Cards and Runes

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Cards and runes are single-use pickups with a wide variety of effects. They take up the same slot as pills.

Runes and special cards are unlocked by completing challenges.

In the base game, there are 32 cards and 8 runes.


Major Arcana Cards

When on the ground, these cards look like: TarotCard.png

Name ID Icon Message Description
0 - The Fool 5.300.1 0 - The Fool Where journey begins Teleports Isaac to the starting room of the current floor.
I - The Magician 5.300.2 I - The Magician May you never miss your goal (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Grants homing tears for the current room.
(in Repentance and Repentance+)Grants homing tears and +3 Range for the current room.
II - The High Priestess 5.300.3 II - The High Priestess Mother is watching you Mom's dismembered leg stomps on the enemy with the most health, dealing 300 damage and destroying obstacles in the area. If used in an empty room or during the Boss Mom ingame.pngMom fight, stomps Isaac instead. (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Isaac can move to avoid the stomp.
III - The Empress 5.300.4 III - The Empress May your rage bring power Triggers the Whore of BabylonWhore of Babylon effect (+1.5 Damage, +0.3 Speed) for the current room, regardless of Isaac's total health.
IV - The Emperor 5.300.5 IV - The Emperor Challenge me! Teleports Isaac into the Boss RoomBoss Room.
V - The Hierophant 5.300.6 V - The Hierophant Two prayers for the lost Spawns 2 Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts on the ground.
VI - The Lovers 5.300.7 VI - The Lovers May you prosper and be in good health Spawns 2 full Red Heart.pngRed Hearts on the ground.
VII - The Chariot 5.300.8 VII - The Chariot May nothing stand before you Gives invulnerability and +0.28 speed for six seconds, removing the ability to shoot tears and replacing it with the ability to deal contact damage to enemies.
VIII - Justice 5.300.9 VIII - Justice May your future become balanced Drops a random type of Heart, Key.pngKey, Bomb.pngBomb, and Coin pickup on the ground.
IX - The Hermit 5.300.10 IX - The Hermit May you see what life has to offer Teleports Isaac to the ShopShop.
X - Wheel of Fortune 5.300.11 X - Wheel of Fortune Spin the wheel of destiny Spawns a Slot Machine.pngSlot Machine or Fortune Telling Machine.pngFortune Telling Machine near Isaac.
XI - Strength 5.300.12 XI - Strength May your power bring rage Grants the effects of Magic MushroomMagic Mushroom (minus the health restoration) for one room. The added Red Heart container is not removed if doing so would kill Isaac.
XII - The Hanged Man 5.300.13 XII - The Hanged Man May you find enlightenment Grants flight for the duration of the room.
XIII - Death 5.300.14 XIII - Death Lay waste to all that oppose you Triggers The NecronomiconThe Necronomicon effect, dealing 40 damage to all enemies in the room.
XIV - Temperance 5.300.15 XIV - Temperance May you be pure in heart Creates a Blood Donation Machine.pngBlood Donation Machine near Isaac. (except in Rebirth)Spawns a Devil Beggar.pngDevil Beggar instead in Greed mode.
XV - The Devil 5.300.16 XV - The Devil Revel in the power of darkness Triggers The Book of BelialThe Book of Belial effect, granting +2 Damage for the current room.
XVI - The Tower 5.300.17 XVI - The Tower Destruction brings creation Spawns 6 Troll Bomb.pngTroll Bombs randomly around the room.
XVII - The Stars 5.300.18 XVII - The Stars May you find what you desire Teleports Isaac to the Treasure RoomTreasure Room. (in Repentance and Repentance+)If there is a PlanetariumPlanetarium, teleports Isaac there instead.
XVIII - The Moon 5.300.19 XVIII - The Moon May you find all you have lost Teleports Isaac to the Secret RoomSecret Room.
XIX - The Sun 5.300.20 XIX - The Sun May the light heal and enlighten you Restores Isaac to full health, deals 100 damage to all enemies in the room, and reveals the map for the current floor, except for the Super Secret RoomSuper Secret Room (in Repentance and Repentance+) and Ultra Secret RoomUltra Secret Room. (in Repentance and Repentance+)Removes Curse of Darkness.pngCurse of Darkness for the current floor.
XX - Judgement 5.300.21 XX - Judgement Judge lest ye be judged Spawns a Beggar.pngBeggar near Isaac. The beggar can sometimes be a Devil Beggar.pngDevil Beggar and rarely a (in Repentance and Repentance+) Battery Bum.pngBattery Bum, (in Repentance and Repentance+) Rotten Beggar.pngRotten Beggar, Key Master.pngKey Master, or (except in Rebirth) Bomb Bum.pngBomb Bum instead.
XXI - The World 5.300.22 XXI - The World Open your eyes and see Reveals the entire floor, except for the Super Secret RoomSuper Secret Room (in Repentance and Repentance+) and Ultra Secret RoomUltra Secret Room.

(in Repentance and Repentance+) Reversed Major Arcana Cards

These cards share the same names as their counterparts (barring the question marks at the end of their names), but have the sprite upside-down, a different message, the narrator sound clip reversed, and give different effects.

When on the ground, these cards look like: ReverseTarotCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
0 - The Fool? 5.300.56 0 - The Fool? The Fool Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Lost icon.pngTainted Lost Let go and move on Drops all hearts, trinkets, and pickups Isaac currently possesses on the floor, leaving Isaac at half a heart. Pickups may be dropped as items such as A QuarterA Quarter and Boom!Boom!.
I - The Magician? 5.300.57 I - The Magician? The Magician Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Judas icon.pngTainted Judas May no harm come to you Grants a repelling blue aura for one minute that strongly pushes enemies and projectiles away from Isaac.
II - The High Priestess? 5.300.58 II - The High Priestess? The High Priestess Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Lilith icon.pngTainted Lilith Run Boss Mom ingame.pngMom's leg starts stomping down repeatedly, targeting Isaac, for one minute, like holding Broken ShovelBroken Shovel.
III - The Empress? 5.300.59 III - The Empress? The Empress Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve May your love bring protection Grants 2 temporary Red Heart Containers, +1.5 Fire Rate, and -0.1 Speed for one minute, along with Character Magdalene icon.pngMagdalene's hairstyle. The effect does not stack with itself.
IV - The Emperor? 5.300.60 IV - The Emperor? The Emperor Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted ??? icon.pngTainted ??? May you find a worthy opponent Teleports Isaac into an extra Boss RoomBoss Room from the boss pool two floors deeper than the current floor (but never a final boss). The boss will drop a reward. Exiting the room returns Isaac to where he used the card.
V - The Hierophant? 5.300.61 V - The Hierophant? The Hierophant Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Bethany icon.pngTainted Bethany Two prayers for the forgotten Spawns 2 Bone Heart.pngBone Hearts on the ground.
VI - The Lovers? 5.300.62 VI - The Lovers? The Lovers Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Magdalene icon.pngTainted Magdalene May your heart shatter to pieces Creates a random item from the current room's item pool. Turns one Red Heart Container or two Soul Heart.pngSoul Hearts into a Broken Heart.
VII - The Chariot? 5.300.63 VII - The Chariot? The Chariot Complete Hot Potato (challenge #42) May nothing walk past you Isaac becomes an invincible statue with 4× fire rate for 10 seconds. The statue can be nudged slightly by moving and is affected by knockback.
VIII - Justice? 5.300.64 VIII - Justice? Justice Complete Cantripped (challenge #43) May your sins come back to torment you Creates 2 to 4 Locked Chest.pngLocked Chests near Isaac.
IX - The Hermit? 5.300.65 IX - The Hermit? The Hermit Complete Red Redemption (challenge #44) May you see the value of all things in life Turns items, trinkets, and pickups in the room into Coins, matching their normal shop price. If there is nothing to sell, drops a Penny.pngPenny.
X - Wheel of Fortune? 5.300.66 X - Wheel of Fortune? Wheel of Fortune Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Cain icon.pngTainted Cain Throw the dice of fate Invokes a random Dice RoomDice Room effect.
XI - Strength? 5.300.67 XI - Strength? Strength Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Samson icon.pngTainted Samson May you break their resolve All enemies in the room are weakened, becoming slightly slower and taking double damage from all sources. Affected enemies also have their damage reduced to half a heart. The effect lasts up to one minute, or until the room is left.
XII - The Hanged Man? 5.300.68 XII - The Hanged Man? The Hanged Man Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Keeper icon.pngTainted Keeper May your greed know no bounds Isaac turns visually into Character Keeper icon.pngKeeper for 30 seconds, with triple shot and -0.1 Speed. Killed enemies drop random Coins.
XIII - Death? 5.300.69 XIII - Death? Death Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Forgotten icon.pngTainted Forgotten May life spring forth from the fallen Creates a friendly Bony.pngBony, Black Bony.pngBlack Bony, Bone Fly.pngBone Fly, Revenant.pngRevenant, Big Bony.pngBig Bony, or an orbital bone for each enemy killed in the current room.
XIV - Temperance? 5.300.70 XIV - Temperance? Temperance Complete DELETE THIS (challenge #45) May your hunger be satiated Forces Isaac to eat 5 random Pills in quick succession. Eaten pill types become identified.
XV - The Devil? 5.300.71 XV - The Devil? The Devil Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Azazel icon.pngTainted Azazel Bask in the light of your mercy Invokes The BibleThe Bible (which can kill Boss Mom ingame.pngMom). Grants Flight and spawns a SeraphimSeraphim familiar for 30 seconds.
XVI - The Tower? 5.300.72 XVI - The Tower? The Tower Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Apollyon icon.pngTainted Apollyon Creation brings destruction Creates 7 clusters of random rocks and other obstacles. Spawned clusters will often contain tinted rocks, with the possibility of finding more than one in the same room. The pathways between exits can't be blocked.
XVII - The Stars? 5.300.73 XVII - The Stars? The Stars Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Isaac icon.pngTainted Isaac May your loss bring fortune Removes Isaac's oldest passive item (ignoring starting items) and creates 2 random item pedestals from the current room's item pool. Does nothing if Isaac has no items.
XVIII - The Moon? 5.300.74 XVIII - The Moon? The Sun and the Moon Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Jacob icon.pngTainted Jacob May you remember lost memories Teleports Isaac to the Ultra Secret RoomUltra Secret Room. The pathway back to the normal rooms will be made of Red RoomRed Rooms.
XIX - The Sun? 5.300.75 XIX - The Sun? The Sun and the Moon Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Jacob icon.pngTainted Jacob May the darkness swallow all around you Gain Spirit of the NightSpirit of the Night and +1.5 Damage for the current floor. Turns Isaac's Red Heart.pngRed Heart Containers into Bone Heart.pngBone Hearts, but they revert once the effect ends. Also causes Curse of Darkness.pngCurse of Darkness that cannot be dispelled.
XX - Judgement? 5.300.76 XX - Judgement? Judgement Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Lazarus icon.pngTainted Lazarus May you redeem those found wanting Spawns a Shop Restock Machine.pngShop Restock Machine near Isaac.
XXI - The World? 5.300.77 XXI - The World? The World Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Tainted Eden icon.pngTainted Eden Step into the abyss Creates a trap door which always leads to a Crawl SpaceCrawl Space.

Playing Cards

When on the ground, these cards look like: FaceCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
2 of Clubs 5.300.23 2 of Clubs Always available Item multiplier Doubles Isaac's Bomb.pngBombs.
If he has no bombs, gives him 2 instead.
2 of Diamonds 5.300.24 2 of Diamonds Always available Item multiplier Doubles Isaac's Penny.pngCoins.
If he has no coins, gives him 2 instead.
2 of Spades 5.300.25 2 of Spades Always available Item multiplier Doubles Isaac's Key.pngKeys.
If he has no keys, gives him 2 instead.
2 of Hearts 5.300.26 2 of Hearts Always available Item multiplier Doubles Isaac's current number of Red Heart.pngRed Hearts.
If Isaac only has empty Red Heart containers, he is healed for 1 Red Heart.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Ace of Clubs 5.300.27 Ace of Clubs Hat trick! Get a 3-win streak Convert all Turns all pickups, trinkets and chests in the room into Bomb.pngBombs.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) All non-boss enemies in the room are also transformed.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Ace of Diamonds 5.300.28 Ace of Diamonds ZIP! Defeat Boss The Lamb ingame.pngThe Lamb in under 20 minutes Convert all Turns all pickups, trinkets and chests in the room into Penny.pngcoins.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) All non-boss enemies in the room are also transformed into coins.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Ace of Spades 5.300.29 Ace of Spades It's the Key Defeat Boss The Lamb ingame.pngThe Lamb without taking Hearts, Coins, or Bombs through the entire run. Letting certain familiars (e.g. Bum FriendBum Friend, Dark BumDark Bum, BumboBumbo or (in Repentance and Repentance+)Lil PortalLil Portal) or bosses (e.g. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Boss Bumbino ingame.pngBumbino) pick up the consumables fails this condition as well. Convert all Turns all pickups, trinkets and chests in the room into Key.pngKeys.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) All non-boss enemies in the room are also transformed into keys.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Ace of Hearts 5.300.30 Ace of Hearts Living on the edge Complete a Chapter (floors I and II) after BasementBasement, start-to-finish, with only half a Heart total (can use Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost) Convert all Turns all pickups, trinkets and chests in the room into hearts.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) All non-boss enemies in the room are also transformed into hearts.
Joker 5.300.31 Joker Always available ??? Teleports Isaac to the Devil RoomDevil Room or Angel RoomAngel Room.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Queen of Hearts 5.300.79 Queen of Hearts Queen of Hearts Defeat Mega Satan Head ingame.pngMega Satan as Character Tainted Magdalene icon.pngTainted Magdalene <3 Drops 1-20 full Red Heart.pngRed Hearts on the ground.

Special Cards

Special Cards are a category of cards that have a rarer spawn chance.

Playing Cards

When on the ground, this card looks like: FaceCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Suicide King 5.300.46 Suicide King Suicide King Complete Suicide King (challenge #7) A true ending? Kills Isaac and spawns lots of Pickups, items, and/or Chests in the same room.

Magic: The Gathering Cards

When on the ground, these cards look like: (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) FaceCard.png    (in Afterbirth †) MagicCard.png (in Repentance and Repentance+) MagicCardRepentance.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Chaos Card 5.300.42 Chaos Card Chaos Card Complete Demo Man (challenge #9) ??? Throws the card in the direction Isaac is moving, which opens doors, breaks obstacles, and instantly kills any enemy in its path.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Huge Growth 5.300.52 Huge Growth Huge Growth Increase in size 5 times in a single run via Magic MushroomMagic Mushroom, "One makes you larger" pills, XI - StrengthXI - Strength, etc. Become immense! (except in Repentance and Repentance+) For the current room, makes Isaac larger, allows him to crush obstacles he walks on, and grants +7 flat Damage and +30 Range.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) For the current room, makes Isaac larger, allows him to crush obstacles he walks on, and grants +7 flat Damage and +3 Range.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Ancient Recall 5.300.53 Ancient Recall Ancient Recall Use Cards and Runes 20 times Draw 3 cards Spawns 3 random cards.
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Era Walk 5.300.54 Era Walk Era Walk Add both the Broken WatchBroken Watch and the Stop WatchStop Watch to your collection Savor the moment For the current room, enemies are slowed, Isaac's speed is increased by 0.50, and his shot speed is decreased by 1.00.

Credit Card

When on the ground, this card looks like: (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) FaceCard.png    (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) CreditCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Credit Card 5.300.43 Credit Card Credit Card Complete Cursed! (challenge #10) Charge it! Makes all pickups and items that cost money or health in the room free.

Other Playing Cards

When on the ground, these cards look like: FaceCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Rules Card 5.300.44 Rules Card Rules Card Complete Glass Cannon (challenge #11) ??? Displays a cryptic statement on the screen, similar to a Fortune Telling Machine.pngFortune Telling Machine. These messages (often) provide hints on bosses, bonus areas, etc.
(except in Rebirth) ? Card 5.300.48 ? Card Always available Double active When used, copies the effect of Isaac's currently held activated collectible.

Card Against Humanity

When on the ground, this card looks like: (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) FaceCard.png    (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) HumanityCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
A Card Against Humanity 5.300.45 A Card Against Humanity Card Against Humanity Complete When Life Gives You Lemons (challenge #12) Something stinks... Covers the entire room with Poop.pngPoop. The process is not instant, and the room will not get filled if Isaac leaves before it's done filling.

(except in Rebirth) Monopoly Card

When on the ground, this card looks like: (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) FaceCard.png    (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) ChanceCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Get out of Jail Free Card 5.300.47 Get out of Jail Free Card Get out of Jail Free Card Complete SPEED! (challenge #22) Open Sesame Upon use, opens all doors in the current room, exactly like Dad's KeyDad's Key.

(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Holy Card

When on the ground, this card looks like: HolyCard.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Holy Card 5.300.51 Holy Card Holy Card Defeat Boss Delirium ingame.pngDelirium as Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost You feel protected (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Grants a shield that blocks the next hostile damage that would be taken in the current room. Has a chance to spawn another Holy Card on use.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Grants a shield that blocks the next hostile damage that would be taken.

(in Repentance and Repentance+) Uno Card

When on the ground, this card looks like: WildCardBack.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Wild Card 5.300.80 Wild Card Wild Card Defeat Mega Satan Head ingame.pngMega Satan as Character Tainted Eden icon.pngTainted Eden Again Copies the effect of the most recently used Pill, Card, Rune, Soul Stone, or activated item.


Left Pointing Runes

When on the ground, these runes look like: Rune2.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Hagalaz 5.300.32 Hagalaz Rune of Hagalaz Complete Pitch Black (challenge #1) Destruction Destroys all breakable obstacles in the room. Does not affect Key Blocks.
Jera 5.300.33 Jera Rune of Jera Complete High Brow (challenge #2) Abundance Duplicates all pickups and chests in the room. Cannot clone other Jera runes and trinkets.
Ehwaz 5.300.34 Ehwaz Rune of Ehwaz Complete Head Trauma (challenge #3) Passage Creates a trapdoor leading to the next floor. Has an estimated 1/12 (8%) chance to create a trapdoor leading to a Crawl SpaceCrawl Space instead. (in Repentance and Repentance+) Guaranteed to create a trap door to a Crawl SpaceCrawl Space if used on floor tiles containing certain patterns. Will not create trapdoors if used on the end floor of a challenge.
Dagaz 5.300.35 Dagaz Rune of Dagaz Complete Darkness Falls (challenge #4) Purity Removes any Curses from the current floor and grants a Soul Heart.pngSoul Heart. (This will not remove Curse of the Labyrinth.pngCurse of the Labyrinth.)

Right Pointing Runes

When on the ground, these runes look like: Rune1.png

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Ansuz 5.300.36 Ansuz Rune of Ansuz Complete The Tank (challenge #5) Vision Reveals the whole map, including the Secret RoomSecret Room and the Super Secret RoomSuper Secret Room. (This will not remove Curse of the Lost.pngCurse of the Lost.) (in Repentance and Repentance+) Does not reveal the Ultra Secret RoomUltra Secret Room
Perthro 5.300.37 Perthro Rune of Perthro Complete Solar System (challenge #6) Change Rerolls all item pedestals in the room (the same effect as The D6The D6).
Berkano 5.300.38 Berkano Rune of Berkano Complete Purist (challenge #20) Companionship Spawns 3 friendly Blue Flies and 3 friendly Blue Spiders.
Algiz 5.300.39 Algiz Rune of Algiz Complete Cat Got Your Tongue (challenge #8) Resistance (except in Repentance and Repentance+) Grants a shield which lasts for 30 seconds.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Grants a shield which lasts for 20 seconds.
(except in Rebirth) Blank Rune 5.300.40 Blank Rune Blank Rune (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Complete Onan's Streak (challenge #29)
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Complete The Guardian (challenge #30)
??? Grants a random rune effect and has a 25% chance to drop another Blank Rune on the ground upon use. (in Afterbirth †) Black RuneBlack Rune is excluded.

Other Runes

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
(except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Black Rune 5.300.41 Black Rune Black Rune Defeat Boss Ultra Greedier ingame.pngUltra Greedier as Character Apollyon icon.pngApollyon Void Deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room. Consumes all pickups in the room and turns them into Blue Flies and Spiders. Consumes all pedestal items in the room and turns them into random stat upgrades.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Rune Shard 5.300.55 Rune Shard Always available It still glows faintly Activates a random rune effect that's weaker than normal. Only spawns when less than 6 different runes have been unlocked.

(in Repentance and Repentance+) Soul Stones

Soul Stones are all unlocked by beating both Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as their respective tainted character. They count as runes for the purposes of Clear RuneClear Rune and Rune BagRune Bag and can spawn anywhere a rune can.

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
Soul of Isaac 5.300.81 Soul of Isaac Soul of Isaac Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Isaac icon.pngTainted Isaac Reroll... or not Rerolls all items in the room, but they cycle back to the original item after one second, repeating. If more uses are stacked, an additional item per use will be cycled through.
Soul of Magdalene 5.300.82 Soul of Magdalene Soul of Magdalene Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Magdalene icon.pngTainted Magdalene Give me your love! Surrounds Isaac with a bubbling red aura for the current room. All enemies killed drop Half Red Heart.pngHalf Red Hearts that disappear in 2 seconds.
Soul of Cain 5.300.83 Soul of Cain Soul of Cain Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Cain icon.pngTainted Cain Opens the unopenable Opens all doors in the room and creates a Red RoomRed Room on all valid walls. This also destroys the mirror located in DownpourDownpour / DrossDross II.
Soul of Judas 5.300.84 Soul of Judas Soul of Judas Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Judas icon.pngTainted Judas Right behind you Increases Isaac's speed and makes him invulnerable for 3 seconds and allows him to pass through enemies. Damages all enemies and destroys all projectiles Isaac ran through when the effect ends, and grants a temporary Damage bonus for each enemy and projectile hit.
Soul of ??? 5.300.85 Soul of ??? Soul of ??? Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted ??? icon.pngTainted ??? Chemical warfare Causes 8 poison farts that leave lingering brown creep, then plants a trail of 7 Butt BombsButt Bombs in quick succession. Standing on the creep gives +1.5 Fire Rate and +1 Damage.
Soul of Eve 5.300.86 Soul of Eve Soul of Eve Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Eve icon.pngTainted Eve Your very own murder 14 Dead BirdDead Bird familiars fly in and attack enemies. They last 10 seconds and will begin to leave after the limit, but will stay as long as an enemy is alive. They will disappear if Isaac leaves the room.
Soul of Samson 5.300.87 Soul of Samson Soul of Samson Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Samson icon.pngTainted Samson Slay a thousand Isaac turns berserk for 10 seconds, replacing his tears with a melee jawbone club and gaining +0.4 Speed, some Tears, and +3 flat Damage.
Soul of Azazel 5.300.88 Soul of Azazel Soul of Azazel Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Azazel icon.pngTainted Azazel Demon rage! Activates Mega BlastMega Blast for 7.5 seconds.
Soul of Lazarus 5.300.89 Soul of Lazarus Soul of Lazarus Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Lazarus icon.pngTainted Lazarus Life after death Isaac dies, and is immediately revived at half a Heart in the same room, with some invincibility time. The soul stone is automatically used upon taking fatal damage.
Soul of Eden 5.300.90 Soul of Eden Soul of Eden Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Eden icon.pngTainted Eden Embrace chaos Rerolls all pickups, trinkets, and items in the room. The rerolled items use random pools, as if ChaosChaos were held.
Soul of the Lost 5.300.91 Soul of the Lost Soul of the Lost Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Lost icon.pngTainted Lost Leave your body behind Turns Isaac into a ghost for the current room as if he touched the White Fire Place.pngWhite Fire Place in DownpourDownpour II / DrossDross II, temporarily granting Character The Lost icon.pngThe Lost's properties.
Soul of Lilith 5.300.92 Soul of Lilith Soul of Lilith Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Lilith icon.pngTainted Lilith Motherhood Grants one permanent familiar from the Baby Shop pool. Can give familiars that Isaac already has.
Soul of the Keeper 5.300.93 Soul of the Keeper Soul of the Keeper Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Keeper icon.pngTainted Keeper $$$ Drops 1-25 random Coins on the ground.
Soul of Apollyon 5.300.94 Soul of Apollyon Soul of Apollyon Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Apollyon icon.pngTainted Apollyon Bringer of calamity Spawns 15 random locusts.
Soul of the Forgotten 5.300.95 Soul of the Forgotten Soul of the Forgotten Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Forgotten icon.pngTainted Forgotten Skeletal protector Spawns Character The Forgotten icon.pngThe Forgotten as a temporary secondary character, controlled at the same time as Isaac. He dies with no consequences if his health run out, and disappears when Isaac leaves the room. The bone swing deals high damage, and reflects tears.
Soul of Bethany 5.300.96 Soul of Bethany Soul of Bethany Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Bethany icon.pngTainted Bethany Friends from beyond Spawns 6 Book of VirtuesBook of Virtues wisps with random properties.
Soul of Jacob and Esau 5.300.97 Soul of Jacob and Esau Soul of Jacob and Esau Defeat Boss Hush ingame.pngHush and Boss RushBoss Rush as Character Tainted Jacob icon.pngTainted Jacob Bound by blood Spawns Character Esau icon.pngEsau as a temporary secondary character, controlled at the same time as Isaac. He dies with no consequences if his health runs out, and disappears when Isaac leaves the room. Esau has random items equal to the number of items Isaac has, each based on the pools of the items Isaac's were obtained from.


These are items other than cards and runes (and pills) that take up the consumable slot. When on the ground, each of these items are uniquely identifiable by their respective icon. (in Repentance and Repentance+) These consumables cannot be replicated by either Blank CardBlank Card or Clear RuneClear Rune, and Tarot ClothTarot Cloth has no effect on them, but the D1D1 will always duplicate these into themselves.

Name ID Icon Unlock method Message Description
(except in Rebirth) Dice Shard 5.300.49 Dice Shard Always available D6 + D20 Upon use, invokes the effects of The D6The D6 and the D20D20 at the same time, re-rolling all item pedestals and pickups in the room.
(except in Rebirth) Emergency Contact 5.300.50 Emergency Contact Always available Help from above When used, will cause two Mom's Hand.pngMom's Hands to come down and grab two random enemies, dealing damage and, if they have 40 or more HP, pinning them to the ground temporarily.
(in Repentance and Repentance+) Cracked Key 5.300.78 Cracked Key Red Key Open Mom's Chest in HomeHome ??? Creates a room adjacent to a viable wall, like Red KeyRed Key.


Cards that spawn as random ones, i.e. with a sub-type of 0, have the following probabilities:

  • Any tarot card (1-22) - 66.66%
    • A specific tarot card - 3.03%
  • Any reverse tarot card (56-77) - 11.22%
    • A specific reverse tarot card - 0.51%
  • Any face card (23-31) - 7.74%
    • A specific face card (23-31) - 0.86%
  • Queen of Hearts (79) - 0.86% (same as a specific face card)
  • Any special card (42-54) - 3.51%
    • A specific special card - 0.27%
  • Cracked Key (78) - 0.27% (same as a specific special card)
  • Wild Card (80) - 0.27% (same as a specific special card)
  • Any rune (32-41) - 3.60%
    • A specific rune - 0.36%
  • Any soul stone (81-97) - 5.95%
    • A specific soul stone - 0.35%
  • Rune shard (55) - 0.00% (never spawns on a fully completed save file, chosen only as a replacement otherwise)


  • (except in Repentance and Repentance+) The game counts runes as cards for the purposes of Blank CardBlank Card, and (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)Tarot ClothTarot Cloth.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Even though runes no longer count as cards as of Repentance, Little BaggyLittle Baggy still prevents new runes from appearing except through forced drops (such as from (in Repentance and Repentance+)Mom's RingMom's Ring or (in Repentance and Repentance+)Clear RuneClear Rune). Runes that already existed prior to picking up Little Baggy will not be converted.
    • Starter DeckStarter Deck does not prevent runes/soul stones from generating, will sometimes turn pills into either, and allows holding two of them.
  • Runes will be replaced with cards if no runes are unlocked.
    • (in Repentance and Repentance+) However, items that normally spawn runes (e.g. Rune BagRune Bag or Clear RuneClear Rune) can spawn Rune Shards before any runes are unlocked.
  • If alternate versions of consumables have been unlocked (for example, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Charged Key.gifCharged Keys or (in Repentance and Repentance+) Mega Chest.pngMega Chests), any cards that can spawn that type of consumables (for example, Ace of Spades or (in Repentance and Repentance+) VIII - Justice?) have a chance of being replaced with those rarer consumables.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) If Tarot ClothTarot Cloth is held, and the currently held card has Tarot Cloth effects, the card will flash, indicating that it will be amplified by Tarot Cloth.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) Using any teleport cards while inside of Boss The Beast ingame.pngThe Beast fight will simply move Isaac instantly to a different spot in the same room. This also includes the Joker card.

Unlockable Achievements

In-game footage


  • The appearance of the tarot cards seems to be based on the Universal Tarot of Marseille deck produced by Lo Scarabeo, most clearly seen with the card backs as well as the splash image that appears when using The Sun.
  • The runes and their names ingame are based on the Elder Futhark alphabet system and its reconstructed Proto-Germanic names. In popular culture, runes often signify that something is in some way magical.
  • Ancient Recall, Era Walk, Huge Growth, and Chaos Card are all based on cards from Magic: The Gathering.
  • A NULL card with ID 0 exists, revealed by the "giveitem k0" Debug Console command. It can't be acquired or used in any way.
  • (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth) Many cards were given new unique back sprites in Booster Pack #5, some originating from Antibirth.
  • (in Repentance and Repentance+) The Reverse Tarot Cards refer to tarot card readings, where a reversed card has a contrary meaning to its upright variant.


Major Arcana Cards

Tarot Card Voiceover Voiceover (Reverse)
0 - The Fool
I - The Magician
II - The High Priestess
III - The Empress
IV - The Emperor
V - The Hierophant
VI - The Lovers
VII - The Chariot
VIII - Justice
IX - The Hermit
X - Wheel of Fortune
XI - Strength
XII - The Hanged Man
XIII - Death
XIV - Temperance
XV - The Devil
XVI - The Tower
XVII - The Stars
XVIII - The Moon
XIX - The Sun
XX - Judgement
XXI - The World

Playing Cards

Card Voiceover
2 of Clubs
2 of Diamonds
2 of Spades
2 of Hearts
Ace of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
Ace of Spades
Ace of Hearts
Suicide King
Queen of Hearts

Runes and Soul Stones

Rune or Soul Stone Voiceover
Black Rune
Rune Shard
Soul of Isaac
Soul of Magdalene
Soul of Cain
Soul of Judas
Soul of ???
Soul of Eve
Soul of Samson
Soul of Azazel
Soul of Lazarus
Soul of Eden
Soul of the Lost
Soul of Lilith
Soul of the Keeper
Soul of Apollyon
Soul of the Forgotten
Soul of Bethany
Soul of Jacob and Esau

Other cards and consumables

Consumable Voiceover
Chaos Card
Huge Growth
Ancient Recall
Era Walk
Credit Card
Rules Card
A Card Against Humanity
Get out of Jail Free Card
? Card
Dice Shard
Emergency Contact
Holy Card
Wild Card
Cracked Key


Bug Bug! Any blue flies, blue spiders, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)friendly enemies, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)locusts, (except in Rebirth and Afterbirth)orbital bones, and (in Repentance and Repentance+)wisps created by cards, runes, and soul stones can be multiplied when (except in Rebirth)Glowing HourglassGlowing Hourglass teleports Isaac in a way that does not move him to a different room from the one he is currently in (such as by teleporting to the previous room then using it again).