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Ehwaz is an unlockable rune.


  • Creates a trapdoor leading to the next floor. Has an estimated 1/12 (8%) chance to create a trapdoor leading to a Crawl SpaceCrawl Space instead.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Guaranteed to create a trap door to a Crawl SpaceCrawl Space if used on floor tiles containing certain patterns. Will not create trapdoors if used on the end floor of a challenge.


  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Only one trapdoor to the Crawl Space can be made per floor by using Ehwaz on a floor element, as all subsequent uses will guarantee a trapdoor to the next floor.
  • If used in WombWomb II / UteroUtero II / (except in Rebirth)Scarred WombScarred Womb II, the trapdoor will always lead to SheolSheol.
  • In hostile rooms, a trapdoor leading to the next floor will always be open, whereas a trapdoor leading to a crawl space will be closed until the room is cleared.
    • However, in rooms that become hostile (Challenge RoomChallenge Room, Boss RushBoss Rush), the trapdoor to a crawl space will remain open even when the room is hostile.
  • Using Ehwaz whilst Isaac is over a rock will destroy it.
  • This Rune's effect is identical to We Need To Go Deeper!We Need To Go Deeper!. See the item page for further effect notes.


  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Ehwaz can be used to steal the contents of a Challenge RoomChallenge Room / Boss RushBoss Rush without facing the imposed challenge: using Ehwaz on a floor element will always spawn an open crawl space and entering it will reset the previous room to a neutral state, that Isaac can leave.


In-game Footage

  • TBA