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(in Repentance and Repentance+)
This article is about the monster found in MinesMines. For other uses, see Danny (Disambiguation).

Dannies are an enemy added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance. They are exclusive to MinesMines and AshpitAshpit.

They walk towards Isaac, periodically spitting a burst of rocks towards him, up to two of which may be Rock Spider.pngRock Spiders. Their rock bursts cannot spawn Rock Spiders if the two it spawned are still alive. Dannies have a long cooldown between rock bursts, but are more likely to use it soon after Isaac enters the room.


Coal Boy

(in Repentance and Repentance+)

Coal Boys appear in the MinesMines and AshpitAshpit. They walk towards Isaac, periodically spitting four hot coals towards him, one of which may be a Coal Spider.pngCoal Spider. Hot coals linger and can hurt Isaac, but disappear after ~15 seconds, and disappear faster if they take damage. Coal Boys cannot summon coal spiders if the one it spawned is still alive. Coal Boys have a six second cooldown between coal spits, but are more likely to use it soon after Isaac enters the room.
