Détonateur Lacrymal

De The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki
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Détonateur Lacrymal est un objet activable ajouté dans The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth.

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  • Once activated, all tears in the air split into 6 tears, similar to the Tammy's Head effect.


  • Car Battery: Multiplies the tears, effectively creating dozens of tears.
    • Car Battery + Explosivo: Once attached, the tears multiply and attach, resulting in many explosives on all of the enemies in the room.
  • Anti-Gravity: All tears currently floating in the air will be multiplied, resulting in a massive amount of tears.
  • Sad Bombs: Bomb tears are multiplied.
  • The Battery: Similar to the Car Battery synergy, though it must be manually triggered.
  • Monstro's Lung: Multiplies all released tears in the burst.
  • Papa Fly: Papa Fly's tear will explode into six tears.
  • The Ludovico Technique: The tear explodes into six smaller tears, then reappears next to the player.


  • Mom's Knife: No effect; Tear Detonator becomes useless.
  • Technology 2: No effect; Tear Detonator becomes useless.
  • Azazel: No effect; Tear Detonator becomes useless.
  • Brimstone: No effect; Tear Detonator becomes useless.
  • Tech X: No effect; Tear Detonator becomes useless.

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