Cupid's Arrow

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Cupid's Arrow is a passive item.


  • Grants piercing tears that travel through enemies (but not obstacles) instead of breaking on impact with them.
    • (except in Repentance) Also pierces through Poop.pngPoop and Fire Place.pngFire Places.
    • (except in Repentance) Tears no longer apply knockback to enemies.


  • (in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †)Collectible 8 Inch Nails icon.png8 Inch Nails/(in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †)BlisterBlister/(except in Repentance)Collectible Pisces icon.pngPisces: Tears can now knock enemies back again, but the knockback effectiveness of these items is reduced.
  • Collectible Dr. Fetus icon.pngDr. Fetus: Bombs travel through enemies. When combined with Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac, bombs do not explode upon hitting enemies.
    • (in Repentance) Bombs also deal 2.5x Isaac's damage to enemies when passing through them.
  • Collectible Fire Mind icon.pngFire Mind: Tears will continue to pierce enemies while retaining the explosion chance.
  • (except in Repentance)Collectible Ipecac icon.pngIpecac: Pierces through Poop.pngPoop and Fire Place.pngFire Places, but not enemies.

In-game Footage


  • This item is used in Slow Roll (challenge #15) and (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Pong (challenge #35).
  • The item name is a reference to Valentine's Day and Cupid shooting an arrow into people's hearts to make them fall in love with someone.
  • Despite its name, it does not charm enemies.