Devil Room

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This article is about the room. For the item pool, see Devil Room (Item Pool).

Devil Room door.png

Devil RoomDevil Rooms primarily allow Isaac to make Deals with the Devil, but they can also contain a variety of enemies, pickups, or even a boss battle against Boss Krampus ingame.pngKrampus. A Devil Room has a chance to appear in a Boss RoomBoss Room after the boss occupying it has been defeated. If certain criteria are met, a Devil Room can be replaced by an Angel RoomAngel Room.

(except in Rebirth) In Greed Mode, Devil Rooms are guaranteed to appear upon completing the optional 11th wave of a floor

Possible Contents

Additionally, 2 Red Fire Place.pngRed Fire Places may spawn, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) as well as Urns. Spikes may spawn instead of or in addition to any items/pickups. Some regular enemies can appear as well, including: (except in Rebirth) 1 Mom's Hand.pngMom's Hand, 2 Nulls.pngNulls, 1 Imp.pngImp, or (in Repentance and Repentance+) 1 Mom's Dead Hand.pngMom's Dead Hand.

If a Devil Room appears upon defeating Boss Mom's Heart ingame.pngMom's Heart (in Rebirth) or Boss It Lives! ingame.pngIt Lives!, it will only contain a trapdoor to SheolSheol.

Deals with the Devil

A Devil Room has a high chance of spawning items that will be put up for sale. Unlike ShopShops, where Isaac pays with money, to make Deals with the Devil Isaac has to trade Red Heart Containers as payment. All items normally cost either 1 or 2 Red Heart Containers, and their prices roughly correspond to their power.

When playing as(except in Rebirth) Character Keeper icon.pngKeeper, the character's coin heart containers are used to trade for Devil Deal items, with items costing the same number of coin heart containers as red heart containers with a different character.

  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Instead of coin heart containers, Devil Deal items must be bought using coins. One-heart and two-heart deals cost 15 and 30 cents, respectively. Paying cents for Devil Deals will still remove the Angel room appearance chance in the same way when other characters pay with heart containers.
    • The same cost for deals are applied with any character who collected (in Repentance and Repentance+)A Pound of FleshA Pound of Flesh.

See the following item pool for a comprehensive list of items offered and their health price: Devil Room (Item Pool)


  • If Isaac does not have Red Heart Containers upon entering a Devil Room, all items will cost 3 Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts.
    • (except in Rebirth) If Isaac is presented with 2+ items to buy, but only has enough Red Hearts to buy one, the price of the other(s) will change to 3 Soul Hearts upon spending your Red Hearts.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Additionally, if Isaac only has one Red Heart, deals that normally cost 2 Hearts will change to one Red Heart and two Soul Hearts.
      • If Isaac does not have enough Soul Hearts for this type, he will still be able to take the Deal. However, if Isaac has no health at all (e. g. he is defying death with (in Repentance and Repentance+)Berserk!Berserk!), he will not be able to take the Deals.
    • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) If Isaac has less than 3 Soul Hearts, but at least one Bone Heart.pngBone Heart, he can take a three-Soul-Heart Deal and stay alive because of the bone hearts.
  • Two-heart deals can be taken even if Isaac does not have enough Red Hearts to afford them, as long as he has one Red Heart to spend.
  • Spending all of his Heart Containers will not kill Isaac as long as he has Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts, Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, or (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Bone Heart.pngBone Hearts remaining.
    • If taking a Deal leaves Isaac with no health remaining, he can still survive if he picks up a Soul Heart, Black Heart, or Bone Heart while holding the item in the air. Also, if he has an active item that grants Soul/Black Hearts, he can take a Deal and then use the active item, leaving him alive with whatever the item gave him.[1] The same is true for consumables that give hearts (e. g. DagazDagaz).
      • (except in Rebirth) If Isaac takes a Deal for an item that grants an Eternal Heart.pngEternal Heart through the use of ChaosChaos, it will not keep him alive.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) The temporary heart container granted by XI - StrengthXI - Strength cannot be used to purchase a devil deal. However, if Isaac has no other heart containers to spend, then it can be used this way. This also works if the devil deal costs 2 hearts, but Isaac only has 1 before activating the Strength card.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Some items may cost Soul Hearts even if Isaac still has Red Hearts.
    • An item's price may change from Red Hearts to Soul Hearts if Isaac visits the Devil Room before obtaining enough Soul Hearts and returning to the Devil Room.

Angel Rooms

  • Refusing to make Deals with the Devil will give Isaac the chance of an Angel RoomAngel Room replacing the Devil RoomDevil Room on subsequent floors. If any Deal with the Devil is taken, Angel Rooms will not spawn for the remainder of the run.
    • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Trading Heart Containers for items in a Black MarketBlack Market counts as taking a Deal with the Devil for Angel RoomAngel Room generation purposes.
  • Only the act of paying health (Red Hearts or Soul Hearts) for an item in a Devil Room counts as a Deal with the Devil. Taking Black Heart.pngBlack Hearts, opening Red Chest.pngRed Chests, and taking items that weren't paid for (such as those obtained from Red Chest.pngRed Chests, Boss Krampus ingame.pngKrampus, Beggar.pngBeggars, Pandora's BoxPandora's Box, or made free by using Credit CardCredit Card) do not count as Deals taken, allowing Isaac to still see Angel Rooms.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) If the first offered Devil Room is not entered at all, the next offer is guaranteed to be an Angel Room. If the player uses the JokerJoker it will take you to the Angel Room without removing the guarantee.

Conditions to Make Devil Rooms Appear

A Devil RoomDevil Room can only open on floors between the second floor of Chapter 1 and Chapter 4.

There is only a 1% base chance for the Devil Room door to open. This chance can be modified in various ways:

Condition Chance
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Having SausageSausage +6.9%
Blowing up at least one Shopkeeper.pngShopkeeper on the current floor +10%
Having PentagramPentagram (in Rebirth) +20%
(except in Rebirth) +10%
Having a second PentagramPentagram (in Rebirth) +10%
(except in Rebirth) +5%
Having Black CandleBlack Candle (in Rebirth) +30%
(except in Rebirth) +15%
Holding Book of RevelationsBook of Revelations (in Rebirth) +35%
(except in Rebirth) +17.5%
Blowing up at least one Beggar.pngBeggar, (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Beggar.pngRotten Beggar or (in Repentance and Repentance+) Battery Bum.pngBattery Bum on the current floor +35%
Taking no Red Heart damage against the boss +35%
Taking no Red Heart damage for the entire floor +99%
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Having Act of ContritionAct of Contrition and taking Red Heart damage +40%
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Having Act of ContritionAct of Contrition and taking Red Heart damage in the Boss RoomBoss Room +15%
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Having Satanic BibleSatanic Bible wisps +10%, up to +80%
Holding The Book of BelialThe Book of Belial (in Rebirth) +2500%
(except in Rebirth) +12.5%
Having Goat HeadGoat Head Guaranteed
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Having EucharistEucharist Guaranteed
(always Angel Room)
Previous Devil Room door seen two floors ago x0.5
Previous Devil Room door seen less than two floors ago x0.25

For example, if Isaac has avoided taking Red Heart damage and has blown up a Shopkeeper, he will have a (1+35+99+10)% = 145% base Deal with the Devil chance which will be displayed 100%, which will then go down to 36.25% once he sees the Devil Room.


  • If the player enters a Devil Room without the entrance door appearing (by teleporting in), the chance to receive a Devil Room will not be reduced. Because of this, if a Devil Room is seen this way and the player does not want to enter it again, intentionally taking red heart damage will reduce the chance of seeing it after the boss fight, which can prevent the penalty from seeing the Devil Room door from applying to the next floor.
  • The chance that the Devil Room or Angel Room door will remain open after re-entering the Boss Room is based on the current Deal with the Devil chance, which gains the x0.25 multiplier from seeing the Devil Room door less than two floors ago. Due to its high chance of disappearing, it is recommended to go directly into the Devil Room when offered, (in Repentance and Repentance+) unless it's the first time one is seen and the player wants to get a guaranteed Angel deal.
    • Once a Devil Room door closes for the floor, it cannot be re-opened without picking up Goat HeadGoat Head or (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)EucharistEucharist.
  • On XL floors, the Devil Room door can only appear after completing the second Boss Room.
  • On XL floors, not seeing a Devil Room will count as not seeing a Devil Room for two floors, and seeing it will count as not seeing a Devil Room for one floor.
  • Taking Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart, Black Heart.pngBlack Heart, Eternal Heart.pngEternal Heart, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Bone Heart.pngBone Heart, or (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Heart.pngRotten Heart damage does not decrease the chance to open a Devil Room; only Red Heart.pngRed Hearts count.
  • Killing Devil Beggar.pngDevil Beggars, Shell Game.pngShell Game Beggars, or Key Master.pngKey Masters does not increase the chance of opening the Devil Room.
  • There are additional ways to enter a Devil Room on any floor:
    • Red Chest.pngRed Chests have a chance of teleporting Isaac into the Devil Room upon being opened.
    • Using JokerJoker will teleport Isaac into the room.
    • (except in Rebirth) Using Teleport 2.0Teleport 2.0 after all other rooms on the floor (excluding the I AM ERRORI AM ERROR room) have been visited.
  • Teleport!Teleport!, UndefinedUndefined, and Telepills cannot transport Isaac to the Devil Room.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) If a deal would deal lethal damage to Character The Soul icon.pngThe Soul, quickly switching to Character The Forgotten icon.pngThe Forgotten will keep him alive. This can even be done to take 3-heart deals for one soul heart.
    • If The Soul has no Hearts, switching to The Soul is disabled until another Soul or Black Heart is acquired.
    • The same can be done "in reverse" - take a deal as The Forgotten and quickly switch to The Soul. However, this will usually cause a softlock unless (in Repentance and Repentance+)BirthrightBirthright is obtained since switching to The Forgotten will be disabled while he has no Hearts, and The Soul is chained to The Forgotten and thus is incapable of traversing rooms.
  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost can take all Deals with the Devil for free.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Character ??? icon.png??? pays for Devil Deals with Soul Hearts for prices equal to their Red heart equivalent; ie, one or two Soul Hearts depending on the item, rather than the normal three. No other character has this effect, including Character Tainted ??? icon.pngTainted ???.
  • (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) The rock behind the Devil can rarely be a Tinted Rock.
  • (in Afterbirth †) An Angel statue can rarely substitute the Satan statue and can be awoken with an explosion as usual.
    • Angels spawned in this way do not drop Key Pieces, however.
  • The highest possible Devil Room chance without Goat Head is 204% in Afterbirth, or 326.9% in Repentance.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) It is possible to have a guaranteed Deal Chance without Goat Head or Eucharist if enough Satanic BibleSatanic Bible wisps are produced and all chance-increasing effects take place. However, this is extremely difficult to achieve since only up to 8 Satanic Bible wisps can exist simultaneously (certain items such as Jar of WispsJar of Wisps ignore this).
  • Teleporting into a deal without beating the floor boss can generate a different deal than the one you'd receive after beating it. This can be observed by having a Red Chest.pngRed Chest teleport or using a JokerJoker while holding on to a (except in Rebirth)Glowing HourglassGlowing Hourglass, using it to undo the teleport and then accessing the deal after defeating the floor boss, even if the deal door does not open by itself.
    • This can be observed even in the starting floor of the game. It however no longer happens after Womb 2.
  • Once a deal has been generated in any manner, it can not be changed or influenced.
    • For example collecting (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)EucharistEucharist after a Devil Deal door had opened, will not result into changing the current floor deal to an Angel Deal even if the Devil Deal was not visited.
  • It is possible to "undo" a deal door opening after beating the floor boss with (except in Rebirth)Glowing HourglassGlowing Hourglass (provided the natural chance for the deal was not 100%) by entering the deal door and using the hourglass inside the room. If that happens, the game considers the current deal as not having opened at all, and will not apply a deal chance penalty for the next floor. This can be useful if the deal did not offer anything the player wanted.
    • This can be repeated as many times as necessary until the door closes by itself, and as long as Isaac directly visits the deal and does not leave it himself but only by using the hourglass.


Unlockable Achievements


  • In the original The Binding of Isaac, the Devil Rooms were somewhat less forgiving; if Isaac had an Eternal Heart, taking a Devil Deal would remove it.
    • Furthermore, if Isaac has at least one Soul Heart and one Red Heart Container, and he takes a Devil Deal, Isaac would die. Isaac's last will will show a pentagram or a goat head as a result.
    • Purchasing something worth two Red Heart Containers with one Red Heart Container and at least one Soul Heart will also remove the Soul Heart. Strangely, this will not kill Isaac, but the next hit he takes will, similar to Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost.
