Pointy Rib Stabbing time Spawns a bone familiar that hovers back and forth in front of Isaac, dealing damage equal to Isaac's damage. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Blood Oath 5.100.569 Blood Oath Bleed me dry Stabs Isaac at the beginning of each floor, draining his Red Heart.pngRed Hearts. Increases damage and speed for the floor based on the amount drained. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Cube Baby 5.100.652 Cube Baby Kick it! Spawns an ice cube familiar that slides around when walked into. It slows and deals contact damage, freezing monsters it kills. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Fruity Plum 5.100.649 Fruity Plum Bouncy friend Gives Isaac a miniature Boss Baby Plum ingame.pngBaby Plum familiar that propels itself diagonally around the room, firing tears behind itself as it travels. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Giant Cell 5.100.658 Giant Cell Micro friends Causes Isaac to spawn Minisaac familiars when he takes damage, which chase and shoot at nearby enemies. 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Knife Piece 1 5.100.626 Knife Piece 1 ??? Combined with Knife Piece 2Knife Piece 2, creates a knife familiar that damages enemies and can open the door to the CorpseCorpse. 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Knife Piece 2 5.100.627 Knife Piece 2 ??? Combined with Knife Piece 1Knife Piece 1, creates a knife familiar that damages enemies and can open the door to the CorpseCorpse. 0
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Lil Dumpy 5.100.615 Lil Dumpy Puffy buddy Spawns a Dumpy familiar that pushes away nearby enemies and projectiles just before Isaac is about to be hit, then falls asleep. He can be awoken by walking to him. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Paschal Candle 5.100.567 Paschal Candle Keep the flame burning Gives Isaac a familiar that grants +0.4 Fire Rate for each consecutive room he's cleared without taking damage. The bonus stacks up to five times. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Star of Bethlehem 5.100.651 Star of Bethlehem Follow the light Spawns a star familiar that slowly travels towards the Boss RoomBoss Room, giving an aura that increases damage and tears and grants homing tears. 3
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Vanishing Twin 5.100.697 Vanishing Twin He wants revenge Spawns a familiar that becomes a weaker clone of the floor's boss when entering the Boss RoomBoss Room. Defeating it drops an extra item. (except in Repentance+) 2
(in Repentance+) 1
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Worm Friend 5.100.682 Worm Friend Clingy buddy Gives Isaac a Nerve Ending.pngNerve Ending familiar that burrows out of the ground to grab and deal damage to enemies over time. 3
Name ID Icon Quote Description
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Tonsil 5.350.97 Tonsil Sick... When hit, there is a small chance to spawn a permanent tonsil familiar that blocks enemy shots. This can happen twice, after which the trinket is destroyed.
Name ID Icon Message Description
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Soul of Lilith 5.300.92 Soul of Lilith Motherhood Grants one permanent familiar from the Baby Shop pool. Can give familiars that Isaac already has.

Unlockable Achievements