Dirt Patches

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(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)

Dirt Patch.png Dirt Patch Forgotten.png

  • Dirt Patches are small mounds of dirt found only in Grave Rooms that can be dug into with certain items.
  • Using Mom's ShovelMom's Shovel on top of a Dirt Patch will reveal a skeleton and unlock Character The Forgotten icon.pngThe Forgotten.
  • Prior to unlocking The Forgotten, the Grave Room containing the Dirt Patch only has one layout with one Dirt Patch in the middle.
  • Using Mom's Shovel (After unlocking The Forgotten), We Need To Go Deeper!We Need To Go Deeper!, or EhwazEhwaz on top of a Dirt Patch will dig up a random chest.


  • Using (in Repentance and Repentance+)XXI - The World?XXI - The World? spawns a Crawl SpaceCrawl Space over top of a dirt patch. The dirt patch is not replaced, and can still be dug up if Isaac is standing over it.

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