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(except in Rebirth)

Closets are rare, small, dead-end rooms added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. Closets often contain a unique arrangement of objects, pickups, items, or enemies, but are otherwise identical in appearance to normal rooms. Each chapter has several closet layouts, some differing between stages themselves. Some closets are considerably more rare than others, but also often contain more powerful loot or enemies.

A normal small corridor can also generate in a dead-end location or have a secret room at its other end, appearing like a closet, but these are not covered in this article.


Rare closet layouts:

Common closet layouts:


Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Basement, except the following:

Common closet layouts:

  • 2 random pickups surrounded by rocks
  • 11 urns
  • 1 random pickup surrounded by rocks, 2 Mullibooms
  • 5 urns and 3 Walking Sacks
  • A blood donation machine, 4 Embryos and 3 red poops
  • 4 Fire Places and a golden chest
  • 5 Spiders and 4 urns
  • 3 spiders and 6 urns
  • 2 Fire Places and an Eternal Chest surrounded by rocks

Burning BasementBurning Basement

Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Basement, except the following:
    • The room with 3 Mega Troll Bombs and 5 Black flies instead contains a 3 Mega Troll Bombs and 4 Black Flies

Common closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Basement, except the following:
    • The room with 4 Gapers and 5 urns instead contains 5 Gapers and 4 urns
    • An additional layout with 3 red chests behind rocks and a key block

(in Repentance and Repentance+)DownpourDownpour

Uncommon closet layouts:

  • Two buckets, two Gapers, a Wraith, and three Deep Gapers.

Common closet layouts:

  • Two buckets, two Gapers, and a Wraith.

(in Repentance and Repentance+)DrossDross

To be determined.


Rare closet layouts:


Rare closet layouts:

  • 2 reward plates one of which is surrounded by spikes, 2 fire places
  • 8 Boils
  • 18 Black Flies, 1 shopkeeper
  • 24 mushrooms surrounding 8 tiles that may contain a poop or a sack
  • A Black Fly and a beggar surrounded by 3 troll bombs
  • A golden poop, 4 Greed Gapers and 2 shopkeepers
  • 5 poops, 4 Blue Gapers and a Blue Boil
  • 5 poops and 4 Corn Mines
  • 5 mushrooms, 3 mushroom enemies and 5 white-black pills (all same type)
  • 2 sacks, 2 mushrooms, a pile of poop, 3 Greed Gapers, 4 shopkeepers and a special shopkeeper
  • 18 fire places surrounding 5 bomb bums
  • A trapdoor to the next level blocked off with spikes and pits
  • 25 poops, 5 troll bombs
  • An eternal chest, 0 to 6 keys
  • A Shell Game, 6 random coins
  • A devil beggar, a black heart and 3 black poops

Common closet layouts:

Flooded CavesFlooded Caves

Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are identical to The Caves

Common closet layouts:

(in Repentance and Repentance+)MinesMines

To be determined.

(in Repentance and Repentance+)AshpitAshpit

To be determined.


Rare closet layouts:

  • A bed
  • 8 Golden Chests walled off by key blocks and pits
  • Polycephalus and 4 poops
  • 3 golden poops behind many spikes
  • A red poop, a rainbow poop, a corny poop, a black poop, a golden poop and a normal poop
  • 9 spiked chests, 3 skulls and some spikes
  • 9 eternal chests, 5 purple fire places
  • A gold bomb surrounded by 20 blue fire places
  • 8 stone chests and a skull
  • 5 Greed Gapers, 6 shopkeepers, a special shopkeeper and a fire place
  • 5 shopkeepers and a random item
  • 9 keys
  • 8 skulls surrounding a troll bomb, 2 fire places
  • A trapdoor to the next level, an I AM ERROR shopkeeper and 3 reward plates. Take note that this is not an actual I AM ERROR room.

Uncommon closet layouts:

  • 2 Blue Gapers, 2 black poops

Common closet layouts:

  • 3 key blocks walling off a golden key
  • 4 random pickups, a Broken Gaping Maw, some spikes and 2 skulls
  • 3 Ministros, a skull and some rocks blocking off 2 chests
  • A Mr. Maw, 4 skulls


Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Depths, except the following:
    • The room with Polycephalus instead contains Teratoma
    • The room with a trapdoor room and an I AM ERROR shopkeeper contains 2 reward plates and a sack instead of 3 reward plates
    • An additional layout with 2 Drowned Chargers, 2 Drowned Boom Flies, 3 Blue Gapers and a Blue Boil

Common closet layouts:

  • 2 Cross Stone Shooters, 3 pennies, 2 skulls and a Pressure Plate
  • 2 Cross Stone Shooters and a fire place blocking off a Pressure Plate and 2 skulls
  • 2 spiked chests, 2 Broken Gaping Maws and some spikes
  • A Mr. Red Maw

Dank DepthsDank Depths

Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Depths, but the uncommon layout with 2 Blue Gapers and 2 black poops is now rare

Uncommon closet layouts:

  • 3 Dank Chargers, some rocks and a skull blocking off 2 stone chests
  • Key blocks, spikes, pits and rocks blocking off a gold bomb and a golden key, 2 poops

Common closet layouts:

  • 4 random pickups, a Broken Gaping Maw, some spikes and 2 skulls
  • 3 Ministros, a skull and some rocks blocking off 2 chests
  • 2 Dank Chargers, some rocks blocking off 3 fire places and a stone chest

(in Repentance and Repentance+)MausoleumMausoleum

Uncommon closet layouts:

  • A Confessional and 2 Fire Places behind a row of pits and 4 rocks.

Common closet layouts:

  • A Bony, a large pit, a rock, and 2 Purple Fire Places.
  • A Beggar between 2 rocks, 2 spiked rocks, a metal block, and a Grudge.
  • A Bishop, a Snapper, and 2 rocks.
  • A Vis Fatty in front of a long pit.
  • A Snapper and Kineti behind a skull and 8 rocks.
  • 4 rocks and a Kineti behind 3 skulls.
  • A Lil Portal, a metal block, and 5 rocks.
  • A Kineti and 11 rocks behind a large pit. The rocks cannot be tinted or Fool's Gold rocks.
  • 4 rocks, a Kineti, and 2 Blue Fire Places behind a large pit. The rocks cannot be tinted or Fool's Gold rocks.

(in Repentance and Repentance+)GehennaGehenna

Common closet layouts:

  • Some layouts are reused from Mausoleum with minor changes:
    • The layout with the Bony and Purple Fire Places has Red Fire Places instead.
    • The layout with the Beggar and Grudge has a Devil Beggar instead of a regular beggar.
  • A Pressure Plate guarded by 6 metal blocks, a red poop, and a Ball and Chain.
  • 5 Goats and a skull.
  • A Pressure Plate with spikes on either side, behind a double Ball and Chain and 4 columns of retracting spikes.
  • A Pressure Plate guarded by 3 Ball and Chains and either 3 spikes with 2 retracting spikes (50%) or 2 spikes with 3 retracting spikes (50%).
  • 2 Pressure Plates behind pits, and a Brown Button behind a triple Ball and Chain. Pressing the Brown Button fills in the pits, allowing Isaac to press the Pressure Plates and leave the closet.
  • 4 Mockuluses and a Pressure Plate behind 2 pits and 2 poops.
  • A Morningstar, a Ball and Chain, a skull, and 8 rocks. Two of the rocks have a 50% chance to be replaced by skulls.
  • A Mockulus, a Poofer initially spawning behind a row of pits, 2 rocks, and 2 skulls.


Rare closet layouts:

  • 14 guaranteed Embryos, 11 tiles that contain red hearts or additional Embryos and 4 blood donation machines
  • 4 random cards, 3 of which are blocked off by rocks
  • 2 Gurglings (boss versions), 4 red poops and a polyp
  • 8 polyps and a reward plate
  • A random item behind 28 red poops
  • 19 tiles that contain sacks (the pickup) or Boils
  • 6 tiles that contain a chest or a Boil behind key blocks, 2 fire places
  • 2 Gluttonies, a red poop
  • 3 spiked chests behind an alternating pattern of static and retracting spikes
  • An eternal chest surrounded by 8 tiles containing either a key or a troll bomb

Common closet layouts:

  • 9 double hearts behind 22 red poops
  • 9 random pills blocked off by rocks
  • 5 sacks surrounded by 26 Nerve Endings and a red poop
  • 4 blood donation machines, a red poop and 4 Flesh Death's Heads. As the room contains no normal enemies, the Death's Heads die immediately.
  • 3 devil beggars surrounded by 20 polyps
  • 2 random items and a Restock Machine surrounded by spikes and 2 red poops
  • 2 chests, 2 Slides
  • A polyp, some rocks and 3 Scarred Guts


Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Womb, except the following:

Common closet layouts:

  • A sack and a Cross Stone Shooter behind pits and a red poop

Scarred WombScarred Womb

Rare closet layouts:

  • The layouts are identical to The Womb

Uncommon closet layouts:

  • A beggar surrounded by Bomb Rocks, a Restock Machine

Common closet layouts:

  • The layouts are otherwise identical to The Womb, except the following:
    • The layout with 2 chests and 2 Slides also has 2 red poops
    • An additional layout with 3 Ministros behind some pits and 2 polyps
    • An additional layout with 3 batteries behind 2 key blocks
    • An additional layout with a Leper and 2 polyps

(in Repentance and Repentance+)CorpseCorpse

Uncommon closet layouts:

Common closet layouts:


Rare closet layouts:

  • An eternal chest surrounded by 8 keys, 5 urns
  • 7 Psychic Maws, 3 purple fire places
  • Uriel. He does not drop a key piece.
  • A line of alternating 6 urns and 5 spikes
  • 6 urns and 5 fire places that may be blue or purple
  • 5 eternal chests, 7 keys
  • A purple fire place, 3 Half Soul Hearts
  • 10 blue fire places and a purple fire place
  • 4 soul hearts, 2 urns, 2 blue fire places and an angel statue. The statue may be bombed to fight an Angel but he will not drop a key piece.
  • A beggar, a devil beggar, a bomb bum and a Key Master
  • 9 blue fire places
  • Gabriel, 4 blue fire places. He does not drop a key piece.
  • 3 rainbow poops and 2 urns
  • 5 reward plates

Common closet layouts:

  • 2 Mr. Red Maws


Rare closet layouts:

  • 3 black hearts, 3 Imps
  • 3 mega troll bombs, 3 black hearts and a troll bomb
  • 5 reward plates behind many spikes
  • 18 Spiders
  • 4 reward plates behind 3 suction pitfalls
  • Teratoma, 5 red fire places
  • 8 devil beggars around a troll bomb, 5 half red hearts
  • 9 red chests, 3 white-black pills (all the same type)
  • 3 Nulls, a skull
  • 4 black hearts, 2 skulls, 7 red fire places and a Satan statue
  • 8 skulls, 13 red fire places and a Wizoob
  • 2 devil beggars and a bomb bum
  • A trapdoor to the next level, 4 red fire places
  • 24 skulls around a TNT barrel
  • 2 skulls, 5 spiked chests, one of which is blocked off by rocks
  • Little Horn

Common closet layouts:

  • A beggar, a devil beggar, a Restock Machine and 2 skulls
  • 3 Pressure Plates completely surrounded by both static and retracting spikes
  • A Cross Stone Shooter, an Imp, 2 golden chests and 3 skulls


Rare closet layouts:

  • 2 Greeds
  • 2 Lusts
  • 36 random coins
  • 9 gold bombs
  • 6 random pickups
  • 8 random pills
  • A spiked chest and 2 other chests that may be spiked or golden

Common closet layouts:

Dark RoomDark Room

Rare closet layouts:

  • 3 sacks, 3 urns
  • 31 dimes
  • 3 spiked chests
  • 4 mega troll bombs, an Imp and 2 urns
  • 4 black hearts
  • 3 devil beggars
  • 5 red chests
  • 3 random runes
  • 4 black-yellow pills (all the same type)
  • 3 eternal hearts, 5 blue fire places
  • A spiked chest and 2 other chests that may be spiked or red